黄 晗,吴宝广,许述财※,邹 猛,李建桥,张金换
黄 晗1,吴宝广2,许述财1※,邹 猛2,李建桥2,张金换1
(1. 清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京 100084; 2. 吉林大学工程仿生教育部重点实验室,长春 130022)
自2004年正式开展探月工程以来,中国已先后完成了对月球的“绕”、“落”探测任务。目前正在实施的探月三期工程—无人自主采样任务包括表层和深层月壤采样[1-3]。表层采样使用挖取和铲取方式[4],而深层月壤采样将利用钻取的方式获取深度约为2 m的连续月壤样品[1]。钻取采样过程中不仅取决于采样装置设计,还与月壤力学特性紧密相关。月壤的力学特性由其物理特性决定,包括颗粒形态、粒径分布、颗粒比重、相对密度等。其中,月壤的相对密度直接影响月壤的力学特性,进而影响采样装置受力及钻取效果[5,6]。由于深层月壤性质极其复杂,为确保月球探测器在月面钻取采样的顺利进行,开展面向钻取月壤力学特性试验研究具有重要意义。
为实现高密实度模拟月壤整备,研制了振动压实装置,如图1所示,主要由电机、土样盒、凸轮组件等组成。电机额定转速为3 000 r/min, 额定功率为750 W,为保护设备避免温升过高,装置可允许连续工作的最长时间为10 h。通过步进电机带动凸轮组件的运动,进而使土样盒上下振动,实现模拟月壤的密实整备,电机振动频率为200次/min。为完成模拟月壤剪切特性测试,土样盒设计为上、下2部分,整备过程中,上、下土样盒采用螺栓固定,土样盒内部直径为110 mm,高度为140 mm。
1. 支撑底座 2. 电机 3. 上土样盒 4. 下土样盒 5. 密封盖 6. 进料桶7. 凸轮组件
针对高密实度模拟月壤,研制了剪切特性试验装置,如图2所示。其中,上、下土样盒安置于压杆正下方。采用伺服电机实现恒定法向载荷加载,水平方向上通过电机推动下土样盒,与上土样盒产生相对位移,力和位移传感器分别测量剪切力和剪切位移。标准剪切速度为2.4 mm/min,剪切力测量范围为0~2 kN,最大剪切位移为9 mm。
土壤贯入阻力(又称坚实度、挤压阻力、土壤硬度)作为土壤重要的物理特性指标之一,是指土壤对外物垂直穿透时的阻力[19]。贯入阻力与圆锥基底面积的比值,这个比值称为“圆锥指数”(cone index),是判断钻取采样任务是否能顺利完成的重要参考指标之一。由于普通手持式土壤硬度仪无法满足本研究试验需求,本文研制了一种高密实度模拟月壤贯入阻力测量装置,如图3所示,主要由贯入锥头、升降机、丝杆副和数据采集PC等组成。
1. 下土样盒 2. 位移传感器 3. 上土样盒 4. 压杆 5. 力传感器
1. 支撑底板 2. 锥头 3. 副手轮 4. 升降机 5. 主手轮 6. 位移编码器 7. 压力传感器 8. 丝杠副 9. 数据采集PC
试验中,通过转动副手轮使得锥头缓慢贯入模拟月壤中,平均贯入速度约为30 mm/min,主手轮用于快速调节升降机高度。贯入阻力和深度数据分别通过压力传感器和位移编码器进行采集,其中位移传感器的精度为 0.01 mm,力传感器精度为0.01 N,数据最终由PC记录保存。贯入锥头采用淬火工艺处理,以满足高强度的试验要求,锥头的额定载荷为2 kN,最大贯入深度为100 mm。
表1 模拟月壤体密度最大和最小值
表2 模拟月壤相对密度与体密度对应关系
在进行剪切特性试验时,首先将位移传感器和剪切电机调整到零位置点,并做清零处理;控制法向电机施加试验所需载荷,其数值由力传感器测量;启动水平方向电机开始剪切,根据土工试验方法标准,剪切速度设置为0.8 mm/min;当剪切位移达到9 mm时,停止试验并保存数据;最后,控制法向电机卸压,并让剪切电机后退至初始位置。试验中,法向载荷分为4个等级,分别为10、20、30和40 kPa,每级法向载荷条件下进行3次重复试验。
在进行贯入特性试验时,将整备后装有模拟月壤的土样盒放置于贯入锥头下方,并保证锥头对准土样盒中心位置。转动主手轮使锥头下降至恰好与模拟月壤表面接触,打开数据采集软件,转动副手轮使锥头贯入模拟月壤中,PC开始采集保存贯入阻力和位移数据。前期试验发现锥头下降速度对贯入阻力影响相对较小,因此,为保证锥头平均下降速度约为30 mm/min,对应副手轮转速为120 r/min),上述操作由固定试验人员完成。
模拟月壤剪切强度随相对密度和法向应力变化趋势如图5所示,3种模拟月壤剪切强度范围为36.6~158.4 kPa。相同试验条件下,JLU5-3的剪切强度最大,其次是JLU5-1,JLU5-2的剪切强度最小。模拟月壤剪切强度总体上随相对密度增加呈现增加趋势,平均变化率约为11.1%。结果表明,随着整备后模拟月壤密实度的不断增加,其抗剪能力也相应增强。
当D由0.90增加到0.95时,JLU5-1和JLU5-2剪切强度在= 20 kPa分别减少了13.5%和22.2%;当D由0.95增加到0.99时,JLU5-3型模拟月壤剪切强度在= 20、30和40 kPa呈现明显减小趋势,平均减少了16.4%。由此可见,高密实度会使模拟月壤剪切强度出现一定的波动,尤其对于颗粒较细的JLU5-3型模拟月壤。
模拟月壤不同相对密度条件下内聚力如图6所示,JLU5系列模拟月壤内聚力范围为14.9~68 kPa,约为TJ-1和JSC-1A型模拟月壤内聚力的3~10倍[14-16]。由图6可知,内聚力随相对密度增加呈现增加趋势,3种模拟月壤分别增加了24.7%(JLU5-1)、22.8%(JLU5-2)和37.5%(JLU5-3)。随相对密度增加,内聚力平均变化率为35.8%,高于剪切强度平均变化率(11.1%)。因此,相对密度对内聚力影响更为明显。
图6 模拟月壤不同相对密度下的内聚力
贯入特性试验中,贯入深度为40 mm。模拟月壤圆锥指数随贯入深度变化规律如图7所示,由图7可见,随着贯入深度增加,圆锥指数虽出现一定波动,但总体仍呈现增加趋势。
表3 模拟月壤不同相对密度下的内摩擦角
图7 圆锥指数随贯入深度的变化
图8给出了模拟月壤不同相对密度条件下圆锥指数变化趋势,由图8可知,圆锥指数随相对密度增加而增加。当贯入深度为40 mm、D为0.99时,模拟月壤圆锥指数分别达到129.8(JLU5-1)、142.9(JLU5-2)和175.2 MPa(JLU5-3)。相同试验条件下,由于颗粒较细导致模拟月壤圆锥指数增加,与内聚力随相对密度变化规律一致。相同试验条件下,JLU5-3圆锥指数较JLU5-2的增加了13.4%,JLU5-2圆锥指数较JLU5-1的增加了20.5%。结果表明,颗粒较细的模拟月壤经振动压实后圆锥指数偏大。
为对比不同密实度条件下圆锥指数,采用线性拟合方法表征其变化趋势,其斜率为圆锥指数梯度(cone index gradient)。
