1 航拍照片,包括项目地点和班德尔玛市中心Aerial photograph including the project site and Bandirma city centre
班德尔玛区位于马尔马拉地区(Marmara Region),那里有土耳其最高的总人口、城市人口和人口密度。作为伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)这一著名城市的老城,该地区吸引了南马尔马拉[Southern Marmara,布尔萨(Bursa)和巴勒克希尔(Balikesir)周边地区]和东马尔马拉[Eastern Marmara,科贾埃利—盖布泽(Kocaeli-Gebze)线]的人口、产业和发展机遇。
班德尔玛的居民有很高的教育水平。这座城市的识字率为99.5%。25%的居民是研究生, 30%的人受过中等教育。班德尔玛的人口结构和高城镇化率使其在教育领域发展迅速。预计城市将在未来几年吸引农村人口向城市转移。这就是2040年的环境计划项目预计城市人口将增加4倍,而农村人口将减少到16 500的原因,意味着城市化进程的加快。
该项目位于巴勒克希尔大都市区的班德尔玛市,坐落在叶尼玛哈尔(Yenimahalle )社区和阿依尔德兹(Ayyıldız)社区之间。
项目位于巴尔干半岛(Balkanic)大陆性气候过渡地区。根据62年的数据记载,班德尔玛最低温度为-14.6℃(1954年1月15日),最高温度为42.4℃(2000年7月9日),平均气温为14ºC。主导风向为东北偏北,平均风速为15km/h。该区平均降水量为7 033 kg/m,年相对湿度为73%。
2 城市环境图Urban Context Diagram
3 城市策略Urban Strategies
项目所在地主要覆盖有常绿矮灌丛、针叶树群和疏散灌木丛。常绿矮灌丛如多刺地榆(Sarcopoterium spinosum)、针刺矢车菊(Centaurea iberica)、鹰爪豆(Spartium junceum)、黄芪(Astragalus sp.)、麝香草(Coridothymus capitatus)等,可以在受海洋影响的一部分地区,如斜坡和北部边界找到;针叶树组成的树群,则如黎巴嫩雪松(Cedrus libani)、土耳其松(Pinus brutia)、意大利石松(Pinus pinea)、地中海丝柏(Cupressus sempervirens)等;此外悬铃木属的植物(Platanus sp.)、扁桃树(Amygdalus communis)、无花果树(Ficus carica)和桑树(Morus sp.)等阔叶树种也有零散分布。
4 总体规划Landscape Character
游乐园形成了一种景观的节奏变化,以城市为背景,人们可尽情开展游乐、运动和其他娱乐活动。通过适应性地再利用北部历史建筑用于游赏,游乐园这一灵活的活动空间包含了水、自然和休闲座椅,是班德尔玛奇想花园的娱乐中心。 在围墙、植物园和椭圆步道的范围内,游乐园为各个年龄段的人均提供了充满活力的娱乐体验。
5 景观特征Landscape Character
设计学院独立于椭圆内部,它彰显了现代建筑、历史遗迹、景观空间和创意功能之间的协同作用。通过一个在内外空间之间转换的多样化方案, 设计学院与其历史和景观环境无缝地相交。公共空间可满足室外礼堂座席、图书馆、餐厅、公共庭院和建筑入口的投影空间的需求,以确保一种难忘的空间体验。
设计学院对椭圆环路和毗邻的建筑做出了回应,并以柔和的弧线将历史与之并列。 设计学院的建筑体量在垂直和水平方向展开,在班德尔玛奇想花园的建筑语汇中代表了一种独特的反差,标志着设计学院的重要性。
设计学院的底层是一个可转换的、具有适应性的空间,可以满足使用者不断变化的需求。 即使设计学院处于关闭期间,底层也会得到最大限度的使用。
通过在建筑物边缘策略性地布置独立的出入口,图书馆、咖啡厅、行政办公室、书店、礼堂和工作坊等关键功能空间对所有人开放。 这种灵活性得到了建筑上层的补充,其目标是创造性尝试、交流和实验的包容性研究。
6 局部景观平面图Landscape Partial Site Plan
项目团队:Michael Cowdy; Francesca Visione; Philip Coxall; Tom Rivard; Julia Manrique;Don Do; Ann Deng; Min Kwon; Miguel Serrao
合作者:Vernica; Nura Arquitectes
Bandirma Gardens of Imagination is a project that aims to develop a new genre of park cultivating the notion of spatial design and planning as well as creating a recreational destination within Bandirma.
