英语综合拓展课综合滚动出现所学的相关话题语言,可发展学生综合语言运用能力,促进学生心智发展。它在小学英语课堂教学中是否切实可行、实施效果彰显与否?本文以广州市小学英语五年级下册Module 4“Travel”的教学为例进行说明。
本节课的课型为综合拓展课,教学滚动出现与旅游相关的话题、词汇等语言知识,如交通工具、日期月份、季节天气、活动短语、食物地点等。教学点还包括正确使用will及be going to進行一般将来时态的表达,读懂与课文难度相当或稍高的有关旅游安排的文段,阅读有关旅游的文章,整合将来时态及与本话题相关的语言点来表述一个详细的旅游攻略等。下面,笔者对教学过程的设置及策略运用进行评析。
1. 导入
Hello, everyone!Lets meet an old friend, Ben. (PPT图示)Today, he will have an English lesson for us.呈现微视频(微课复习本单元知识点)
2. 复述课文与练习
Lets meet Ben again, this is Bens first trip to Beijing, please look at the mind map and try to retell Bens first trip to Beijing.
评析:让学生根据思维导图,复述Unit 8 “Bens first trip to Beijing”的课文内容,学会提取写作信息,为后续写作提供有力的知识迁移储备。
练习1:Find out key words in the passage.
练习2:Look at the mind map and try to retell English teacher Ms Guans trip.(见下图)
评析:重构的文本与Unit 8课文情景相似,顺利搭建好教材内与外的过渡、知识点的迁移。
3. 阅读广州旅游指引(文本以handbook的形式出现)
Now Ms Guan flies back to Guangzhou, you know, Guangzhou is a very beautiful city, there are many good places to visit, lets visit it. Please read “Guangzhou Travel Guide”, find out the sentences and write a plan:
Guangzhou Travel Guide
(1)Guangzhou Attractions
The Pearl River is about 1243 miles long and is the third longest river in China. It goes through Guangzhou City. Its the “Mother River” of Guangzhou. In the evening, you can take a boat trip on the Pearl River. You can also enjoy the night view of the city.
TV Tower is now the second tallest tower in the world. We call it “Slim Waist”. We can take photos and enjoy the night of Guangzhou there. At the top, visitors have a birds-eye view of the whole city. The tower becomes a new city landmark and one of the Eight New Sights of Guangzhou.
Baiyun Mountain is a park with natural hills and water. We can go there to watch birds and go sightseeing there. After that, we can have noodles at the top of it. During the holiday, many people like to take a walk, take exercise and enjoy the most view of Baiyun Mountain there.Its a good place for holiday.
(2)Guangzhou Dining(略)
(3)Guangzhou Shopping(略)
(4)Guangzhou Transportation(略)
4. 完成以下作文《广州一日游》
Tomorrow is the start of holiday. I will go to Guangzhou for a day trip. In the morning, I will go to__________________________________________________
At noon, I will go to eat___________________________________________
In the afternoon, I will go to _______________________________________
5. 设计旅游小册子
Hey, children. You did a good job today. Now please make a travel brochure and talk about it. For example(见下图):
1. 在导入阶段,巧妙利用微视频,高效归纳和梳理本模块的语言点及旅游话题的各要素,为学生进一步拓展铺平道路。
2. 教师对比分析、建立联系,让学生根据思维导图复述内容,学会提取写作信息,为后续写作提供有力的知识迁移储备。同时指导学生在读中做记号,掌握阅读技巧,关注思维导图形式的知识架构,培养口头表达能力,顺利搭建教材内与外的过渡。
3. 重构阅读文本“Guangzhou Travel Guide”,让学生读懂与课文难度相当或稍高的有关旅游安排的文段,关注更多的旅游信息。文本内容以handbook的形式对广州旅游进行介绍,提供了兴趣的支点,让学生领略独特的广州风情,学会为自己的生活和旅游做计划。
4. 教师重构文本语言知识,创设情景、师生共建阅读、写作空间。阅读广州旅游指引、整合将来时态及本话题相关的语言点来完成《广州一日游》文章写作,让学生积累语言、收集信息,学会表述旅游攻略,发展综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展。
5. 能力目标方面,滚动、合作梳理知识,培养学生综合运用本模块相关语言知识进行表达的能力、分工协作能力、信息搜索及加工处理能力等。