《广东园林》2019 年第41 卷总目次

2019-01-05 22:15
广东园林 2019年6期

第1 期专题:园林植物应用 Topic: Landscape Plant Application

珠三角区域引鸟园林花卉调查与生态景观设计建议 孙延军 王一钦 林石狮*(1-04)

The Survey of Bird-attracted Flower Garden Plant and Ecological Landscape Design Suggestions in the Pearl River Delta Region SUN Yan-jun, WANG Yi-qin, LIN Shi-shi*

云南樱桃Cerasus yunnanensis优株组培无菌材料获得方法的研究 张晓明 叶小玲 胡晓敏(1-10)

Study on Methods of Sterile Material Obtaining in Superior Individual ofCerasus YunnanensisZHANG Xiao-ming, YE Xiao-ling , HU Xiao-min

遮光处理下4 种姜科Zingiberaceae 植物叶绿素荧光特性综合评价 王永淇 赵阳阳 曾凤*(1-15)

Comprehensive Evaluation on Fluorescence Characteristics in Shading Treatment of the Four Species of Zingiberaceae WANG Yong-qi, ZHAO Yang-yang, ZENG Feng*

5 种木兰科Magnoliaceae 植物的耐涝性研究 王晶 严丹峰 王亚玲*(1-19)

Studies on Waterlogging Tolerance of Five Magnoliaceae Plants WANG Jing, YAN Dan-feng, WANG Ya-ling*

第2 期专题:岭南传统技艺保护与传承 Topic: Conservation and Inheritance of Lingnan Landscape Traditional Technology

再谈岭南盆景的鉴赏 谢荣耀(2-04)

Appreciation of Lingnan Bonsai XIE Rong-yao

英石碟景创作与中学美术教学相融合模式研究与实践 谭贵飞 刘音 陈绍涛*(2-07)

Research and Practice on the Mode of Integrating Yingshi Plate Bonsai Creation and Middle School Art Teaching TAN Gui-fei, LIU Yin, CHEN Shao-tao*

中国园林传统叠山技法研究概况 邱晓齐 黄楚仪 李晓雪*(2-11)

Research Overview on Chinese Garden Traditional Rockery Technique QIU Xiao-qi, HUANG Chu-yi, LI Xiao-xue*

3 种园林仿石饰面技艺在广东园林中的应用特征对比研究 李晓雪 李晓琪 肖佩瑶(2-15)

Comparative Study on the Application Characteristics of Three Kinds of Stone-like Crafts in Guangdong Gardens LI Xiao- xue, LI Xiao-qi, XIAO Pei-yao

广东园林中水磨石技艺应用研究 温若岚 庞琇仁 苏婷(2-20)

The Application Status of Terrazzo in Guangdong Gardens WEN Ruo-lan, PANG Xiu-ren, SU Ting

第2 期专题:乡村振兴 Topic: Rural Vitalization

珠三角城郊乡村人居型文化林结构特征及森林文化初探 钱万惠 赵庆*唐洪辉(2-25)

Landscape Structure and Culture of Rural Community Forest in the Pearl River Delta QIAN Wan-hui, ZHAO Qing*, TANG Hong-hui

浅析西京古道沿线客家村落的风水林塘体系 张文祎 潘建非*(2-34)

Geomantic Forest and Pond System in Hakka Villages along Xijing Historical Trail ZHANG Wen-yi, PAN Jian-fei*

生态文明视角下广东连山广德大道绿化景观设计研究 刘旭红 李雯雯 马源(2-41)

Landscape Design of Township Road Greening from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization LIU Xu-hong, LI Wen-wen, MA Yuan

第3 期专题:风景园林教育 Topic: Landscape Architecture Education

华南农业大学《园林设计初步》课程教学改革与实践 古德泉 江帆影*(3-04)

Teaching Reform and Practice of the Course ofPreliminary Landscape Designin South China Agricultural University GU De-quan, JIANG Fan-ying*

基于环境整体性的风景园林植物应用教学改革 翁殊斐 徐彬瑜 冯志坚*(3-10)

Teaching Reform of Landscape Plants Application Based on Environmental Integrity WENG Shu-fei, XU Bin-yu, FENG Zhi-jian*

风景园林专业《营造创意实践》课程改革与创新 江帆影 陈赓宇 高伟*(3-14)

