
2019-04-02 02:00第三自然建筑师事务所
风景园林 2019年1期




1 可视化效果图 “气候地砖”解决由于气候变化带来的影响,在城市中进行全新的尝试Visualization The Climate Tile handling the effects from the climate changes while creating new adventures in the city



“我们很高兴能够在现在展示一个可扩展的气候适应系统。除了在由于气候变化而出现突发雨洪问题的那1%的时间之外,在剩余的99%的时间里,这个系统也为城市创造了价值。我们认为城市街道是社会的血脉,人们在此相会;而人行道是我们基础设施中未被充分发掘的一部分,在我们不断发展的城市中未来的社区中,它具有巨大的潜力,”“第三自然”的合伙人弗莱明 雷 托马森说道。



“‘气候地砖’代表了一种振奋人心的针对适应气候和城市发展的解决方法,并将这两者合并为一个可扩展的系统。我们很期待气候友好型人行道实施后能为城市的气候适应发挥的作用,也很期待市民的反响。”哥本哈根气候变化适应中心项目经理简 拉斯穆森说。


参与团队:该项目由第三自然设计,并与IBF和ACO 诺迪克合作开发,其他合作伙伴包括哥本哈根市、马尔默市、技术协会、欧比康咨询顾问公司、科里森设计事务所和史密斯创新公司,锐澳迪纳基金会和市场开发基金会在“气候地砖”项目的开发过程中提供了经济支持




2 雨水网络的可视化Visualization of the water network


5“ 气候地砖”可以为密集的城市街道增添流动性和宜居性The Climate Tile can add qualities of mobility and livability to streets in dense cities

4“ 气候地砖”有助于激活建筑和城市开放空间之间的边缘区域The Climate Tile can contribute to activating the edge zones between buildings and urban spaces

3“ 气候地砖”计划在哥本哈根赫娒德斯给特的试点平面图Plan over the pilot stretch at Heimdalsgade in Copenhagen

On a 50m pavement stretch at Nørrebro in Copenhagen you can now walk on water. A pilot sidewalk for the innovative climate adaptation project. The Climate Tile is now laid out in front of Café Heimdalsgade 22, to the delight of guests and residents in the street. The project was inaugurated in September 27th by the City of Copenhagen’s Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs.

The Climate Tile pilot sidewalk not only contributes to the street’s climate adaptation, but it also adds further qualities in terms of trees and planting, spaces for stay and a more beautiful surface.The Climate Tile is designed by THIRD NATURE and developed in collaboration with IBF and ACO Nordic, as a new scalable climate adaptation solution aimed at densely populated cities. The pilot stretch is a huge milestone in The Climate Tile’s multiannual development process and it was celebrated by the project team together with the City of Copenhagen,Realdania, The Market Development Fund and other collaborators.

About The Climate Tile

6“ 气候地砖”为街道生活和城市自然提出合二为一的解决方案Street life and city nature are merged into one solution

7 美观的路面为我们的街道带来了新的触感The beautiful surface brings a new tactile feeling to our streets

8 新型人行道与原本的道路可轻易整合。在这里,哥本哈根的传统街道地砖与“气候地砖”融合碰撞Old and new paving can easily be integrated. Here the classical street tile used in Copenhagen meets the Climate Tile

9“ 气候地砖”在雨天发挥功能The Climate Tile in function on a rainy day

10 应用了“气候地砖”的人行道可以轻松地调整以应对各种情况With the Climate Tile sidewalks can easily be modified to fit every situation

11“ 气候地砖”为我们的街道带来了自然的气息The Climate Tile bringing nature to our streets

12 “气候地砖”项目建造前的赫姆德斯哥特街道Heimdalsgade before the construction

13“ 气候地砖”项目落成后的赫姆德斯哥特街道Heimdalsgade after the Climate Tile got installed

The Climate Tile is a new scalable climate adaption system for future cities. It equips the sidewalk as we know it with a set of additional capabilities - abilities that not only treat water in a purely technical manner but celebrate water as a valuable resource. The Climate Tile reintroduces the natural water circuit in the existing cities by a simple process that manages the rainwater from the roof and sidewalks and ensures that the water runs to the right place e.g. to plant holes and water banks. It can catch and redirect 30 % of the projected extra rainwater coming due to climate change, and thereby prevent overloads within the existing drainage infrastructure.

“We are happy to be able to now demonstrate a scalable climate adaptation system. Beyond working 1% of the time when we have climate accelerated rain incidents, the solution furthermore creates value for the city the remaining 99%.We believe our streets are the blood streams of society where people meet and that the sidewalk is an underappreciated part of our infrastructure that holds great potential for future communities in our ever-growing cities,” says Flemming Rafn Thomsen, partner at THIRD NATURE.

Plug & Play

The Climate Tile develops and couples traditionally separate functions. With the development of The Climate Tile, future sidewalks will collect and manage water, whilst contributing to the growth of an urban nature and improved microclimate. Thereby the tile generates added value for the citizens and raises the level of life quality and general health within the city. The project is seen largely as an inclusive solution in synergy with both roads, bike paths, signage, urban furniture, town squares, urban nature and more.

“The Climate Tile represents an exciting approach to climate adaptation and urban development, where the two things are merged into one scalable system. We look forward to following the Climate Tile, what role it can play in the City’s climate adaptation and how the citizens welcome it”, says Jan Rasmussen, project manager at the Center for Climate Change Adaptation at the City of Copenhagen.

(Editor/CHEN Wangdan)

Name: Climate Tile (Klimaflisen in Danish)

Credits: The project is designed by THIRD NATURE and developed in collaboration with IBF and ACO Nordic. Other partners are the City of Copenhagen,Malmos, Technological Institute, Orbicon, Kollision and Smith Innovation. Realdania and The Market Development Fund have supported the Climate Tile’s development process financially.

Period: 2014 —— ongoing. Pilot sidewalk constructed September 2018 at Nørrebro, Copenhagen.

Translator: LIANG Wenxin

Proofreader: SUN Yue

2016 REFORM 双年设计展于哥本哈根 KINFOLK GALLERY盛大开幕