
2018-11-23 07:27:48谢汉垒宁井铭张正竹
农业工程学报 2018年23期

宋 彦,谢汉垒,宁井铭,张正竹


宋 彦1,谢汉垒1,宁井铭2※,张正竹2

(1. 安徽农业大学工学院,合肥 230000;2. 安徽农业大学茶树生物学与资源利用国家重点实验室,合肥 230000)

外形是评价茶叶质量的重要指标之一,目前主要依赖人工审评的方法,客观、准确的评价外形指标对茶叶加工、销售有重要的意义。该研究提出了一种基于形状特征直方图结合支持向量机的茶叶等级识别方法。以7个等级的祁门工夫红茶为研究对象,构建图像采集系统,标定相机参数,采集各等级的茶叶图像。对图像进行灰度化、二值化处理,提取叶片的6个绝对形状特征:长度、宽度、面积、周长、最小外接矩长、宽,在此基础上计算狭长度,矩形度2个相对形状特征,生成形状特征的直方图。以直方图分布为特征向量,构建了基于BP神经网络,极限学习机(extreme learning machine,ELM),支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM),最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LS-SVM)的等级识别模型,并对比了不同模型的识别效果。结果表明,该文构建的图像采集系统测量精度<0.3 mm,能够准确提取形状特征参数;基于形状特征直方图的LS-SVM模型识别效果最好,识别精度为95.71%,测试集决定系数为96.2%,具有算法复杂度低,易于求解的优点。研究结果为实现茶叶的客观、数字化等级鉴定,提供了试验数据和参考方法。


0 前 言

祁门红茶(Keemun black tea)主产于安徽省祁门县,是中国历史名茶。按照安徽省地方标准《祁门红茶》DB34/T1086-2009[1],将祁门工夫红茶分为7个等级:特茗、特级、一级、二级、三级、四级、五级。准确、客观、定量地鉴定茶叶等级在茶叶加工、销售过程中是不可缺少的。传统的等级鉴定往往依靠人工的感官判断,这一方法缺乏客观的量化依据,影响了茶叶的质量稳定性,而且技术人员培养困难。


在茶叶类别识别领域,Huo等[9]采用电子舌鼻的技术方法,实现了对9种中国绿茶产地与等级的区分;Cai等[10]采用近红外光谱数据,建立了用于茶叶分类的自组织神经网络PLS(partial least squares)模型,相对于经典PLS模型,显著提高了分类准确率。李晓丽等[11]基于多光谱图像纹理特征识别4种不同种类的绿茶。在茶叶等级识别领域,Chen等[12]综述了常用的无损检测技术在茶叶等级、营养成分分析中的研究进展情况。王曼等[13]提出了基于近红外光谱的黄山毛峰鲜叶等级评价模型,基于该模型开发了茶叶品质分析仪。Dong等[14]构建了LED诱导荧光系统,提出了基于茶汤荧光光谱数据的等级识别方法。相对于茶叶类别识别,同类不同级别的茶叶外形、成分较为接近,识别难度显著增加,目前的研究成果大多基于光谱分析方法。但是,单纯基于光谱分析无法对茶叶外形做出准确评价。目前,也有一些学者采用茶叶的可见光图像或高光谱图像开展研究工作[15],如董春旺等[16]采用了颜色、纹理特征评价针芽型绿茶的外形品质,Gill等[17]采用了纹理信息识别红茶的等级,上述研究工作大多采用了颜色、纹理等图像特征,而忽略了叶片的形状特征。在红茶加工过程中,常采用筛分工艺,不同等级茶样外形、尺寸等参数分布在同一等级内部应该具有相似性,各等级之间应该具有差异性。基于这一假设,本文采用机器视觉为技术手段,构建祁门工夫红茶的形状特征空间,采用机器学习方法建立识别模型,这为茶叶等级的量化识别提供了新的方法。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 试验设计