Course Reform and Innovation ofLandscape Innovative Practicein Landscape Architecture JIANG Fan-ying, CHEN Geng-yu, GAO Wei*

风景园林专业“五维一体”研究能力培养模式与实践 马源 江海燕*陆剑(3-20)

“Five Dimensional Joint” Research Ability Training Model of Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Education MA Yuan, JIANG Hai-yan*, LU Jian

惠州学院基于校企合作的园林规划设计类课程改革 王盾 王建兵 张庆新(3-24)

Reform of Courses about Landscape Planning and Design Based on School-enterprise Cooperation in Huizhou University WANG Dun, WANG Jian-bing, ZHANG Qing-xin

现代学徒制模式下风景园林人才培养的研究与实践 何司彦 孙延军 李杨红(3-29)

Research and Practice on the Cultivation of Landscape Architecture Talents under the Mode of Modern Apprenticeship HE Si-yan, SUN Yan-jun, LI Yang-hong

第3 期专题:生态环境与生态修复 Topic: Ecological Environment and Ecological Restoration

海珠湿地繁殖季节鸟类的分布及惊飞距离分析 张敏 邓云玉 邹发生(3-33)

Distributional Pattern and Flight Initiation Distance of Birds during Breeding Season in Haizhu Wetland ZHANG Min, DENG Yun-yu, ZOU Fa-sheng

肇庆七星岩景区喀斯特景观类石漠化演化及其意义 朱汐 许自力 陈泽腾*(3-40)

Similar Rocky Desertification Evolution of Karst Landscape and Its Significance in Seven Star Cave of Zhaoqing ZHU Xi, XU Zi-li, CHEN Ze-teng*

深圳市光明区公园城市规划建设研究 蒋华平 侯灵梅*刘少坤(3-46)

Park City Planning and Construction in Guangming District of Shenzhen JIANG Hua-ping, HOU Ling-mei*, LIU Shao-kun

生态园林建设导向下深圳市仙湖植物园蕨类园景观改造 张铭远 王晖 陶昕*(3-51)

Ecological Garden Construction Oriented Landscape Reconstruction of Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden Fern Specified Garden ZHANG Ming-yuan, WANG Hui, TAO Xin*

泥渣资源再生种植土及其应用前景 高育慧 周文君*王业春(3-57)

Regeneration of Mud Resource into Planting Soil and Its Application Prospect GAO Yu-hui, ZHOU Wen-jun*, WANG Ye-chun

第4 期专题:园林植物安全管理 Topic: Landscape Plants Safety Management

台风灾害下城市园林树木应急管理体系探讨 金海湘 黄颂谊*罗怡柳(4-04)

Emergency Management System of Garden Trees under Typhoon Disaster JIN Hai-xiang, HUANG Song-yi*, LUO Yi-liu

“山竹”台风后深圳前湾绿化受损情况及恢复措施 邓鹏 戴伟*谢天寿(4-09)

Damage and Recovery Measures of Greening in Shenzhen Qianwan after Typhoon Mangkhut DENG Peng, DAI Wei*, XIE Tian-shou

深圳市大鹏新区道路绿化建设经济指标探析 王威*杨涛 肖浩(4-16)

Economic Indicators of Road Greening in Dapeng New District, Shenzhen WANG Wei*, YANG Tao, XIAO Hao

城市双修背景下横琴新区道路景观品质化提升规划设计 许哲瑶(4-22)

Optimal Planning and Design of Road Landscape in Hengqin New Area under the Background of City Betterment and Ecological Restoration XU Zhe-yao

广州市屋顶栽植可食用植物的适应性评价 余文想 李自若*(4-28)

Adaptability Evaluation of Edible Plants on Roofs in Guangzhou YU Wen-xiang, LI Zi-ruo*

第4 期专题:环境教育 Topic: Environmental Education

东莞市区域环境教育基地规划编制探讨 李冬梅 陈南 常向阳(4-34)

Discussion on the Planning of Regional Environmental Education Base in Dongguan LI Dong-mei, CHEN Nan, CHANG Xiang-yang

国外动物园环境教育案例解析 潘建非 韩菡(4-38)

Case Analysis of Environmental Education in Foreign Zoos PAN Jian-fei, HAN Han

环境教育视角下的南粤古驿道保护和活化策略研究 王晓帆 翁殊斐*秦昊林(4-43)

