1 项目基地南京江心岛地处长江中下游,包括一条面向长江、自南向北绵延12km的大江侧滨江风光带The project is located at Jiangxin Island to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Delta in Nanjing. The work included a landscape framework plan for the island loop and landscape design for the 12 km long waterfront scenic belt facing the Yangtze River
2 示范区结合防洪措施进行景观化处理,旨在打造一个促进人与自然共存的生态社区,包含原生河岸森林以及社区公园2个部分Phase one demonstration area is primarily programed as an ecological community that fosters co-existence between people and nature. Flood protection engineering resulted in two ecological zones: native riparian forest and a protected community park
3 本项目修复了生态系统,还为游客提供了观赏长江壮阔景象的平台。通过钢格栅路,便可穿过森林到达长江上的观景点,遥望长江这条世界上最繁忙的河流The project restores ecological systems and celebrates the majestic scene of the Yangtze River taking advantage of an existing forest clearing to create a view point and gathering place overlooking China’s longest and busiest river
4 天然石阶连接着坚固的透水钢格栅路,在现有的杨树和柳树林之间迂回A low impact permeable steel boardwalk zig-zags between existing trees taking advantage of gaps and clearings, here seen as a peak annual flood recedes
5 在防洪堤内,通过生态草沟收集到的雨水被汇入生态滞留池Inside the flood protection levee, stormwater runoff is harvested in vegetated swales which passes under bridges to detention ponds
6 从连接着入口广场与雨水花园的景观桥可以俯瞰收集场地近半数雨水的滞留池An elegant sloping bridge links the entrance plaza to the flood protection levee through/ on which peple can overlook open space, wetlands and detention ponds
7 景观设计对堤坝背水坡的地形进行了重整,适当增加覆土,为重新造林,生态草沟、草甸和休憩的草坪提供了空间Generous soil depths behind the flood protection line enable reforestation, tall grasses, wildflower meadow grassland and amenity grassland for community activities
在防洪堤外,项目组还种植了一些本土乔木混合林作为替代目前占据林地、生命周期相对短暂的杨树林的演替林带。这一策略来源于日本植物学家和植物生态学家Akira Miyawaki教授的理论。种植区随机分布在空旷的区域或现有森林的边缘,为20~30年后的森林提供后续生长的方向。
8 在长江—这条世界上最繁忙的河流衬托下,大片的粉黛乱子草如梦如幻,为多年生植物和夏末花卉提供极佳的观赏背景Large swathes of pink muhly grass provide a textural backdrop for perennials and late summer flowers with spectacular inflorescence shimmering against the backdrop of the Yangtze River, one of the world’s busiest rivers
9 茂盛的粉黛乱子草及多年生植物使大批城市居民愿意再度亲近自然The seed plumes of grasses and perennials attract a new wave of urban residents eager to reconnect with nature
Challenged by pollution, habitat and biodiversity loss, China’s longest waterway the Yangtze River is a key priority for environmental restoration. To the lower reaches in Nanjing, the Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island (SNEI) is restoring its waterfront to enhance existing environment as part of the island’s urbanization.
Jiangxin Island is a spear-shaped island located in the heart of the Yangtze River, 6.5 kilometres east of Nanjing City Centre, Jiangsu Province, China. In 2009 it became the focus of a Singaporean consortium in agreement with Nanjing Jiangdao Investment &Development Co., Ltd for the development of a Sino-Singapore high-tech, smart industries under an ecologically conscious environment.
In 2014 an international competition was held to design the 12km long (210hm2) waterfront scenic belt to the west side of the island facing the Yangtze River.The winning masterplan provides a holistic solution by considering the waterfront in context of the 15 square kilometre island green infrastructure. Several key open space nodes were proposed to punctuate the ecological corridor to provide environmental and economic value through nature and natural systems.Phase one demonstration area was completed in 2016 and creates an ecological community park. The park creates a rich network of habitats for wildlife and biodiversity for an emerging eco-urban city overlooked by a relocation housing community.