1.3 图像采集系统和相机标定

1.3.1 图像采集系统构建

图像采集系统的结构如图1a所示,包括:工业相机、背光源、滚筒筛、直线位移模组、载物平台。滚筒筛结构如图1b所示,为单侧开孔,由电机驱动进行旋转,可以通过控制滚筒转动的角度、速度,调节茶叶的下落形式。载物平台由直线位移模组的电机驱动,平台上装有一块高透光率光学玻璃。系统工作流程如下:首先将茶样装入滚筒中,启动直线位移模组,载物平台从左向右运动,并控制滚筒筛转动使叶片从筛孔处下落。这样可以使大部分叶片以相互无遮挡的状态均匀散布在光学玻璃上,并分离少数重叠的叶片。最后控制载物平台运动到背光源上方,启动工业相机采集样本图像。相机选用的是型号为MV-U500的工业相机,其分辨率为2 592× 1 944,像元尺寸为2.2×2.2(m)。

图1 图像采集系统

1.3.2 相机标定




1.4 图像预处理和形状特征提取



图2 图像处理算法流程

以狭长度=/表征单个叶片矩形程度,矩形度=/min表征对外接矩形填充程度,式中为叶片面积,min为叶片最小外接矩形面积。本文采用间隔旋转法求取叶片的最小面积外接矩形[24](minimum area bounding rectangle,MABR),其基本步骤[25]如下




4)比较每次旋转后的外接矩形面积值,得到最小外接矩形面积min=min×min,式中min为最小外接矩形的长度,mm;min为最小外接矩形的宽度, mm。


表1 叶片形状特征区间划分


Note:is boundaries of interval.

1.5 识别模型

本文设计了基于核函数的识别模型—支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)、最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LS-SVM)、基于神经网络的识别模型—多层前馈神经网络[27]和极限学习机[28](extreme learning machine,ELM)。通过比较4种模型的识别效果,选取最优模型。




2 结果与分析

2.1 测量精度标定

将制作好的矩形组、不规则多边形组作为测试例,每组测试例包含10个图形,图像采集系统的测量误差分布如图3所示,矩形组和不规则多边形组的误差分布具有较高的一致性。矩形组在世界坐标系的方向和方向的误差均值分别是0.28和0.33 mm,如图3a、3b所示;而不规则多边形组在方向和方向的平均误差分别是0.30和0.28 mm,如图3c、3d所示。

综合上述误差分析,在和方向上的测量平均误差分别是0.29和0.30 mm,故当计算叶片的特征参数时,可在和方向进行误差补偿,使之具有更高的测量精度。

图3 矩形组和不规则形状组误差

2.2 图像预处理与形状特征提取



叶片宽度分布范围为0~5 mm,以0.5 mm为步长进行划分;叶片长度分布范围为0~21 mm,以1.5 mm为步长进行划分;叶片面积在0~3 500(像素)的范围内,以250像素为步长进行划分;叶片周长在0~480(像素)的范围内,以间隔30像素为步长进行划分;狭长度在1~25的范围内,以1.5为步长进行划分;矩形度在0~1的范围内,以0.1为步长进行划分。


2.3 不同模型识别结果与比较

2.3.1 基于BP神经网络的识别结果


a. 特茗 a. Super fineb. 特级 b. Special grade c. 一级 c. First graded. 二级 d. Second grade e. 三级 e. Third gradef. 四级 f. Fourth grade g. 五级 g. Fifth grade


2.3.2 基于极限学习机的识别结果


图5 不同等级叶片形状特征直方图


2.3.3 基于SVM和LS-SVM的识别结果


表2 识别等级数量递增时BP神经网络的分级结果

表3 采用BP神经网络识别7个等级茶样的混淆矩阵

表4 识别等级数量递增时ELM模型的分级结果

2.4 识别模型比较


表5 采用ELM模型识别7个等级茶样的混淆矩阵

表6 采用SVM,LS-SVM模型的分级结果


Note:sis variance of kernel function;is penalty coefficient.