Protection and Activation Strategy of the South China Historical Trail from the Perspective of Environmental Education WANG Xiao-fan, WENG Shu-fei*, QIN Hao-lin

广州市适应小学高年级儿童的自然植物教育研究 伍颖恩 陈红跃 冼丽铧*(4-47)

Natural Plant Education for Children in Senior Grade of Primary School in Guangzhou WU Ying-en, CHEN Hong-yue, XIAN Li-hua*

第5 期专题:自然教育 Topic: Natural Education

仓前村环境教育中景观资源的利用整合与风景园林专业的介入 李自若 郭焕宇 李晓雪*(5-04)

Utilization of the Landscape Resources and Reorganization of the Construction Resource for the Rural Environmental Education of Cangqian Village with the Intervention of Landscape Architecture LI Zi-ruo, GUO Huan-yu, LI Xiao-xue*

基于生命认知的儿童自然植物教育内容探讨 赖明丽 邵京豫 翁殊斐*(5-09)

Children’s Natural Plant Education Content Based on Life Cognition LAI Ming-li, SHAO Jing-yu, WENG Shu-fei*

英美植物园儿童环境教育体系建构案例解析 谢纬航 潘建非*(5-13)

Case Analysis Of Children’s Environmental Education System in the Anglo-American Botanical Garden XIE Wei-hang, PAN Jian-fei*

基于儿童视角的广州市南沙区东涌一小和官坦小学户外空间使用后评价 韦通洋 黄瑶涵 李自若*(5-18)

Post Occupancy Evaluation of Outdoor Space in Dongchong No.1 Primary School and Guantan Primary School in Nansha District of Guangzhou Based on the Perspective of Children WEI Tong-yang, HUANG Yao-han, LI Zi-ruo*

面向公众的园林科学普及活动策划与实践探索 吴毓仪 阮琳*冯毅敏(5-24)

Planning and Practice of the Science Popularization of Landscape to the Public WU Yu-yi, RUAN Lin*, FENG Yi-min

广州海珠湿地自然学校的建设与运营策略 范存祥 冯宝莹(5-28)

Construction and Operation Strategy of Guangzhou Haizhu Wetland Nature School FAN Cun-xiang, FENG Bao-ying

第5 期专题:森林康养 Topic: Health Rehabilitation and Recreation in Forests

石门国家森林公园蝴蝶群落多样性研究 熊咏梅 李智琦 高梓超(5-32)

Diversity of Butterflies Community in Shimen National Forest Park XIONG Yong-mei, LI Zhi-qi, GAO Zi-chao

石门国家森林公园负离子浓度动态变化及评价 高瑶瑶 熊咏梅*潘勇军(5-37)

Dynamic Change and Evaluation of Air Health Factors in Shimen National Forest Park GAO Yao-yao, XIONG Yong-mei*, PAN Yong-jun

广州城市化梯度对公园声环境的影响 龙嘉翼 李智琦*高瑶瑶(5-42)

Effect of Urbanization Gradient on the Acoustic Environments of Parks in Guangzhou LONG Jia-yi, LI Zhi-qi*, GAO Yao-yao

第6 期专题:园林山水文化 Topic: Landscape Culture

传承中国传统园林文化须重视言语作品的应用 杨学成 杨倩梨 林云(6-04)

Inheriting the Chinese Traditional Garden Culture Should Attach Importance to the Application of Speech Works YANG Xue-cheng, YANG Qian-li, LIN Yun

文化规训空间视角下的近代岭南私家园林研究 汤辉 朱凯 陈君豪(6-09)

Study on Modern Lingnan Private Gardens Based on Cultural Disciplinary Space TANG Hui, ZHU Kai, CHEN Jun-hao

明清贵阳历史名山梳理及山水观探析 董享帝 欧静*成凯(6-14)

Combing of Guiyang Famous Historic Mountains in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Analysis of Landscape Conception DONG Xiang-di, OU Jing*, CHENG Kai

中日造园艺术的沧海遗珠——琉球识名园 杨欣宇(6-19)

An Unnoticed Garden in Chinese and Japanese Gardening Art: Shikinaen, Ryukyu YANG Xin-yu

风景园林研究 Landscape Architecture Study

从药洲九曜石遗址初探唐宋时期园林石景形态 林广臻 陆琦(1-23)

