江苏南京市浦口区城东小学 李 玲
牛津小学英语译林版六年级下册Unit 6 An Interesting Country的单元主题是介绍国家。教材在Story time板块和Fun time板块分别对澳大利亚和英国两个国家进行了有趣的介绍,而在本单元的综合复习板块中没有安排写作训练。上课之前笔者就想,笔者何不利用教材作为范本,开展写作训练,也让学生写出中国的魅力所在。
T:Boys and girls,do you think China is an interesting country like Australia and The UK?
S1:Yes,of course.(小胡同学回答得铿锵有力、充满自豪之情)
T:So do you want to write a passage about China like the book?
S1:Yes(声音洪亮),but it is difficult for me,I don't know what to write.(面露出想写又不会写的纠结)
Ss:Me too.
T:Oh,I'm sorry to hear that.But please don't worry.Let's read the passages about Australia and The UK again,what aspects do the writers write about,can you find?
S2:The interesting animals.
S3:The interesting sports.
S4:The interesting cities or places.
T:Yes.You are a clever boy.Big hands for you!We can also write China about the animals,the sports and the cities or places.
T:If you want to write about the interesting animals,what adjectives can we use to describe them?What sentences can we use?(头脑风暴,思考运用不同的形容词、句子描述话题)
S5:We can use interesting to describe the animals.
S6:We can use nice to describe the animals.
S7:We can use funny to describe the animals.
S8:We can use cute to describe the animals.
S9:We can use the sentence like“It has....”
S10:We can also use the sentence like “It likes....”
T:Yes. We can use interesting, nice, funny,cute to describe the animals.We can use the sentences like“It has...or It likes...”What about the sports and the cities?
S1:We can use interesting,exciting,funny to describe the sports.We can use the sentences like“People will be...;...is popular in...”(小胡同学一口气说出很多关于运动话题的词汇与句子,信心十足)
T:Look,I have a passage about China here,can you complete it now?
这是一个基于Fun time板块的填空仿写写作练习。就听小胡同学又嚷道:“It is easy for me!”他一边说一边快速地完成了填写,紧跟着其他学生也都轻松地完成了仿写填空。
T:Look at the passage.There are some words in it. What are the functions of “and, but, for example and like”?Can you give me more words?
S13:Like,for example是插入语。
T:When we use them in our passage,we can make our passage clearer and more continuity.
Ss:Oh,I see.(学生们听了连连点头)
T:I have an e-friend in the UK,she wants to know more about China,can you help me? So what else can we tell her about China?
S15:The interesting food.
S16:The interesting weather.
S17:The interesting festivals.
T:I have some different pictures about China for you.Please try to say something about your pic ture to each other in your groups.
S18:There are many interesting animals in China.Pandas are black and white.They are fat and cute.Monkeys are usually brown.They have long tails.They are very funny.
S19:You can visit Beijing in China.It is a big and beautiful city.There are many interesting places,like the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace,the Great Wall and so on.
S20:Table tennis is the national sport in China.It is very popular.Students usually play table tennis at school.
S21:Chinese food is very nice.You can taste a lot of delicious food in China, such as roast duck,rice cakes,dumplings.
T:Look at the mind-map on the blackboard.We can use these sentences to write about China.We can write about the interesting animals,sport,food,cites and weather.Can you work in groups to use your own words to write the passage about China now?
学生们迫不及待地要在小组内开始写作了。一篇以Welcome to China为题的文章在各个小组中合作写起来。课后,笔者阅读到很多优秀精彩的习作,小胡同学的团队作文在同伴批改中得到5颗星,光荣地登上了班级“好作文展示”墙栏上。
Today,I'll tell you about an interesting country—China.
The weather in Hainan is hot, but at the same time it is very cold in Hei Longjiang.So the people in Hainan often eat the watermelons,but the people in Hei Longjiang often eat the hot pot.And the people here love table tennis.It is the national sport in China.It is very popular.Students usually play table tennis at school.
You can visit Beijing in China.It is a big and beautiful city.There are many interesting places,like the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace,the Great Wall and so on.There are many interesting animals in China like the pandas and the monkeys.Pandas are black and white.They are fat and cute.Monkeys are usually brown.They have long tails.They are very funny.
When you are in the street,you will find many bikes.You can ride a bike to enjoy the view.It is very fun in China.
Come and visit China today!
《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》在语言技能“写”的二级目标中明确要求:能写出简单的问候语和祝福语;能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句;能正确地使用大小写字母和常用的标点符号。在明确写作教学应关注学生的学习过程,采用小步递进的原则后,我们需要分析写作主题,并以此来确定恰当的写作任务,任务的设计应遵循“低起点,多层次”的原则,同时要考虑学生的实际水平。针对五、六年级教材的教学,教师应从学生的实际出发, 充分发掘教材中的Story time,Grammar time,Fun time,Cartoon time以及Checkout Time板块,对学生进行写作指导,引导学生开展改写、仿写、扩写、续写和创编等多方面的写作训练,从而切实提高小学高年级学生的写作能力。本节课中,笔者结合教材中Story time和Fun time板块对国家的介绍,在Checkout time板块也让学生尝试写作,不仅巩固了本单元的语言知识,也切实提高了学生的英语写作能力和综合语言运用能力。