
2019-04-08 07:18雍志梅
校园英语·下旬 2019年2期

当今世界,社会生活的信息化和经济活动的全球化使外语,特别是英语,日益成为我国对外开放和与各国交往的重要工具。可是,现在中学英语教学仍存在这样一种现象:教师滔滔不绝地向学生讲授语法知识,然后进行大量的题型训练。结果学生考试时立即两眼发光,一旦开口,立马变成“哑巴 ”。


一、在COMIC STRIP和WELCOME TO THE UNIT 板块中创造良好氛围,使学生对口语产生兴趣

说的过程是一个主动、积极表达的过程。作为英语教师,必须深入研究如何调动学生说英语的主动性、积极性,让学生愿意开口并大胆地说英语。如八(上)第五单元,话题为WILD ANIMALS,我们可以先从WELCOME TO THE UNIT 入手,呈现一个个动物的可爱形象,Who can describe their appearances? For example ,fur, tails,body,and so on. 大概安静了十秒钟后,一双双小手举起来了,Dolphings are grey. They have small eyes and a little big head. They seem to have smoothy skin.but I am not sure. If I have a chance, I want to feel it.oh ,I am afraid. Maybe I dont dare to do it. Squirrels are a little small. They have big tails and small bodies.Their fur is a little soft. I have felt it. It makes me feel comfortable. Its true. They have two big teeth, they make them look a little ugly. I dont like that. They are so small that you cant find them easily when they are in the tree, if you are not careful enough. 下面的话题内容就更多了,What is your favourite animal? Why? 课堂上像炸开了锅,同学们立即与自己的partners用英语热烈的谈论起来。


在八上第五单元的Reading(2)中,我先通过interview的方式,分别对XiWang, XiWangs mother, hunter, farmer, the officer 进行interview, 详细而又传神地了解他们的情况。 一个神气活现的记者上场了,XIWANG is not a baby panda any more, he is a strong and handsome boy panda.

S1: Hello, Mr Xiwang , can you introduce yourself?

Xiwang : Ok. I heard that when I was born, I looked like a white mouse. When I was four months old, I weighed about eight kilograms and I started to go outside for the first time. I saw the big and green bamboo forest. It smells nice. I wanted to have a taste. But my mother said that I was not old enough to eat it. I drank my mothers milk for six months. After that.,I began to eat the bamboo roots and bamboo leaves. When I was one year old, I weighed over 35 kilograms. I am so strong. Eight months later, I have to look after myself because my mother had another baby.(动作夸张的描述)My mother did so much for me,she worked so hard that I thanked her very much. I will look after her when she was old.(思想品德教育效果达到了,同学们沉思后鼓掌)。Ts: Xiwangs mother first smiled at xiwang but then she was very sad.why ?

XiWangs mother : I bore four chilren ,but only Xiwang grow up. I was so sad.(crying). Whats more, Xiwangs father died because a hunter killed him.(小家伙们立即对猎人怒目相似)They said that his fur is very expensive.They will sell it to the businessman to make clothes.(crying louder) This morning ,I found two farmers to my home .They made my home smaller to get more space for crops. The bamboo forest is becoming smaller too. I cant find enough food to eat .(cry again)同學们纷纷谴责农民和猎人,保护野生动物的主题达到了。


在8B的第一单元中,我们学习的语法现象为 present perfect tense,学生在了解学习和巩固完这个语法现象后,开始进入造句阶段。“I have lived in Yangzhou for five years.”,“My grangfather has already died .”, “Mr L i has visited Japan.”,“Jiangshuang has cleaned the classroom.”, “He has made the same mistake for many times.”...学生对该语法的句子结构熟悉后,我要求他们一次性的说出一个小段落出来,Last week , I saw a film . It is very interesting . I like it very much. But this morning ,my cousin asked me to see the film again. So I said to him : “ sorry ,I have seen it . I dont want to see it any more. ” “Fourteen years ago, I was born.I came to this world. I lived near a small river. Now I still live near the small river. I have lived near the small river for fourteen years. ”學生在说句子的过程中,既对语法知识有了深刻的理解,又锻炼了英语表达能力,真是一举两得。

四、充分利用INTEGRATED SKILLS的听力材料,让学生对所听内容进行消化 ,并发表自己的观点

在学习8B UNIT2 的INTEGRATED SKILLS 中,第一部分是通过两段录音了解Kitty,Simon,Sandy,Daniel,Millie 最喜欢的地方和参观最佳时间。听完录音完成书上的练习,我让学生扮演一个角色 ,谈自己的最喜欢的地方,并向同学们介绍最佳时间,景点特色,以及自己的感受。I am kitty, I like theme parks best. I want to visit the Window of the World in Shenzhen and Hongkong Disneyland. After I learnt the reading, I want to visit it very much. If Ican go there,first I will have fun on Space Mountain , I want to scream and laugh through the ride. Second, I will watch the parade of the disney cartoon characters. I will take photos with Snow White. She is so beautiful. Third, I will watch a 4-D film. I want to know if it was like the magic. And I also want to know if I can smell the apple pie and feel the wind. Of course, I will watch the fireworks in front of the sleeping beauty castle.It looks so beautiful.

SPEAK UP 是一个以说为主要任务的板块,说的内容就更多了。

五、STUDY SKILLS可以要求孩子们自己编写小故事,来活学活用所学内容

在8B UNIT5 的STUDY SKILLS中,在充分的介绍并练习习语后, 我对同学们说,First please choose your favorite saying and then make a story to explain it .

S1: Our headmaster is very strict with us. We are very afraid to her. When we see her, we will run away. But one day, she went to another school to study and we were very happy. We sang a lot of songs. We even danced. As it says: When the cat is away,the mice will play.

S2: My neighbour works very hard. He decides to go to Yangzhou Middle School for further study. Every morning he gets up very early to recite chinese and English. He listens carefully to his teachers in class. He stays up late at night to do some exercises. He makes great progress and finally he achieves his dream. As it says: no pain,no gain.

六、在Task 中,可以给学生一篇符合本课内容的话题,先让学生“说”作文

以8B unit的task话题为例。


(环境方面) 过去小镇上只有肮脏而又狭窄的马路,街上到处都是垃圾。 小摊小贩占据着路的两边。现在,街道干净而又宽敞,两边绿树成荫,小鸟儿在树上开心的唱歌。政府在开阔的空地建了许多大的购物中心,如大润发。

(生活方面) 很多年以前,人们住在低矮的小房子里,现在大部分人都搬进了新的公寓。他们过去在他们的闲暇时间只能听收音机和看电视,现在大部分家庭有了电脑和网络。而且,手机使交流变得更简单。







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