The Rockscape in Tang and Song Dynasties Based on the Jiuyao Stone on the Yaozhou Ruins LIN Guang-zhen, LU Qi

《平山堂图志》中的扬州园林版刻图像研究 许浩 王安康 陈涛(1-30)

Yangzhou Garden’s Carving Images inPingshantang TuzhiXU Hao, WANG An-kang , CHEN Tao

扬州何园多层空间的句法解析 赵晨洋(1-36)

Spatial Syntax Analysis of the Multi-level Space of He Garden in Yangzhou ZHAO Chen-yang

基于空间句法的海甸溪城市河流廊道空间形态特征分析 王宁 许先升*许晓倩(1-42)

Analysis on the Space Shape Characteristic of Haidian River Urban River Corridor Based on Space Syntax WANG Ning, XU Xian-sheng*, XU Xiao-qian

广州滨江绿道使用后评价(POE)研究 李城坤 张媛媛 唐波(1-48)

Post Occupancy Evaluation(POE) of Guangzhou Binjiang Greenway LI Cheng-kun, ZHANG Yuan-yuan, TANG Bo

相思拟木蠹蛾Arbela baibarana的研究现状 孙龙华 毕可可 黄华枝*(1-54)

Research Status ofArbela baibaranaSUN Long-hua, BI Ke-ke, HUANG Hua-zhi*

休闲游憩导向下社区公共开放空间营造策略研究 金云峰 卢喆 吴钰宾*(2-59)

Construction Strategy of Community Public Open Space in China under the Guidance of Leisure and Recreation JIN Yun-feng, LU Zhe, WU Yu-bin*

翠芦莉Ruellia brittoniana对污水的净化效果研究及应用 赵强民 冯承婷 简向阳(2-64)

Study on the Purification Effect ofRuellia brittonianaon Wastewater and Its Practical Application ZHAO Qiang-min, FENG Cheng-ting, JIAN Xiang-yang

6 个北方樱花Cerasusspp.品种在华南地区嫁接引种试验初探 胡晓敏 叶小玲*苏捷(2-69)

Study on Introduction of Six NorthernCerasusspp. Varieties by Grafting in South China HU Xiao-min, YE Xiao-ling*, SU Jie

杭州郭庄春季园林小气候实测与分析 王亚男 金荷仙*吕鸣杨(2-73)

Measurement and Analysis of Microclimate in Spring in Hangzhou Guo Zhuang WANG Ya-nan, JIN He-xian*, LÜ Ming-yang

西樵山风景名胜审美文化特色研究 唐孝祥 傅俊杰(3-61)

Characteristics of Landscape Aesthetic Culture of Xiqiao Mountain TANG Xiao-xiang, FU Jun-jie

清代广州人的赏花趣味与风俗 黄健(3-66)

People’s Tastes and Custom of Appreciating Flowers in Qing Dynasty in Guangzhou HUANG Jian

中美两国城市雨水管理机制对比研究 赖寒 冯娴慧*(3-69)

A Comparative Study of Urban Rainwater Management Mechanisms between China and the United States LAI Han, FENG Xian-hui*

居民对博罗县观音阁森林小镇建设支持度研究 叶雪凌(3-74)

Residents’ Support for the Construction of Guanyingge Forest Town in Boluo YE Xue-ling

基于网络评论的广东农业公园植物景观及特色活动研究 易弦 曾静雯*(3-79)

Plant Landscape and Agricultural Activities Research of Guangdong Agricultural Parks Based on Network Comments YI Xian, ZENG Jing-wen*

基于SD 法的昆明翠湖公园冬季景观评价 林军 魏雯*(3-84)

Evaluation of the Landscape of Kunming Cuihu Park in Winter Based on Semantic Differential LIN Jun, WEI Wen*

试论行商园林海山仙馆的历史地位 杨宏烈 吴桂昌(4-52)

Historical Position of Hong Merchant’s Garden, Sea-hill Fairy House YANG Hong-lie, WU Gui-chang

民国时期陈植造园理论及实践初探 王安康 许浩*(4-56)

Exploration of Chen Zhi’s Theory and Practice of Garden Making in the Republic of China Era WANG An-kang, XU Hao*

广州市花境节约型植物应用调查与评价研究 朱桥明 沈荔荔 蒲婧婷(4-61)

