摘 要 大学生就业指导课有利于帮助大学生树立正确的职业理念,提高大学生职业能力和素养,提高自身核心力,同时有利于推动高校就业工作。根据以武汉某高校大学生就业指导课程现状调查研究发现,目前我国高校开设大学生就业指导课程中出现了指导理念与实际效果相差巨大;教学方式单一,偏重理论传授;教学内容实用性不强,针对性不高;课程考核偏重书面,缺少能力考查等问题,基于成人学习视角下大学生就业指导课程今后需要转变指导理念,优化教学方式,改变教学内容,改革考核方式。
关键词 成人学习理论 大学生就业指导课程 现状与问题 对策
中图分类号:G647 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2019.03.085
Abstract College students' employment guidance course is conducive to helping college students establish a correct career concept, improve their professional ability and accomplishment, improve their core strength, and at the same time, it is conducive to promoting employment work in Colleges and universities. According to the investigation and Research on the current situation of employment guidance course for college students in Wuhan, it is found that there are many problems in the course of employment guidance for college students in our country, such as the great difference between the guiding idea and the actual effect; the single teaching method, the emphasis on theoretical teaching; the weak practicability and pertinence of the teaching content; the emphasis on writing in the course assessment, the lack of ability examination and so on, which are based on adult learning. From the perspective of employment guidance curriculum for college students, we need to change the guiding concept, optimize the teaching methods, change the teaching content and reform the assessment methods.
Keywords adult learning theory; college students' employment guidance course; current situation and problems; countermeasures
1 诺尔斯的成人学习理论
2 以武汉某高校大学生就业指导课程现状调查研究
2.1 调查目的
2.2 调查方法
2.3 调查问题
2.4 研究结果与分析
由表1可知,大学生对目前就业形势持“很严峻”、“较严峻”、“一般”、“较好”、“很好”的分别占37.7%、44.7%、15.4%、2.3%,整体对就业形势持不乐观态度的占到了82.1%。由表2可知,86.9%的大学生对于开设大学生就业指导的意见是持肯定的。而由表3可知,大学生对大学生就业指导课的整体满意情况持“非常满意”、“ 比较满意”、“ 不太满意”、“ 很不满意”的分别占5.8%、41.9%、50.0%、2.3%,仅5.8%的大学生对目前大学生就业指导课持非常满意的态度,近50%的大学生对大学生就业指导课的整体是不满意的。从13名访谈者的访谈结果显示,有6名访谈者认为目前的大学生就业指导课程是学校对于大学生开设的一门必修课,是对大学生的一种硬性规定,学习这门课主要是为了完成必修学分,尽管如此对于就业方面的知识和学习还是很有必要的,所有的这些都没有考虑到大学生们的想法和意见。