东北师范大学附属中学朝阳学校 赵 姝
①To get some information about cartoon heroes after reading and learn something from them
② To talk about the cartoon heroes
③ To write about and to draw my favourite cartoon heroes
本单元介绍了几个备受欢迎的卡通形象,包括Nemo, Shrek, the Monkey King, Tintin, Snoopy.这些卡通人物深得不同时期年轻人的喜爱,并且介绍了这些卡通人物的特点和被喜爱的原因。这些经典的卡通人物,不仅在画面上吸引人们,更在故事情节、人物性格方面让人爱不释手。因此在教授本课课文时,要注意卡通人物内在和外在两方面的集合。
对于the Simple Present Tense, the Simple Past Tense,the Present Perfect Tense的综合理解和综合运用来阅读、说出卡通英雄人物的描述和理解。帮助学生从卡通人物身上学会勇敢、正义等正能量的人物性格特征。
教学过程设计教学阶段 教师活动期望的学生活动 设计意图 时间Sept 1 Prereading 5’The teacher leads in the topic by asking the questions Q:1. What cartoons do you like?2.Who is the cartoon hero in it?3. Why do you like it?Discuss the questions with partners and answer the quesions通过问题讨论引入本课话题并激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣。通过视频对卡通英雄人物有一个大致概念并引出下文。Let the Ss to watch a video with the question “Who is the cartoon hero in the video?”W a t c h a n d s a y“Superman”Ask the Ss to read the passage as quickly as they can and circle the names of the cartoon heroes in the passage.Read and circle the names of the cartoon heroes.通过圈画,快速找出本文提到的卡通人物。阅读第一段、第二段,通过找出问题的答案来理解文段。3’Step 2 Whilereading Ask the Ss to Read Para. 1 and answer the questions.1. What do Nemo and Shrek look like?2. Are they popular? Why?Check the answers individually.Read Para. 1 and answer the questions.Check the answers.Ask the Ss to read Para. 2 and answer the questions.1. What does Monkey do in the story Havoc in Heaven?2. What is the Monkey King like?Read Para. 2 and answer the questions.Check the answers in pairs.3’Ask the Ss “Why do people laugh and expect to see more, even the Monkey King makes a terrible mess?”Answer the question by“Because he is brave,clever.” or some other possible answers.引发学生对于cartoon hero的初步深入理解,为之后的深度理解做准备。1’Ask the Ss to read Para. 3 and find out as many questions as you can about Tintin.(Group work and PK)Read and write down the possible questions阅读、提问的过程即回答问题,理解文段的过程。动带动学生学习主动性,发挥小组合作的作用。8-10’