Investigation and Evaluation of Flower Border of Economical Plants in Guangzhou ZHU Qiao-ming, SHEN Li-li, PU Jing-ting

广州市 3 种羊蹄甲属植物不同配置形式景观效果评价 崔杰 李焜钊 黄久香*(4-65)

Landscape Effects Evaluation of Three Species ofBauhiniain Different Collocation Forms in Guangzhou CUI-Jie, LI Kun-zhao, HUANG Jiu-xiang*

鼓浪屿古树名木景观优化研究初探 王璐瑶 张鑫乾(4-71)

Landscape Optimization of Gulangyu Ancient and Famous Trees WANG Lu-yao, ZHANG Xin-qian

社区参与国家公园特许经营的多重价值 陈涵子 吴承照*(5-48)

The Multiple Values of Community Participation in National Park Concessions CHEN Han-zi, WU Cheng-zhao*

全域旅游视角下的怀化市区域景观系统构建研究 李玉杰 付晖 许先升*(5-52)

Construction of Regional Landscape System in Huaihua from the Perspective of Global Tourism LI Yu-jie, FU Hui, XU Xian-sheng*

闽西南河坑村水系景观地域特征研究 许自力 李舒丽(5-57)

Regional Characteristics of Water System Landscape in Hekeng Village Located in Southwest Fujian XU Zi-li, LI Shu-li

广州高密度建成区商业综合体微绿地建设研究 刘维东 唐楚茵 佘美萱*(5-64)

Micro-green Space Construction of Commercial Complex in Guangzhou High-density District LIU Wei-dong, TANG Chu-yin, SHE Mei-xuan*

广东雷州西湖公园园林植物应用分析 苏凤秀(5-69)

Application of Garden Plants in West Lake of Leizhou SU Feng-xiu

岭南花卉市场鲜切叶类植物调查分析 何卓彦 罗连 林石狮(5-74)

The Investigation and Discussion on Fresh Cut Foliage in Lingnan Flower Market HE Zhuo-yan, LUO lian, LIN Shi-shi

北京与广州城市公园花境植物应用调查研究 陈思婕 翁殊斐 冼丽铧*(5-81)

Application of Flower Border Plants in City Parks in Beijing and Guangzhou CHEN Si-jie, WENG Shu-fei, XIAN Li-hua*

华南农业大学校园昼行性鸟类组成 吴灏霖 赵俊菁*(5-86)

Community Structure of Diurnal Birds on Campus of South China Agricultural University WU Hao-lin, ZHAO Jun-jing*

风景园林学循证设计的逻辑观——面向设计教育改革的思考 金云峰 卢喆*(6-25)

Logic View of Evidence-Based Design in Landscape Architecture: Reflections on the Reform of Design Education JIN Yun-feng, LU Zhe*

基于人类足迹(HF)理论的台湾日月潭风景区人类活动影响评估 高誉珈 原友蘭*翁奕城*(6-31)

Evaluation of Human Activities’ Influence in Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Based on Human Footprint (HF) Concept GAO Yu-jia, YUAN You-lan*, WENG Yi-cheng*

纪念性景观在杭州中山公园中的表达 王晴艺 金荷仙*(6-37)

The Expression of Memorial Landscape in Hangzhou Zhongshan Park WANG Qing-yi, JIN He-xian*

基于文献计量探析我国动物园设计研究进展 付蒙 余亮*(6-42)

Research Progress of Zoo Design in China Based on Bibliometrics FU Meng, YU Liang*

5 种新优园林植物在深圳引种的适应性与观赏性评价 周艳 徐菁菁 胡振华*(6-48)

Evaluation on Adaptability and Ornamental Characteristics of Five New Garden Plants Introduced in Shenzhen ZHOU Yan, XU Jing-jing, HU Zhen-hua*

含笑属Michelia新品种‘香绯’和‘香雪’的选育 王晶 赵强民*高泽正(6-53)

Breeding of Two NewMicheliaHybrid Varieties WANG Jing, ZHAO Qiang-min*, GAO Ze-zheng

13 种绿墙植物的耐荫性研究 刘悦明 孙苗苗*余铭杰(6-56)

The Research on Shade-tolerance of the Thirteen Green Wall Plants LIU Yue-ming, SUN Miao-miao*, YU Ming-jie

