具有低输出电流纹波的高功率因数Cuk PFC变换器

2019-01-17 06:14周国华田庆新冷敏瑞阎铁生曹太强
电机与控制学报 2019年12期

周国华 田庆新 冷敏瑞 阎铁生 曹太强

摘  要:工作于输入电感电流断续模式的Cuk功率因数校正(Power Factor Correction, PFC)变换器,具有开关管零电流开通、控制电路设计简单等优点;但是在半个工频周期内占空比恒定时,其输入电流存在谐波畸变,功率因数(Power Factor, PF)较低。针对此问题,研究了工作于输入电感电流断续模式、输出电感电流连续模式的Cuk PFC变换器。通过推导输入电流和PF值的表达式,设计了一种基于变占空比控制的Cuk PFC变换器,可保证在宽输入电压范围内使PF值接近于 且减小器件的电流应力。通过占空比拟合的方法简化了控制电路的设计。充分利用了Cuk变换器输出电流无脉动、纹波小的特点,实现了低纹波的恒流输出。最后,通过仿真和实验对定占空比控制的Cuk PFC变换器与提出的变占空比控制Cuk PFC变换器进行了性能对比,验证了理论分析的正确性。



中图分类号:TM46             文献标志码:A          文章编号:(编辑填写)

Abstract: Cuk power factor correction (PFC) converter in discontinuous input inductor current mode features zero-current turn-on for the switch and simple designing for control circuit. However, input current has harmonic distortion and the power factor (PF) is relatively low when the duty ratio is constant within one half of the line cycle. The expressions of the input current and PF of discontinuous input inductor current mode and continuous output inductor current mode of Cuk PFC converter was derived, and based on which a variable duty ratio control of Cuk PFC converter was designed to improve the PF nearly up to one during the whole input voltage range and reduce the current stress of the devices. The designing of control circuit is simplified by fitting the duty ratio Moreover, the low ripple and no pulsation character of output current in Cuk converter were utilized to obtain the constant current output. Finally, the performance of the constant duty cycle control Cuk PFC converter is compared with that of the proposed variable duty cycle control Cuk PFC converter through simulation and experiment, which verifies the correctness of the theoretical analysis.

Keywords: Cuk converter; power factor correction; variable duty ratio control; low output current ripple

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为了减小电力电子设备对电网的谐波污染,功率因数校正(Power Factor Correction, PFC)已经成为AC-DC开关变换器中必不可少的环节。相比于无源PFC,有源PFC以其功率因数高、体积小、成本低等优点而得到了更加广泛的应用[1-2]。在现有PFC变换器拓扑中,Boost PFC变换器具有功率因数(Power Factor, PF)高、电流总谐波失真(Total harmonic distortion, THD)小的优点[3]。但因Boost变换器的输出电压高于输入电压,难以用于需要低压的应用场合[4];且对于单级Boost PFC变换器,其输出电压或电流纹波大,需要级联两级DC-DC变换器来减小输出纹波[5]。Cuk变换器属于单级变换器,其输入回路类似于Boost变换器,用于PFC时能够得到较高的PF和较小的THD,是功率因数校正的优良拓扑。
