A Portrait of Handel(Excerpt)

2018-12-27 06:48By
英语世界 2018年12期


They used to call him the Great Bear.He was gigantic: broad, corpulent,with big hands and enormous feet; his arms and thighs were stupendous.His hands were so fat that the bones disappeared in the flesh, forming dimples.He walked bow-legged, with a heavy, rolling gait, very erect, with his head thrown back under its huge white wig, whose curls rippled heavily over his shoulders.He had a long horse-like face, which with age became bovine2bovine牛的。and swamped in fat; with pendant cheeks and triple chin, the nose large, thick and straight, the ears red and long.His gaze was very direct; there was a quizzical gleam in his bold eye, a mocking twist at the corner of his large, finelycut mouth.His air was impressive and jovial.When he smiled—says Burney—“his heavy, stern countenance was radiant with a flash of intelligence and wit; like the sun emerging from a cloud.”

[2]He was full of humour.He had a“sly pseudo-simplicity”which made the most solemn individuals laugh though he himself showed an unsmiling face.No one ever told a story better.“His happy way of saying the simplest things differently from anyone else gave them an amusing complexion.If his English had been as good as Swift3乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667—1745),英国著名文学家、讽刺作家、政治家,代表作有寓言小说《格列佛游记》。’s, hisbons mots4bons mots妙语隽言。would have been equally abundant and of the same kind.”But“really to enjoy what he said one had almost to know four languages: English, French, Italian and German, all of which he mixed up together.”

[3]This medley of tongues was as much due to the fashion in which his vagabond youth was moulded, while he wandered through the countries of Western Europe, as to his natural impetuosity, which; when he sought a rejoinder5rejoinder反驳。, seized upon all the words at his disposal.He was like Berlioz: musical notation6musical notation记谱法。was too slow for him;he would have needed a shorthand to follow his thought; at the beginning of his great choral compositions he wrote the motifs in full for all the parts; as he proceeded he would drop first one part,then another; finally he would retain only one voice, or he would even end up with the bass alone; he would pass at a stroke to the end of the composition which he had begun, postponing until later the completion of the whole, and on the morrow of finishing one piece he would begin another, sometimes working on two, if not three, simultaneously.

[4]He would never have had the patience of Gluck, who began, before writing, by“going through each of his acts, and then the whole piece; which commonly cost him”—so he told Corancez—“a year, and oftener than not a serious illness.”—Handel used to compose an act before he had learned how the piece continued, and sometimes before the librettist7librettist歌词作者。had time to write it.

[5]The urge to create was so tyrannical that it ended by isolating him from the rest of the world.“He never allowed himself to be interrupted by any futile visit”says Hawkins,“and his impatience to be delivered of the ideas which continually flooded his mind kept him almost always shut up.”His brain was never idle;and whatever he might be doing, he was no longer conscious of his surroundings.He had a habit of speaking so loudly that everybody learned what he was thinking.And what exaltation, what tears, as he wrote! He sobbed aloud when he was composing the ariaHe was despised.—“Ihave heard it said”reports Shield,“that when his servant took him his chocolate in the morning he was often surprised to see him weeping and wetting with his tears the paper on which he was writing.”—With regard to theHallelujahchorus of theMessiahhe himself cited the words of St.Paul:“Whether I was in my body or out of my body as I wrote it I know not.God knows.”

[6]This huge mass of flesh was shaken by fi ts of fury.He swore almost with every phrase.In the orchestra,“when his great white periwig8periwig假发。was seen to quiver the musicians trembled.”When his choirs were inattentive he had a way of shouting Chorus! at them in a terrible voice that made the public jump.Even at the rehearsals of his oratorios9oratorio清唱剧。at Carlton House, before the Prince of Wales, if the Prince and Princess did not appear punctually he took no trouble to conceal his anger; and if the ladies of the Court had the misfortune to talk during the performance he was not satisfied with cursing and swearing, but addressed them furiously by name.“Chut, chut!”the Princess would say on these occasions, with her usual indulgence:“Handel is spiteful!”

[7]Spiteful he was not.“He was rough and peremptory,”says Burney,“but entirely without malevolence.”There was,in his most violent fi ts of anger, a touch of originality which, together with his bad English, made them absolutely comical.Like Lully and Gluck, he had the gift of command; and like them he combined an irascible10irascible易怒的,性情暴躁的。violence that overcame all opposition with a witty good nature which, though wounding to vanity had the power of healing the wounds which it had caused.“At his rehearsals he was an arbitrary person; but his remarks and even his reprimands were full of an extremely droll humour.”At the time when the opera in London was a field of battle between the supporters of the Faustina and those of the Cuzzoni, and when the twoprime donne11prima donne首席女演员。seized one another by the hair in the middle of a performance,patronised by the Princess of Wales, to the roars of the house, a farce by Colley Gibber, who dramatized this historic bout of fi sticuffs, represented Handel as the only person who remained cool in the midst of the uproar.“To my thinking”he said“one should leave them to fi ght it out in peace.If you want to make an end of it throw oil on the fire.When they are tired their fury will abate of itself.”And in order that the battle should end the sooner he expedited it with great blows on the kettledrum12kettledrum定音鼓。.

[8]Even when he flew into a rage people felt that he was laughing in his sleeve.Thus, when he seized the irascible Cuzzoni, who refused to sing one of his airs, by the waist, and, carrying her to the window, threatened to throw her into the street, he said, with a bantering air:“Now, madame, I know very well that you are a regular she-devil; but I’ll make you realise that I am Beelzebub the prince of devils!”

[9]All his life he enjoyed a wonderful amount of freedom.He hated all restrictions and avoided all official appointments; for we cannot so describe his position of teacher to the princesses; the important musical posts about the Court and the fat pensions were never bestowed upon him, even after his naturalisation as an English citizen; they were conferred upon indifferent composers.He took no pains to humour these; he spoke of his English colleagues with contemptuous sarcasm.Indifferently educated, apart from music, he despised academics and academic musicians.He was not a doctor of Oxford University, although the degree was offered to him.It is recorded that he complained:“What the devil!Should I have had to spend my money in order to be like those idiots? Never in this world!”■