表7 采用SVM模型识别7个等级茶样的混淆矩阵

表8 采用LS-SVM模型识别7个等级茶样的混淆矩阵

3 结 论





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Grading Keemun black tea based on shape feature parameters of machine vision

Song Yan1, Xie Hanlei1, Ning Jingming2※, Zhang Zhengzhu2

(1.230000,; 2.230000,

Objective and accurate identification of tea grades is indispensable in tea processing and sales. Traditional grade identification often depends on human sensory judgments. This method is subjective, difficult to quantify, and has a certain error probability. The objective of this paper was to establish an objective and accurate method to identify the appearance grade of tea. In this paper, Keemun congou black tea was taken as the research object, and a SVM recognition method based on shape feature histogram multi-feature fusion was proposed. Firstly, the tea image acquisition system was built and the camera parameters were calibrated. Rectangular groups and irregular polygon groups of fix dimensions were used to test the measurement accuracy of the image acquisition system. The RGB image of tea leaves was greyed and its binary image was obtained. In order to obtain uniform shape feature parameters, the rotation of tea image was carried out with the minimum area of the leaf's outer rectangle as the constraint. Secondly, 6 absolute shape features - leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf perimeter, the length and width of minimum area bounding rectangle, were extracted. On this basis, 2 relative shape features of length-width ratio and rectangularity were calculated. The histograms of different tea samples in different interval were further obtained, and the histogram distribution of the above characteristics was used as classifier inputs. Finally, the BP neural network, extreme learning machine (ELM), support vector machine (SVM) and least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) were used as classifiers to classify tea samples. This result showed that the measurement accuracy of the image acquisition system constructed in this paper was less than 0.3 mm, and the shape feature parameters could be accurately extracted. When identifying all seven grades of tea samples, the recognition accuracy of BP neural network was 53.6%, the recognition accuracy of ELM was 87.86%, the recognition accuracy of SVM was 94.29% and the recognition accuracy of LS-SVM was 95.71%. The details of BP neural network classifier were as below: When 2 grades were classified, the recognition accuracy was 100% and the determination coefficient of the test set was 100.00%. When four grades were classified, the recognition accuracy was 97.5% and the determination coefficient of the test set was 93.19%. When all 7 classes were classified, the determination coefficient of test set was 53.6%. The details of ELM classifier were as below: When three grades were classified, the recognition accuracy was 90.00% When five grades were classified, the recognition accuracy was 88.00%.When SVM classifier with linear kernel function was used to identify 7 grades, the determination coefficient of test set was 86.10%. When LS-SVM classifier with linear kernel function was used to identify 7 grades, the determination coefficient of test set was 96.20%. It could be seen that the classifier based on LS-SVM had higher recognition accuracy and the best effect. There were two types of problems in the classification process: One was as the misidentification rate increased with samples amount increasing in the classification model, the second was the misidentification largely happened in adjacent classes. These problems were discussed in this paper. Through the above research, it was verified that the shape feature could be used to identify the appearance grade of Keemun congou black tea. This paper provided detailed experimental data and reference methods for the objective and digital grade identification of Keemun congou black tea.

image processing; models; neural networks; keemun black tea; appearance; identify grade; support vector machine

宋 彦,谢汉垒,宁井铭,张正竹. 基于机器视觉形状特征参数的祁门红茶等级识别[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(23):279-286.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.036 http://www.tcsae.org

Song Yan, Xie Hanlei, Ning Jingming, Zhang Zhengzhu. Grading Keemun black tea based on shape feature parameters of machine vision[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 279-286. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.036 http://www.tcsae.org




宋彦,副教授,研究方向为智能农业技术与装备。 Email:songyan@ahau.edu.cn






挖藕 假如悲伤有形状……
茶叶(2021年2期)2021-07-19 04:07:54
茶叶通讯(2018年4期)2019-01-15 07:09:24