
2018-12-27 06:48:40贾从永
英语世界 2018年12期




Suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit Professor Smith.Write him an email to

1)apologize and explain the situation, and

2)suggest a future meeting.

You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name at the end of the email.Use“Li Ming”instead.(10 points)

2018年考研英语二的小作文假设你取消了出行计划,不能如约去拜访史密斯先生,要求你写一封电子邮件表达你的歉意并解释情况,然后建议一个下次见面的时间。电子邮件的格式与书信相同,只需从称呼写起,我们不妨称对方为Professor Smith。称呼要顶格写,后面用逗号。

这封电子邮件的正文可以写成三段。由于这是一封私人信函,第一段可以先略作寒暄,接着表明写信目的:致歉。这样我们就完成了题目中所规定的第一个交际任务。第二段依次完成题目中的另外两个交际任务:首先向史密斯先生解释你不能成行的原因。这需要考生的自由发挥,只要合情合理就行,比如可以说自己刚收到宝洁公司的电子邮件,通知自己去参加一个面试,而这次面试对你又非常重要等。接着再次致歉,并向史密斯先生提出建议:下周六与他见面。无论是致歉、解释还是建议,都要注意通过适当的词汇和语法手段做到恭敬有礼。第三段希望对方接受自己的歉意,并在方便的时候尽早给予答复。书信的最后是署名,写在正文下方中间偏右的位置,一般分两行书写,上一行可写Yours sincerely,下一行写Li Ming,上下对齐。下面请看范文:

Dear Prof.Smith,

How are you doing? I am writing to apologize to you, as I have to cancel my travel plan and will not be able to visit you as scheduled this Saturday.

I received an email from P&G today, which informed me that I am to attend an interview this weekend.You know I have always been trying to get an internship with the company.I am extremely sorry that I cannot keep my promise, but I wonder if we could meet next Saturday.

I hope you can accept my apologies and send me a reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing you should

1)interpret the chart, and

2)give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

继2015、2016年 之 后 ,2018年考研英语二的大作文又一次考了饼形图。饼形图用扇面的大小表示不同的比例,可以形象直观地进行横向比较。在上面这幅饼形图中,我们可以看到消费者在选择餐厅时最关注的是特色,其次是服务,再次是环境,最后是价格。须注意的是,此处的特色指的是具有某种特殊风味的菜肴或者特色菜,即speciality或specialty。而且,这里的环境主要是指给消费者带来美好用餐体验的氛围或格调,即ambience。





The pie chart above shows the factors people in a Chinese city took into account when deciding where to dine in 2017.Speciality is the most important factor, which made up 36.3%, followed by service(27.4%)and ambience(24.3%), with price accounting for only 7.3%.

This is a natural result of improvement in people’s living standard.To begin with, having already met the basic needs for food, people are now no longer contented with having a slap-up meal when eating out;they want to try exotic cuisines.Therefore, speciality has become a top priority when they dine out.Besides, people now go to a restaurant not just for food itself, but for a quality dining experience.So a good service and a pleasant ambience are also of high importance.Due to ageneral rise in income, price has declined in importance, though diners still want to get value for money.

The change in priorities reflects the robust growth in average household income in China.We can safely predict that with the healthy development of the country’s economy, the Chinese will have a more satisfying dining experience.(186 words)


1.The pie chart above shows the factors people in a Chinese city took into account when deciding where to dine in 2017.上面这幅饼形图显示了中国某市居民在2017年选择餐馆时所考虑的因素。take into account 考虑。

2.Speciality is the most important factor, which made up 36.3%, followed by service(27.4%)and ambience(24.3%), with price accounting for only 7.3%.特色是最重要的考虑因素,占了36.3%,接下来是服务(27.4%)和环境(24.3%),价格仅占7.3%。

3.To begin with, having already met the basic needs for food, people are now no longer contented with having a slap-up meal when eating out; they want to try exotic cuisines.首先,由于早已满足了对食物的基本需求,现在人们出去吃饭不再满足于吃一顿大餐,他们想尝试一下异域风味的菜肴。slap-upadj.(指饭菜)丰盛的,美味的。exoticadj.具有异国情调的,外来的。

4.Besides, people now go to a restaurant not just for food itself, but for a quality dining experience.此外,现在人们去餐厅不仅仅是为了吃饭,而是要获得高质量的用餐体验。qualityadj.优质的,高质量的。

5.So a good service and a pleasant ambience are also of high importance.所以良好的服务和宜人的环境也非常重要。be of high importance 非常重要。

6.Due to a general rise in income, price has declined in importance, though diners still want to get value for money.由于收入的普遍增加,价格的重要性已经降低,虽然用餐者仍想钱花得值。value for money 划算,花钱值得。

7.We can safely predict that with the healthy development of the country’s economy, the Chinese will have a more satisfying dining experience.我们可以有把握地预测,随着中国经济的健康发展,中国人将会有更加令人满意的用餐体验。safelyadv.有把握地。 □

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