
2019-01-17 06:14徐传芳陈希有郑祥王英李卫东
电机与控制学报 2019年12期

徐传芳 陈希有 郑祥 王英 李卫东

摘  要:针对列车运行控制中对目标速度和位移的跟踪控制问题,建立了考虑牵引与制动转矩产生动态过程的高速列车运行模型,提出了高速列车的自适应动态面控制算法,在消除"计算爆炸"问题的同时,可以实现对目标速度和位移的高精度跟踪。设计了自适应动态面控制律,将不确定的运行阻力、未知的粘滞摩擦系数以及未测量状态等构成的不确定项看作系统的“总扰动”,并引入扩张状态观测器进行在线估计,扩张状态观测器产生的估计误差由虚拟控制信号中的鲁棒项来补偿,未知参数由自适应律估计得到。基于Lyapunov方法证明了闭环系统是稳定的,稳定状态时,高速列车的位移跟踪误差可以任意小,速度跟踪误差能收敛到零。仿真结果证明了算法的有效性。



中图分类号: u260.36             文献标志码:A          文章编号:1007 -449X(2017)00-0000-00(编辑填写)

Abstract: In view of the tracking control on given target speed and position of high-speed train(HST), the operation model of HST was established considering the traction and braking torque generation dynamics. Based on the model, an adaptive dynamic surface control method was proposed to ensure the high-precision tracking on desired speed and position of HST as well as eliminate the "explosion of complexity". In the method, adaptive dynamic surface control law was designed,in which the extended state observer(ESO) was introduced to estimate the "total resistance" of the system resulted from the unavailable running resistance, the unknown viscous friction coefficients and the unmeasured states, the estimation error caused by the ESO was compensated by the robust term of the virtual control signals, and the unknown parameters were obtained online via adaptive law. A Lyapunov-based stability analysis is given, which shows the stability of the closed-loop system,with the position tracking error arbitrarily small and the speed tracking error converging to zero in steady state. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Keywords: high-speed train(HST); tracking control; adaptive dynamic surface control; extended state observer

(ESO); Lyapunov

0 引  言





仿真结果如图1~图6所示,图1显示了列车的速度与位移跟踪过程,图2为列车的速度跟踪误差和位移跟踪误差。可以看出,稳态时,跟踪误差很小;高速列车工况切换以及轨面突变时,列车的速度跟踪误差和位移跟踪误差出现了波动,但波动均很小,高速列车在整个运行过程中达到了良好的跟踪性能。图3为系统的控制输入转矩曲线。图4为单个驱动轮对所传递的牵引/制动转矩轨迹曲线。图5为未知参数 的估计值,可以看出,文中所设计的参数自适应律实现了对未知参数 的估计。图6显示了系统“总扰动”的估计情况,可以看出,文中设计的扩张状态观测器能够快速准确地估计出系统的“总扰动” ,它使得控制器可以很好的补偿系统中的“总扰动”,有效地减小了模型不确定性的影响,保证了系统的动态以及稳态跟踪性能。

4  结  论



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