
2019-03-31 08:02李炳
河北教育(教学版) 2019年11期



一、Look and say. 看图并快速说出单词。

二、Look and read. 正确地读出下列短语和句子。

三、Read the poem. 请正确并有感情地朗读下面的诗歌。

The little seed

Put the seed into the ground.

Watch it grow the whole year round.

First you will see the little leaves.

Then the stalk grows tall and tall.

The sun and the rain will make it strong.

And soon the roots grow deep and long.

Hear the branches and the leaves

Sway and rustle in the breeze.

Then the flowers begin to show,

And the juicy fruit will grow.

Let’s enjoy the fruit that’s grown

From the little seed you’ve sown.

四、Look and tell. 根据图片提示,试着讲一个小故事。

Listening 听力部分

一、Listen and choose. 听句子,选出你所听到的信息。

( )1.A.skate B.ski C.skin

( )2.A.park B.school C.restaurant

( )3.A.go shopping

B.go swimming

C.go fishing

( )4.A.put on B.put up C.take off

( )5.A.never B.always C.sometimes

二、Listen and circle. 听对话,圈出与句意相符的图片。

三、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择合适的答句。

( )1.A.My temperature is 37 degrees.

B.Its temperature is 41.5 degrees.

C.It’s rainy and cool.

( )2.A.Sam never walks to school.

B.Sam always rides his bike.

C.Yes,he sometimes walks to school.

( )3.A.He would like some chicken.

B.We like vegetables and fruit.

C.I’d like some bread,milk and an egg.

( )4.A.I’m going to visit my friend.

B.He’s going to visit his parents.

C.They’re going to watch a film.

( )5.A.He often plays basketball.

B.He played football with his friends.

C.I bought some books.

四、Listen and complete. 听录音,完成信息卡。

五、Listen and answer. 听录音,回答问题。

1.What day is it today?

______________________________________2.How’s the weather in New York?

3.What’s the weather like in Singapore?

4.What is the highest temperature in Sin⁃gapore?

5.Is it the best time to go out this after⁃noon in Shanghai?Why or why not?

Reading and Writing 读写部分

一、Read and choose. 读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。

( )1.A.windy B.sunny

C.rainy D.summer

( )2.A.doctor B.scientist

C.science D.pilot

( )3.A.sheep B.plane

C.subway D.ship

( )4.A.bookstore B.postcard

C.post office D.museum

( )5.A.London B.Canberra

C.Germany D.Beijing

二、Read and write. 选择合适的单词填空,注意使用单词的正确形式。

1. The cat is on the tree. Sarah is ________about it.

2.Mike often___________in his study.

3. There are some_________and _______in the kitchen.

4.Danny often _________ to the bus stop on school days.

5.Tomorrow I’m going to ________ some comic books.

6.I ________ a word book to my classmate yesterday.

三、Read and choose. 选择正确答案。

( )1. In the USA,people on bikes must wear_________.

A.a hat B.a coat

C.a helmet D.a scarf

( )2.--What did you do last weekend?--I_______a sweater for my mother.

A.buy B.buys C.by D.bought

( )3.--What are you going to do tomor⁃row?--I_____ping-pong with my friend.

A.played B.am going to play

C.am playing D.is going to play

( )4.Mum is making dinner in the_____.

A.study B.library

C.kitchen D.bathroom

( )5. Tomorrow is my mother’s birth⁃day.I will buy________some flowers.

A.him B.her C.she D.you

( )6.--What are you doing,Yifan?

--I’m_____an email to my pen pal.

A.write B.writing

C.writes D.wrote

四、Choose the answer. 根据问句选择相应的答句。

( )1.How do you come to school?

( )2.Where does your mother work?

( )3.What does your father do?

( )4.What’s wrong with you?

( )5.How can I get to the post office?

五、Complete the dialogue. 读一读,将对话补充完整,将所选句子序号写在横线上。

Linda:Do you like movies,Mike?

Mike: Yes,I do. ______________ I go to the cinema twice a month.

Linda:What kind of movies do you like?

Mike:______________.I think they’re fun.


Mike: Mr. Bean. He is famous. Do you like him?

Linda: Oh,no. Tom Cruise is my favourite actor. He is handsome. Mission Impossible-Fallout is so exciting.

Mike:I like the film,too.It’s so exciting.

Linda: There is an action movie on this af⁃ternoon. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

Mike: Yes! That’s great! What time does the movie start?



Linda:By subway.

六、Read and number. 读短文,根据短文内容给图片排序。

Christmas is coming. Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree. Today we are putting up the tree. First,we put the lights on the tree.Then we put Christmas things on the tree. Fi⁃nally,we put our gifts under the tree. It’s done!It’s beautiful!

七、Read and choose.阅读短文,选择正确答案。

In England people usually don’t talk too much. On a bus or a train,you can see every⁃one sitting and looking out of the window. And they often read books or newspapers. But they don’t talk much. When you meet English peo⁃ple,you will find they often talk about one thing each other—the weather. So when you meet someone in England,you can say,“ It’s fine today,isn’t it?”

“But it was a little cold yesterday.”he may answer.

“Oh,it will be warmer later!”you can say.Talk like this,and the English will think,“How friendly you are!”

( )1. In England people often ______ on a bus or a train.

A.read books B.read newspapers

C.talk much D.A and B

( )2. When you meet English people,you can talk about one thing with them—_____.

A.seasons B.the weather

C.books D.festivals

( )3. When you meet a young woman on a train in England,you can say,“_________”

A.How old are you?

B.You are happy.

C.It’s fine today,isn’t it?

D.Where are you going?

( )4. If you talk about the weather with English people,they may think you are_____.

A.sad B.beautiful

C.angry D.friendly

八、Composition. 小作文。

Spring Festival is coming soon. What are you and your family going to do during the Spring Festival? What are the interesting things?Write them down,please.




My Spring Festival

Funny Phonics
funny phonics
Listen and Choose
Listen and Color
Playing with / i? /