图8 模拟月壤不同相对密度下圆锥指数随贯入深度变化
表4 不同相对密度下的圆锥指数梯度
摩尔-库伦模型是岩土力学分析中应用非常广泛的塑性模型,主要适用于单调载荷下颗粒状材料[27,28]。本文采用离散元仿真软件EDEM开展贯入特性仿真分析,如图9所示。仿真建模中,模拟月壤颗粒泊松比为0.3,静摩擦系数为0.5,滚动摩擦系数为0.01[29-31],锥头下降速度为30 mm/min,如图9a所示。由图9b可知,锥头下降的过程中,模拟月壤颗粒之间相互接触并且挤压过程中,由于压力的偏心作用,使得颗粒间发生相对滑移,圆锥指数产生一定的波动,随着贯入深度增加,圆锥指数总体上仍呈现线性增加趋势。
图9 模拟月壤贯入特性仿真分析
图10 模拟月壤贯入特性仿真与试验结果对比
当贯入深度大于20 mm时,随着贯入深度进一步增加,仿真值逐渐小于试验值,分析其原因可能是粒径分布与实际情况存在差异,主要是限于仿真计算速度条件,仿真中对小粒径(<0.1 mm)颗粒设置存在限制。另外,与实际试验条件相比,仿真中条件设置较为理想,模拟月壤离散程度较小,导致圆锥指数仿真值随贯入深度变化的波动较小,且线性规律较试验值更为明显。
3)随着贯入深度增加,圆锥指数虽出现一定波动,但总体仍呈现增加趋势;JLU5-3型模拟月壤圆锥指数较JLU5-1和JLU5-2的大,与内聚力随相对密度变化规律一致;圆锥指数梯度随贯入深度增加,平均增加率为50.6%。高密实度条件下,圆锥指数梯度对相对密度增加较为 敏感。
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Test study on mechanical properties of lunar soil simulant under high compactness condition
Huang Han1, Wu Baoguang2, Xu Shucai1※, Zou Meng2, Li Jianqiao2, Zhang Jinhuan1
(1.100084,; 2.130022,)
In order to analyze the mechanical properties of lunar soil simulant at different densities,3 types of high density lunar soil simulant (JLU5-1, JLU5-2 and JLU5-3, which has been adopted in the Chinese lunar exploration program) was prepared by a self-designed vibrating device, the shearing and penetrating tests of 4 different soil relative density (0.85, 0.9, 0.95 and 0.99) were performed, the influence of relative density on shear strength, cohesion, internal friction angle, cone index and cone index gradient were analyzed. The result showed that the shear strength of 3 lunar soil simulant ranged from 36.6 to 158.4 kPa. The shear strength increased with the increase of relative density, the average change rate was 11.1%, which indicated that the shear capacity was enhanced with the increase of soil relative density. JLU5-3 had the largest shear strength, while the shear strength of JLU5-2 was smallest. The cohesion ranged from 14.9 to 68.0 kPa, which was about 3 to 10 times higher than that of lunar soil simulant JSC-1A and TJ-1. The cohesion increased by 35.8% with the increase of relative density, the average change rate for different lunar soil simulant was 24.7% (JLU5-1), 22.8% (JLU5-2) and 37.5% (JLU5-3), respectively. When the relative density reached 0.9, the cohesion of JLU5-3 was larger than that of JLU5-1 and JLU5-2, and the difference between them increased apparently, which may due to the effect of interface energy and viscidity became more obvious with the decreasing of soil grain size. The internal friction angle ranged from 53.3º to 67.7º, which had no obvious variation trend with the increase of relative density. The internal friction angle of JLU5-2 was always smaller than that of the JLU5-1 and JLU5-3 under different soil relative density conditions. The internal friction angle of JLU5 under high compactness condition was apparently larger than other series lunar soil simulant regolith under natural condition. When penetration depth