Context studies investigated regional land use,drainage, open space and transport planning. Detailed ecological surveys, flood risk, ground water and geotechnical investigations were carried out by a multidisciplinary team with extensive site walkthroughs and visits during peak flood periods to understand site constraints and potential impacts of climatic extremes.
The design concept ‘Sustainable Footprints’aimed at reducing the island’s carbon, ecological and water footprints whilst tracing the island’s cultural footprint and encouraging healthy lifestyles through the creation of an island jogging and cycling loop.This manifests in ecological parkland that restores a wide range of habitats, mitigates landscape and visual impact of island flood protection infrastructure and carefully balances cut and fill to manage storm water on site. Where sites included an industrial or agricultural heritage, key traces of this heritage are retained in the park design. The use of locally sourced and recycled materials and ecologically suitable plants support a reduced carbon footprint and increased resilience.
The brief required protection, conservation and enhancement of the challenged wetland eco-zone along the waterfront and to maximize retention of existing forest. Multi-layered defence to protect the island from flooding includes a combination of conventional engineering and significant landscape enhancements to create a continuous island loop programmed for cyclists and joggers.
Limited access is provided to existing forest outside the flood protection levee, carefully restrained to protect public health and safety. Natural stone steps lead to a robust permeable steel forest boardwalk that zig-zags between existing poplar and willow forest.During site surveys, dead or dying trees were selectively felled to provide clearings for forest regeneration with woody debris retained on site for wildlife habitat. The boardwalk route takes advantage of new clearings as it moves through the forest to a view point over the Yangtze River. On arrival at the water edge the platform embraces a pioneer willow tree that tolerates annual floods and waves from one of the world’s busiest rivers.
Open space park nodes inside the levee include programmes for community activities, recreation and contact with nature. Open lawns are accessed by natural stone steps and playful stepping stone boulders that cross vegetated swales with swathes of perennials and wet-loving grasses. Groves of indigenous trees provide shade in summer and autumn colour to the edge of amenity grassland where larger stone boulders create informal seating and natural play opportunities. A jogging route weaves through the park crossing over detention ponds to enjoy views of ecological water bodies created as a result of sponge city strategies for storm water etention.
Visitors enter the park close to the relocation community and are greeted by an entrance plaza that bridges a confluence of vegetated swales and overlooks a retention pond that collects one half of all storm water on site. Information about sponge city design features and a roadside rain garden provide educational information at the main entrance. The bridge, flanked by weathered steel walls with spear-shaped island motifs rises up to the island flood protection levee to the existing poplar and willow forest.
11 景亭的“Y”形钢柱造型灵感源自长江中多见的河道分叉形态,这也是导致沉积岛形成的主要原因。在晴朗的日子,可以远眺老山的轮廓The steel support columns of the shade pavilion fork to support the shade canopy. This ‘Y’ shape echoes the many forks in the river due to sedimentary islands in the lower reaches. On a clear day the silhouette of Lao Shan Mountain can be seen across the Yangtze River
12 来自城市各处的游客齐聚于此,在夕阳的余晖洒向壮美的长江之时,共赏这一新落成的自然美景Visitors come from all over the city to celebrate the new nature and gain their first glimpse of the majestic Yangtze River at sunset
The flood protection levee facing the island’s new development is graded to form gentle sloping embankments for reforestation and wild flower meadow grassland. The aspect of these slopes is highly attractive when the setting sun illuminates grass inflorescence,particularly in the peak autumn period.
13 冬季,滞留池、生态草沟与落叶乔木营造出宁静而平和的氛围In winter, detention ponds, tall grasses and deciduous trees create a calm, reflective atmosphere to the park
Car parking uses permeable concrete paving,swales and rich plant mixes to ensure an ecological car park. Crushed stone paths lead through forest patches around lawns and up the levee. A long avenue from the entry plaza extends to the main pavilion overlooking the Yangtze River. The forked steel support columns of the shade pavilion echo the many forks in the Yangtze River which led to the formation of sedimentary islands. This ‘Y’ shaped fork is used in other balustrades,structures and path layouts throughout the park.