风景园林实践 Landscape Architecture Practice

粤东山区客家美丽乡村的地域性植物景观营造 张远环 陈湘 张瑞贵(1-59)

Regional Plant Landscape of Hakka Beautiful Countryside in Mountainous Areas of Eastern Guangdong ZHANG Yuan-huan, CHEN Xiang, ZHANG Rui-gui

广西南宁园博园岩质边坡生态修复工程应用与探讨 路秉翰 戴伟 谭广文*(1-63)

Application and Discussion of Ecological Restoration Project of Rocky Slope in Nanning Garden Expo, Guangxi LU Bing-han, DAI Wei, TAN Guang-wen*

广州市海珠区赤岗涌景观品质提升改造 严建辉(1-68)

Landscape Quality Improvement of Chigang Chung in Haizhu District, Guangzhou YAN Jian-hui

广州市新港东路中央绿化带植物景观质量评价与分析 丁释丰 冯志坚*(1-73)

Evaluation and Analysis of Plant Landscape Quality in the Central Green Belt of Xingang East Road in Guangzhou City DING Shi-Feng, FENG Zhi-Jian*

哥斯达黎加热带雨林国家公园及乡土景观植物的应用 敖惠修 黄韶玲*(1-78)

Application of Native Landscape Plants in Costa Rica Rainforest National Park AO Hui-xiu, HUANG Shao-ling*

Reusspark 长者护理中心康复景观对适老性户外环境设计的启示 萧蕾 林雅橙(2-79)

Enlightenment of Reusspark Protected Walking Garden in Switzerland to the Senior Friendly Landscape Design XIAO Lei, LIN Ya-cheng

浅析南宁园博会罗汉松园景观营造 叶劲枫 朱炫熹 谭广文*(2-84)

Landscape Construction of Podocarpus Garden in Nanning Garden Expo YE Jin-feng, ZHU Xuan-xi, TAN Guang-wen*

城市更新背景下广州泮塘五约历史文化资本的激活 梁惠兰 赵晓铭*叶昌东(2-90)

Activing Local Cultural Capital of Pun Toon Wuyue Village in Urban Renewal LIANG Hui-lan, ZHAO Xiao-ming*, YE Chang-dong

乡土草本植物在汕头星湖公园的应用及推广价值 柯文彬(3-88)

Application Practice and Popularization Value of Native Herbs in Shantou Xinghu Park KE Wen-bin

深圳香蜜公园人工溪流自然式置石营造 陈伟元 陈小敏 周序羽(4-76)

Natural Stone Layout of Artificial Streams in Shenzhen Honey Park CHEN Wei-yuan, CHEN Xiao-min, ZHOU Xu-yu

深圳市仙湖植物园湖区景观改造 张铭远 陶昕*曾畅(4-82)

Renovation of the Lake Region Landscape of Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden ZHANG Ming-yuan, TAO Xin*, ZENG Chang

广州市越秀区旧城整治中城市街道绿地入境式设计探讨 范丽琼(4-89)

Immersive Design of Street Green Space in Old City Reconstruction of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City FAN Li-qiong

南宁市朝阳广场老年人活动空间探究 曹飘洋 唐世斌*马道承(4-93)

Activity Space of the Elderly in Chaoyang Square of Nanning CAO Piao-yang, TANG Shi-bin*, MA Dao-cheng

“以动物为本”的动物园规划设计思考 夏媛 洪琳燕(5-93)

“Animal-based” Zoo Planning and Design Thinking XIA Yuan, HONG Lin-yan

乡村振兴背景下韶关梅花镇深塘村旅游景观规划设计初探 徐点点 张思琦 王彬汕(6-61)

Planning and Design Methods of Hakka Rural Landscape in North Guangdong under the Background of Rural Vitalization XU Dian-dian, ZHANG Si-qi, WANG Bin-shan

生态智慧视角下的汕头小公园历史街区保护与更新 王晓帆 翁殊斐*秦昊林(6-66)

The Protection and Renewal of Xiaogongyuan Historic District in Shantou City from the Perspective of Ecological Wisdom WANG Xiao-fan, WENG Shu-fei*, QIN Hao-lin

垂直绿化技术在LONG-PLAN 长屋项目生态建筑的应用探索 王佳 殷金岩 赵秀芳(6-70)