Located in the most dynamic region of Turkey, Bandirma is planned to perform as a major regional gateway for industrial exports through a new port.It is foreseen that this regional transformation will catalyse the regeneration of Bandirma’s city districts.
The project site, in this regard, suggests a strong opportunity to provide a new and alternative open public space within the dense fabric of the city through the future post-industrial transformation of the region.
The district of Bandirma is located in the Marmara Region, where the highest general population, the city population and density rates in Turkey can be observed.Being the home of Istanbul, one of the most prominent metropolises of the globe, the region draws attention with the density, production and development rates of Southern Marmara (the area surrounding Bursa and Balikesir) and Eastern Marmara (Kocaeli-Gebze line).
Bandırma is a port city located in the south of the Sea of Marmara. The foundation of the city dates back to the 8th and 9th centuries, where as today’s modern city started to take shape on the northwestern hillsides of the city in the 19th century. The industrial progress at the time caused the sprawl across southeast territories along the main road. In the following years, the city has developed westwards, where the project site is also located.
As far as the population progress of Bandirma is concerned, the years 1980 and 2010 were significant turning points. After the Bandirma Port had been put into service, the population increased from 50,000 to 100,000 between 1980—2000; and then continued to rise in the 2000’s fuelled by the developing industrial sector until it reached 150,000. In the last 15 years, the city’s population growth rate is 43% in addition to a rural population of 20,000.
The residents of Bandirma have a high level of education. The literacy rate of the city is 99.5%. 25% of the residents are postgraduates, whereas 30% have graduated from secondary education. The structure of its population and high rate of urbanisation has enabled Bandirma to advance rapidly in the field of education.
These statistics are expected to increase during the realisation of the city’s future planned projects. In addition, the attraction of the city is expected to increase the rural to urban population over the coming years. This why the 2040 environmental plan projects that the population in the city will increase fourfold whilst the rural area will decrease to 16,500 meaning a high rate of urbanisation is expected.
Located today within the hinterland of Istanbul, Bursa and Izmir,Bandirma is connected to Istanbul and Tekirdag via maritime line and to Balikesir, Izmir, Canakkale and Bursa via a highway. Therefore the regional plans strategically focus on increasing in the accessibility of the city. Taking the transportational connections and perspectives of industrial progress into account, the city is being re-planned due to newly designed connections causing the industrial sector to become more prominent.
From this point of view, Bandirma is up for being one of the important cities supporting the near by metropolises such as Istanbul and Balikesir which are overburdened already. Agricultural industry plays an important role in Bandirma’s economy. Grains in particular, but also tobacco, cotton, sugar beet,olives and grapes, and additionally vegetables are widely grown on the fertile and cultivated lands of the region. Fishing industry and water products are among the main means of living. The industrial sector is dominated by manufacturing.
Evolving into an industrial, touristic and transportational focal point, the region is showing rapid progress and is under the pressure of development;and the new plans are being made accordingly.
Site characteristics
The project site is located within the Yenimahalle and Ayyıldız neighbourhoods, with in the city of Bandırma in the district of Balıkesir.
The project site is located towards the western edge and is around 26 hm2in size. It is within walking distance of the city centre and port and is strategically planed as a large scale, open public place near the centre of Bandırma.
