[摘要]目的 分析不同清洗與消毒灭菌方法用于内镜器械处理的效果。方法 选择2016年1~12月需清洗消毒的胃镜作为研究对象,按照内镜器械清洗消毒方式分为手工组和清洗工作站组,分别通过手工清洗和一体化清洗工作站清洗。清洗结束后,从手工组和清洗工作站组分别随机抽取80条内镜,比较两组内镜细菌培养结果合格率以及洗消规范性,同时统计两组的人工耗时、总耗时和消毒时间,比较组间差异。结果 ①清洗工作站组79条合格,1条不合格,合格率为98.8%;手工清洗组58条合格,22条不合格,合格率为72.5%。清洗工作站组的合格率高于手工清洗组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。比较洗消规范性,清洗工作站组75条规范,5条不规范,规范率为93.8%;手工组70条规范,10条不规范,规范率为87.5%,清洗工作站组规范率高于手工组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。②清洗工作站组内镜平均手工耗时为(3.9±0.5)h,显著短于手工组的(6.8±0.6)h,消毒时间为(24.5±2.5)min,明显短于手工组的(30.2±2.3)min,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);总耗时分别为(12.7±1.1)h和(12.4±1.4)h,差异无统计学意义P>0.05)。结论 一体化清洗工作站可显著提高胃镜的清洗效果和效率,值得临床推广应用。
[中图分类号] R472 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2018)9(c)-0183-03
Comparison of different cleaning and disinfection methods applied to endoscopic instruments
SHU Yu-lan
Gastroscope Room, People′s Hospital of Wan′an County, Jiangxi Province, Wan′an 343800, China
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of different cleaning and disinfection methods applied to endoscopic instruments. Methods The gastric endoscopy which should be cleaned and sanitizing from January to December 2016, was selected as the research object. According to the cleaning and disinfection methods of endoscopic instruments, the endoscopy was divided into two groups, which were cleaned by manual cleaning and integrated cleaning workstation respectively. The former was used as a manual group, and the latter was used as a cleaning workstation group. After the cleaning, 80 endoscopes were randomly selected from the manual group and cleaning workstations group. The results were compared between the two groups of endoscopy bacteria culture results and the normalization, and the manual cleaning group and the cleaning workstation group were compared with the manual time, the total time and the time of disinfection. Results ①The workstation group, 79 were qualified, 1 were unqualified and the qualified rate was 98.8%; the manual cleaning group, 58 were qualified, 22 unqualified, and the qualified rate was 72.5%. The qualified rate of cleaning workstation group was higher than that of manual cleaning group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The results showed that the cleaning workstation group was standardized, the results showed that the cleaning workstation group was 75 were standard, 5 were non standard, and the standard rate was 93.8%; the manual group, 70 were standard, 10 were non standard, and the standard rate was 87.5%. The standard rate of the cleaning workstation group was significantly higher than that of the manual group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). ②the average time of endoscopy in the cleaning workstation group of (3.9±0.5) h was shorter than that of the manual group (6.8±0.6) h, and the disinfection time of (24.5±2.5) min in the cleaning workstation group was significantly shorter than that of the manual group (30.2±2.3) min, and there were significant difference in groups (P<0.05), and the difference between the two groups of total time consuming was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion The integrated cleaning workstation can significantly improve the cleaning effect and efficiency of gastric endoscopy, and is worthy of clinical application.
[Key words] Disinfection; Cleaning effect; Cleaning efficiency
手工组内镜由专员按照操作要求清洗、消毒[3-4]。清洗工作站组采用一体化内镜清洗工作站按照自动化、规范化流程进行消毒[5-8]。清洗结束后,从两组分别随机抽取80条内镜,进行清洗效果比较,采用细菌培养法对内镜活检孔样本进行菌落培养48 h,细菌菌落数≤20 cfu/件,表明监测结果为阴性,未检出致病菌,结果合格。
采用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行统计学分析,技术资料用百分率(%)表示,采用χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
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(收稿日期:2018-04-28 本文编辑:崔建中)