“He combines a lot of qualities in somebody you'd like to see in public service. He is, in the most positive way, a nerdy meteorologist who loved working on weather technology. And he also has a knack for administration and working his way around the system.”
——美国总统日前提名气象学者Droegemeier为美国科学和技术政策办公室负责人,这一相当于美国总统科学顾问的职位,还要等待美国参院的批准,但这位候选人获得了较为广泛的认可和赞誉,美国加州大学研究美国科学顾问历史的政治学学者,在1990年代和2000年代初与候选人是同事的Roger Pielke表达了他对候选人的看法。
“Just having more models—I don’t think there’s any evidence that that’s key to advancing the fi eld.”
——2018年4月,美国能源部(DOE)发布了其新的地球模拟系统和初步结果。该系统被命名为E3SM(能力百万兆地球系统模式,Energy Exascale Earth System Model),是DOE用了近4年的时间开发完成。2017特朗普政府退出巴黎协议后,模式名称中的“气候”被“拿下”,新名称强调了模式不仅关注气候变化,还将给出这样的变化对能源基础设施带来的压力。E3SM模式能力的检验,是在CMIP6中与大量其他气候模式进行对比,而CMIP6项目相互比较联合负责人,来自德国马普学会的Bjorn Stevens发表了上述看法。
“Governments rely on our community’s information and services to protect life and property from a wide array of extreme events. They also use them to advance the global agenda, notably the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Paris Agreement on climate change.Decision-makers need to understand how climate variability and change are likely to affect key sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy production, finance, migration, public health and disaster risk management. Integrating weather and climate information with socioeconomic, geographical and other data makes it possible to create particularly powerful decision-support tools.”
——在谈到WMO最新发表的2017年年报的主题——支持决策时,该组织的秘书长Petteri Taalas表达了他的看法。
“There are coin-sized holes on each satellite through which the laser has to be precisely pointed towards the holes in the other satellite over a distance of more than 200 kilometers [137 miles], while both spacecraft race around Earth at 27000 kilometers an hour [16000 miles per hour]. It is truly mind-boggling..”
“每个卫星上有硬币大小的洞,相距超过200 km(137英里)另一颗卫星上发射的激光要准确瞄准这个洞,这时两颗星都在以2.7万 km的时速(1.6万英里/时)环绕地球旋转。这确实是难以置信的事情。”
——美国和德国合作GRACE卫星的后续星GRACE-FO在5月22日升空后,其上安装的LRI(激光测距干涉计,laser ranging interferometer)成功发射出激光,使得空中精准距离测定取得突破性进展。干涉仪研究组负责人Gerhard Heinzel谈到这个突破时,做了如上表述。
“If you’re on a long-haul fl ight, there’s a 50 per cent chance that the Met Oきce will have been involved with the forecast.”
——WMO航空气象第16届会议近日在英国召开,作为全球2个航空气象中心的英国气象局对航空气象服务信心满满,航空气象委员会副主任,同时也是英国气象局环境灾害部门负责人Ian Lisk用上述说法强调了该局对全球民航业的贡献。
Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology2018年4期