In addition to its close connectivity to the city centre and the port, the west and southwest boundaries of the project site are surrounded by new housing development. It is possible to arrive at the site using the Port Way and the Erdek Way. The site is also 2-3 hours distance by road from the 72 universities located in surrounding cities.
7 建筑特征Building Character
8 设计学院Design Institute
Directly related to the project site, the existing city centre is one of the most important commercial and industrial places of the region. One of the most significant factors for the commercial growth in Bandırma is its busy port and its proximity to close by trade centres.Microclimate
It is located on the Balkanic continental climate transitional area, several climatic features may be observed in the district. According to the data of 62 years, the lowest temperature was measured as -14.6 ºC (January 15, 1954) and the highest as 42.4 ºC (July 9, 2000) in Bandırma. The average temperature is 14 ºC. The predominant wind direction is north-northeast and the average wind speed is 15 km per hour. The average precipitation of the district is 7,033 kg/m, and the annual relative humidity is 73%.
The dominant wind direction is north and north-north east and north-north west. The most frequent wind in the Winter has a speed of 10 km/h,4.8% of the time, whereas the most frequent wind in the Summer month is 15 km/h for 2.6% of the time.
Historical heritage
For forth years the site had been a military storage. In the early 2000’s the site was abandoned,however it was not until the middle of 2016 when the land was handed over to the Municipality.
Currently the project site contains military buildings that are still visible on the site today. In the of ficial statement from Directorate of Natural Heritage Preservation: 21 of these buildings/ruins are listed as “cultural heritage to be preserved” due to their artistic, architectural, historical, aesthetical,local, ornamental, symbolical, documental,functional, financial, commemorative, influential,unique, characteristic, material, constructional and stylistic qualities and registered under 2nd group of preservation. The 2nd group of preservation allows for the alterations that do not reflect on the facade.Landscape
The project site is mainly covered with plants of the phrygana (garrigue) family, coniferous tree groups and scattered bushes. Species of phrygana (garrigue) family, such as thorny burnet(Sarcopoterium spinosum), Iberian knapweed(Centaurea iberica), Spanish broom (Spartium junceum), milkvetch (Astragalus sp.), conehead thyme (Coridothymus capitatus) can be found on slopes and along the northern boundary, a part of the area affected by the sea. In tree groups formed by coniferous species such as cedar of Lebanon(Cedrus libani), Brutian pine (Pinus brutia),stone pine (Pinus pinea), Mediterranean cypress(Cupressus sempervirens); deciduous species such as planes (Platanus sp.), almond (Amygdalus communis), fig (Ficus carica) and mulberry trees(Morus sp.) can be sparsely found, as well.
The project site is characterised by mature coniferous tree groups (tree groups of Cedar, Pine and Cypress), mixed tree groups (deciduous and conifers) and a garrigue formation on the hills of the site. The effect of natural parameters, such as wind creates a distinctive formation seen on the coniferous trees. Together with the historical ruins the site reflects a dramatic landscape character.
With this regard, the project proposals had to develop a sensitive approach to the existing landscape context. The tree groups had to be protected and the project had to clearly reflect protection measures throughout the site.
Strategy statement
Taking a holistic and multi-layered approach,Bandirma Gardens of Imagination represents an iconic vision that respects the regions past whilst looking towards an inventive future. Through a unique synergy of experiences, Bandirma Gardens of Imagination symbolises transformative change for Bandirma.
The evolutionary principles that frame the concept are as follows; 1) Integrate: Seamlessly integrate with the sites emerging context. 2)Organise: Organise the site using an iconic form.3) Juxtapose: Juxtapose the contemporary with the old. 4) Define: Define the open space with a built form. 5) Respond: Respond to the sites history with a contemporary bold layer.6) Connect: Connect the site to its context and surroundings. 7) Icon:Create an icon that has a national and international presence.