reached 40 mm in the tests, the cone index of 3 types high-density simulant lunar soil were 129.8 MPa (JLU5-1), 142.9 MPa (JLU5-2) and 175.2 MPa (JLU5-3), respectively. Cone index presented the fluctuations but generally increased with the increase of penetration depth, smaller grain size lead to the increasing of cone index under same testing condition, which was similar to variation trend of cohesion. The cone index of JLU5-3 increased by 13.4% on average compared with that of JLU5-2, and the cone index of JLU5-2 increased on average by 20.5% compared with that of JLU5-1. Cone index gradient was defined as the curve gradient of the cone index versus with penetration depth. When the relative density changed from 0.85 to 0.9 and 0.95 to 0.99, the cone index gradient obviously increased, while there was no significant increase for cone index gradient when relative density changed from 0.9 to 0.95. The average increasing ratio of cone index gradient was 50.6% with the increasing of relative density, greater than that of the cohesion, which indicated that cone index gradient was more sensitive to soil relative density. For different types of lunar soil simulant, JLU5-3 had larger shear strength, cohesion and cone index and cone index gradient than that of JLU5-1 and JLU5-2 under same testing conditions, which may due to JLU5-3 had smaller particle size. Numerical model for penetration characteristic test had been conducted by using discrete element method software (EDEM), simulation results showed that, the simulative value of cone index was always smaller than that of the testing value, however, their variation trend versus with the relative density was consistent. A linear relation model between simulative and testing value was established, the determination coefficient value of the proposed model was 0.87. The simulation method could provide technique method for cone index prediction of lunar soil simulant under high compactness condition. The results of this paper were expected to provide references for drilling sampling mission of lunar soil, optimization design of drilling mechanism, and establishment of mechanical interaction model between drilling component and lunar soil.
soil mechanics; mechanical properties; shear strength; adhesion; internal friction angle; lunar soil stimulant
黄 晗,博士,主要从事地面机器系统及其仿生研究。Email:huanghan452012@163.com
TU 411
黄 晗,吴宝广,许述财,邹 猛,李建桥,张金换.高密实度模拟月壤力学特性试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(1):31-38. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.01.004 http://www.tcsae.org
Huang Han, Wu Baoguang, Xu Shucai, Zou Meng, Li Jianqiao, Zhang Jinhuan.Test study on mechanical properties of lunar soil simulant under high compactness condition[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(1): 31-38. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.01.004 http://www.tcsae.org