The permeable steel-decking to the forest boardwalk ensures resilience to seasonal flood events. In 2016 Nanjing experienced torrential rains and floods(the worst since 1998), but due to the robust design, the forest walkway structure withstood these floods which peaked at over 2m above the deck surface. Gates are fitted to the boardwalk to prevent access during flood season for health and safety.
Against a backdrop of urbanisation and climate change, landscapes play an increasingly important role in the shaping of resilient cities. The challenge for this project was gaining acceptance of the naturalistic planting and biophilic design in the context of modern urban development. An important environmental design objective was to evoke the spontaneous vegetation with sophisticated planting combinations with extended seasonal interest. This required considerable understanding of plant ecology and performance to ensure that habitats continue to operate and stay robust despite threats from flooding, drought or urban pressures.
Planting and sowing arrangements were designed to challenge normal park standards by increasing the use of deciduous native trees, perennials and tall grasses in complex mixes. A high water table and extensive network of swales and raingardens create shallow vegetated depressions designed to capture stormwater runoff and allow the water to be stored in detention ponds. These natural filters improve water quality, provide wildlife habitat and become highlights of the ecological design.
Large swathes of Pink Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris), from the grass family (Poaceae), is a feature plant suited for rain gardens and provides year-round colours. The green, needle-like foliage of muhly grass emerges during the spring and grows to mature size by summer, providing an excellent texture backdrop for perennials and late summer flowers. In the fall, muhly grass creates a spectacular floral display of light, airy flowers which appear like clouds. Its pink, purple or white flowers fade to tan or brown seed plumes, which hold up well from late fall through winter.The seed plumes are a food source for insects and birds, attracting beneficial insects such as butterflies and ladybirds (Coccinella spp.) whilst its clump forming habit provides a refuge for other wildlife.
Outside the flood protection levee a regenerative native forest mix was planted to establish a new generation of forest to succeed the relatively short lived stands of poplar that currently dominates the woodland. The method drew inspiration from the work of Japanese botanist and plant ecologist Dr. Akira Miyawaki. Plantations randomly distributed in clearings or at the edge of the existing forest provides a succession plan for the forest in 20-30 years’ time.
The success of the design is attributed to the strong collaboration between the government, client, design and specialist consultants, engineers and contractors. Phase one highlights include the naturalistic and ecological planting, low impact design and sponge city features. In October 2017 over 50,000 visitors visited the project over the course of several weekends to enjoy Pink Muhly Grass inflorescence. The blend of urban naturalistic and indigenous ecological planting attracts many local residents,families and photographers particularly in autumn when ornamental grasses bloom.The design approach has created a new benchmark for government of ficials seeking an environmental restoration precedent in an urban context. Recent recognition includes the 2018 IFLA AAPME Outstanding Award in the category of Wildlife,Biodiversity, Habitat Enhancement or Creation.
Lead Designer:AECOM
Local Design Company:Palm Eco-Town Development Co.,Ltd.
Client/Owner:Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island Dev Co.,Ltd.
Principle-in-charge:Wu Shun
Project Director:Lee Parks
Project Management:Fan Chuiyong, Hu Yan, Cao Zhen
Planting Designer:Liu Xiao Dan
Landscape Designer:Jiang Xin, Sun Ye, Agnes Soh, Charlie Gu, Kuo Singning, Jonathan Corbett, Chen Jing
Graphic Designer:Jin Yan, Luo Jie
Architecture:Michael Sangalang
Water Specialist:Xu Junjun, Cao Zhe
Ecologist:Shouling Chen, Xiong Sidun, Shirley Hu, Lizzie Li, Min Yuan
Landscape Contractor:Southeast University Architects and Engineers Co.,Ltd.
Lighting Designer:Nanjing Street Light Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Photography Credit:Lee Parks, Wu Hui, Yu Xiaokun, Tang Zhenyang
Author:Lee Parks, Jiang Xin
(Editor / LIU Yuxia)