Access and mobility
Improved connectivity is essential to the success of Bandirma Gardens of Imagination. Major transport oriented initiatives include bus and vehicle access from the west, underground car parking underneath the buildings and a new green bridge that seamlessly connects to the rejuvenated railway station. These initiatives form the foundations to a pedestrian prioritised environment. Central to this environment is interconnected multi-level path system comprising an Oval walkway, linear footpaths, south facing terraces, cascading ramps and an informal perimeter-walking track that links to the adjacent new housing.
Landscape and culture
Underpinning the landscape strategy is a juxtaposition between the inner and outer oval.The inner oval offers a lush, rich and vibrant array of colours, plants and gardens that dramatically expose the rustic character of existing tree groups and historical buildings. It also provides an inner sanctum of multi-user experiences that reflect a modern homage to the Turkish gardens of the past. The outer oval landscape is transformed into an urban forest containing existing and newly planted tree groups that establish a sculptural tree canopy that celebrate the sites unique landscape.
Land use zones and activation
Multi-level activation and diversity are central to Bandirma Gardens of Imagination. The positioning of both hotels at either side of the Oval anchors the retail activities and promotes movement within the site. Active retail terraces takes advantage of the southern aspect, whilst the historic buildings are reinterpreted into outdoor patio’s for public gatherings, al-fresco dining and outdoor functions.The Design Institute sympathetically restores the historical buildings into dynamic and multifunctional creative spaces that have close links to the 5 star hotel and Convention Centre. The land use zoning is overlaid with a cultural program of events,installations, exhibitions and festivals that activate the historical buildings and the gardens as a whole including a major event space towards the north west.
Urban form and structure
A bold, strong and iconic urban structure influenced by hill top villages of the past responds to the parks historical buildings, tree groups,setback zones and maximum clearance heights.
The memorable castellated exterior contrasts with the smooth oval form of the oval ensuring a dynamic and varied user experience. An urban grain is established through multi-level terraces, permeable laneways, atrium courtyards and building height variation. A signature piece of the urban form is the‘Beacon’, a sculptural icon leaning in communication with the city below. Complementing the ‘Beacon’is the 5 Star Hotel (8 storey) and 4 Star Hotel (7 storey) that are strategically positioned to visually reinforce the site’s significant presence. The Design Institute is the centre-piece of Bandirma Gardens of Imagination acting as a transition point between the inner and outer oval character.Environment and sustainability
Climate adaptation and environmental responsiveness are achieved through a series of ecological measures that secure a resilient future for the Bandirma Gardens of Imagination.Endemic planting is embraced within the outer oval respecting the parks existing tree groups as well as protecting the site from prevailing winds and vehicular pollution. Public spaces and terraces are oriented south to maximise solar aspect, whilst rainfall is collected and reused for park irrigation. Buildings adopt sustainable measures through cross ventilation, roof water collection and internal sunlight control. The landscape walls and park furniture embrace onsite-recycled materials, whilst edible planting is located in the Orchards.
9 班德尔玛城市全景View towards Bandirma City
Landscape statement
A modern, imaginative landscape emerges,where colour, texture, depth and culture are dramatically layered to sensitively embrace the remnant landscape character of Bandirma.
Bandirma Gardens of Imagination is designed to stimulate creative endeavour, imaginative thinking and knowledge sharing. It’s also a space for respite within a tranquil setting. Through an integrated layering of dramatic landscapes, multi-level experiences and sensory stimulators, Bandirma Gardens of Imagination emerges from its historical remnants as an international symbol for creative endeavour. Contrasting landscapes such as the iconic ‘Oval’, ‘Botanic Garden’, ‘Orchard’and ‘Southern Terraces’ are all framed by a dramatic natural urban forest that strengthens the sites existing Garrigue formation.
The oval
The iconic oval forms the key organisation piece to Bandirma Gardens of Imagination’s landscape and urban form. The Oval’s powerful shape signifies a transformation in landscape character from the vibrant and formal inner gardens to the natural and robust urban forest.Transitioning from the Orchards, the oval ascends the ground plain to float above the Botanical Gardens seamlessly linking with the iconic ‘Beacon’.Uninterrupted panoramic views towards the ocean,city and surrounding context ensure a truly unique user experience.
