Listening Training 7

2018-12-03 09:24
时代英语·高三 2018年6期





1. What do the mans parents want him to be?

A. A teacher. B. An engineer. C. A doctor.

2. What will the weather be like in the evening?

A. Snowy. B. Windy. C. Rainy.

3. How did the man feel about the film?

A. He liked the last part of it. B. He didnt like it at all.

C. He liked it very much.

4. What will the woman do next?

A. Talk to another person. B. Tell the man what happened.

C. Wait for the man to call back.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Making a robot. B. Housework. C. The scientific technology.




6. What is the man doing?

A. Asking permission from his mother. B. Giving his mother suggestions.

C. Talking about his school life.

7. What is the womans advice for the man?

A. To buy new furniture for his apartment. B. To help her in the kitchen.

C. To move to his apartment soon.


8. What did the speakers just do?

A. They met Sandy. B. They visited a museum.

C. They had a job interview.

9. Why doesnt the woman want Sandy to get the job?

A. Its not a good job. B. Its similar to his last one.

C. Its too far away.


10. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. At the office.

11. When does the woman get a pain in stomach?

A. About an hour after lunch. B. About an hour after every meal.

C. About three minutes after eating.

12. What does the husband tell his wife?

A. She should see a doctor. B. She eats too many hamburgers.

C. She eats too fast.


13. What can we learn about the coffee shop?

A. It is American-style. B. It is open day and night.

C. It provides homemade bread.

14. What does the man want to have?

A. A steak. B. Potatoes. C. Chicken.

15. Which country are the speakers in?

A. America. B. Japan. C. China.

16. What time is it now?

A. 6:00 am. B. 12:00 am. C. 6:00 pm.


17. What activity will the school organize on Friday morning?

A. Visiting a museum. B. Attending a lecture. C. Seeing a film.

18. Why will the newcomers play games?

A. To take a break. B. To memorize new words.

C. To get to know each other.

19. What time will the newcomers leave for Bath?

A. At 3:00 pm. B. At 7:00 pm. C. At 10:00 am.

20. What will the newcomers do on Sunday?

A. Have lessons. B. Take a trip. C. Do what they like.