Application of Vertical Greening in Ecological Building of LONG-PLAN Longhouse Project WANG Jia, YIN Jin-yan, ZHAO Xiu-fang

广州城市道路中疏林草地式分车带植物造景分析 张文祎 林尚江峰 程晓山*(6-76)

Plant Landscape Design of Open Forest and Grassland in Dividing Strip of Guangzhou ZHANG Wen-yi, LIN Shang-jiang-feng, CHENG Xiao-shan*

基于老年人情感需求的江苏泗阳城区养老服务中心景观设计 周家贝 张文颖 孙新旺*(6-81)

Landscape Design of Siyang Urban District Pension Service Center in Jiangsu Based on Senior Citizens’ Emotional Needs ZHOU Jia-bei, ZHANG Wen-ying, SUN Xin-wang*

2019 北京世界园艺博览会广东展园“南粤园”设计 马越 原雅迪(6-87)

Design of Guangdong “Nanyue Garden” Exhibited in International Horticultural Exhibition 2019, Beijing, China MA Yue, YUAN Ya-di

风景园林历史 Landscape Architecture History

南京愚园考 胡运宏(2-46)

A Study on the Yu Garden in Nanjing HU Yun-hong

广州玉带濠沿岸城市历史景观演变探究 江帆影 陈杰琳 高伟*(2-52)

Evolution of Historic Urban Landscape in the Haopan Street of Guangzhou JIANG Fan-ying, CHEN Jie-lin, GAO Wei*

岭南匠人访谈 Interview of Craftsmen


Artistic Director of the Landscape Project of Nanning Garden Expo (Main Entrance and Qingquan Lake Area) : Ye Jinfeng


Craftsmen in Pruning: Yang Shaoji and Li Binghua

名家谈岭南园林 Views on Lingnan Garden

有根有源的发展与创新——浅谈岭南园林的传承与发展 郭谦教授访谈录(3-92)

Innovation and Development with Respect to History: a Brief Discussion on the Legacy and Progress of Lingnan Landscaping and Gardening Interview with Guo Qian


Practice and Innovation of Regional Landscape Based on Traditional Human Settlements of Lingnan: Interview with Lu Qi

古建园林赏析 Ancient Landscape Appreciation

德庆龙母神庙 陆琦(1-92)

Guangdong Deqing Dragon Mother Temple LU Qi

广东德庆学宫 陆琦(2-96)

Guangdong Deqing Confucius Temple LU Qi

广东罗定学宫 陆琦(3-96)

Luoding Confucian Temple, Guangdong Province LU Qi

西安楼观台 陆琦(4-97)

Xi’an Lou-kuan Tai LU Qi

昆明官渡古镇 陆琦(5-96)

Guandu Ancient Town, Kunming LU Qi

广州怀圣寺 陆琦(6-96)

Guangzhou Lighthouse Mosque LU Qi


广东园林学会园林教育信息专业委员会2019 年新春座谈会在华南理工大学召开(1-96)


“2019 年羊城百花迎春书画展”在广州文化公园成功举办(1-97)

2019 深圳兰展盛大开幕(1-97)







粤港澳大湾区·2019 深圳花展在仙湖植物园盛大举办(2-插一)

2019 广东风景园林教育大会在广东海洋大学成功举办(3-09)






《广东园林》杂志2019 年协办单位及编辑委员会全会成功召开(4-75)

2019 广东风景园林规划设计大会暨广东园林学会园林规划设计专委会换届会议在深圳召开(4-81)

中国风景园林学会2019 年会在上海成功举办(5-08)

2019 广州国际花卉艺术展暨中国插花花艺展、第26 届广州园林博览会在海心沙成功举办(5-12)


广东园林学会七届三次常务理事会暨2019 年贺中秋迎国庆敬老茶话会圆满举行(5-47)

弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识——2019 年广东园林学会“全国科普日”专题活动(5-63)

2019 年广东园林学会园林植物与花境专业委员会年会暨第二届花境营造师研修班开班仪式活动顺利举行(5-80)



2019 年第五届黄花文化节盛大举办(6-55)


2019 中国风景园林教育大会在华南理工大学成功召开(6-86)

广东园林学会七届三次理事会及2019 年年会暨岭南园林论坛在湛江圆满举行(6-插一)

“菊赞新时代”——第60 届羊城菊会隆重开幕(6-插八)

Gardening is popular in schools