Parklands and orchard
The Parklands and Orchard form the central public room to Bandirma Gardens of Imagination.Framed by the iconic oval and a grid of paths, a collection of lawns, orchard rows organised around a classic linear water element. This provides a modern interpretation to the park’s historical vernacular and sculptural coniferous tree groups. Characterised by a dense covering of edible trees and exotic flowers the orchard rows symbolise the regions self-sustaining agriculture. Dispersed under the tree canopy are a series of breakout spaces that offer seating, table tennis, chess as well as other active and passive uses.Urban forest
The urban forest is a robust, natural and weathered landscape that honours the park’s existing character. Existing tree groups are strengthened through new Coniferous and Garrigue planting,forming a naturalised sculptural edge to Bandirma Gardens of Imagination’s buildings. The additional planting densifies the tree canopy stabilising the slopes from rainfall, increasing wind protection and buffering surrounding noise. Inserted within the urban forest is a meandering walking/running track.
Gardens of play
The Gardens of Play form a tempo change in the landscape where play, sport and other recreational activities can be enjoyed with the city as a backdrop. Through the adaptively reused northern historical building for play, a flexible collection of active spaces that embrace water,nature and seating for relaxation, the Gardens of Play are Bandirma Gardens of Imagination’s recreational hub. Framed within the confines of a retaining wall, botanical gardens and oval walkway, the Gardens of Play provide an energised recreational experience for all ages.
Gardens of the future
The Gardens of the Future are designed to challenge the users senses through a diverse array of spatial experiences that respond to Bandirma’s past, present and future. Central to the gardens is the restoration of existing historical buildings to house an adaptable and ever-changing array of installations,artist displays, uses and events. The walls of the historical buildings enclose their adjacent courtyards that embrace existing tree groups and adopt a place sensitive materiality. Importantly the Gardens of the Future link to the Design Institute providing a canvas for creative endeavours and pursuit for a better future.Botanic garden
10 班德尔玛奇想花园鸟瞰图Aerial View of Bandirma Gardens of Imagination
The Botanic Garden look towards the city and celebrate the splendour of Turkey’s natural environment. Through a rich and varied collection of endemic plant species, habitats and biodiversity the gardens form a paradise experience unique to Turkey. Nestled within the gardens are a variety of traversing ramps, viewing platforms and the floating oval structure that reveal the surprise,delight, smells, sounds and wildlife of Turkey.
Integrated within the landscape are stormwater collection initiatives that cascade alongside the ramps and dense foliage to a wetland and site water filtration system.
Southern terraces
The southern terraces are an extension to the gardens. Defined by a castellated edge, the terraces adapt to the sloping terrain creating south facing spaces that celebrate the iconic vista’s above the urban forest. In addition the southern terraces offer alfresco dining, quiet contemplative spaces for reflection and accessible ramps that link seamlessly adjacent paths.
Buildings statement
An iconic building form embraces the rustic historical grain, creating a collage of spatial experiences that interweave the uniqueness of place with the transformative power of architecture.
Bandirma Gardens of Imagination embraces a powerful urban form that responds to the sites history in a unique multi-faceted manner. Through the castellated edges reminiscent of the hill top villages of the past to the smooth ovoid facade framing the internal spaces. Bandirma Gardens of Imagination demonstrates a con fident merging of contemporary and historical architecture promoting an iconic platform for innovation and imagination.
Integrated within the buildings are a series of laneway intrusions, historical extrusions and atrium patio's that promote a fine grain, permeable and enclosed spatial experience. Contrasting materiality form a synergy with the differing landscapes, whilst landmark buildings such as the ‘Beacon’ tower become icons in the Bandirma skyline.
Design Institute
Uniquely positioned within the inner sanctum of the oval, the Design Institute demonstrates a synergy between modern architecture, historical remnants,landscape spatiality and creative functionality.Through a diverse program that transitions between internal and external spaces, the Design Institute seamlessly intersects within its historical and landscape setting. Public spaces cater for outdoor auditorium seating, a library and café space, a public courtyard and a projection space at the building entry ensuring a memorable spatial experience.
The Design Institute is a creative platform for experimentation and innovation to achieve a better future. Design, investigation and sharing knowledge are central to the evolutionary development of the Design Institute.Positioning
The Design Institute sits in the inner part of the oval path, as an icon in Bandirma Gardens of Imagination’s landscape. The Design Institute takes advantage of its position, with views over the Marmara Sea and the city. It is the first building to see when the visitor arrives from the city and the last to leave behind.Built form
The Design Institute responds to the Oval walkway and adjacent buildings with a gentle arc that juxtaposes the historical grid. Expanding vertically and horizontally, the building volume represents a unique deviation in the Bandirma Gardens of Imagination’s architectural language signifying the Design Institutes importance.
Historical buildings
The Design Institute intersects with four of the site’s historical buildings, creating a dramatic experience that interweaves the past, present and future together.The remnant historical buildings engage with the larger architectural volume generating intimate courtyards and voids that support a diverse array of uses, spatial experiences and creative environments.
Interior to exterior
The idea of the Design Institute is to create an open building that promotes knowledge sharing for all visitors. The direct link between the interior and exterior spaces creates a harmony between the built form and landscape. The boundaries of the building disappear in the landscape bringing visitors inside and the design outside, merging and engaging people.
The Design Institute adopts a semi transparent volume that partially expresses the internal uses allowing the external environment to be experienced within the architecture. A white ceramic lattice reminiscent of the ancient Arabic Mashrabiya floats around the building as an external skin.
The lattice facade provides a temporal atmospheric layer to the building, manipulating light, wind and shadow to create a transient spatial experience.Uses
The ground floor of the Design Institute is a transient, adaptable space that responds to the changing needs of its users. The ground floor uses are con figured in a manner that results in maximum usability even if the Design Institute is closed.
Through independent access points strategically placed along the buildings edge, key uses such as the library, cafe, administrative office, book shop,auditoriums and fabrication workshop are open to all.This flexibility is complemented by the upper floor uses that target inclusive study for creative exploration,discourse and experimentation.
Green roof
A green roof forms a visible and physical extension to the landscape, offering incredible panoramic views towards the park, the city and the sea. The green roof provides a multifunctional carpet that acts as a lookout point, exhibition space, function room or place for relaxation open to the environmental elements. It also provides thermal insulation to the roof,controlling the inner temperature of the Institute.
Retail & Hotel
The retail and hotel form a permeable membrane between inner oval and the urban forest.
They both promote ground floor activation through setbacks, transparent frontage and ground floor activation ensuring a vibrant public domain.
External laneways break the built form, linking the internal gardens to the southern terraces.
The retails unique patio’s act as vertical and horizontal distribution elements promoting easy access between the underground car park and upper level spaces. Whilst the hotel supports a rooftop terrace where views towards the city can be enjoyed from a swimming pool, bar and lounge seating.
Bandirma Gardens of Imagination symbolises a bold new beginning, where an imaginative future is revealed through a contemporary synergy of landscape, architecture, ecologies and cultural history. Through an integrated layering of dramatic garden landscapes, multi-level experiences and environmental stimulators, the Bandirma Gardens of Imagination emerge from their historical remnants as an international symbol for creative endeavour. The Bandirma Hayal Bahçeler represents a dynamic new direction for Turkey’s Balikesir region, strategically repositioning the city as a centre for innovation.
The design proposes a series of contrasting landscapes that repurpose the site within its historical setting. Key features include an iconic Oval, a Botanic Garden, Gardens of Play, Gardens of the Future,Orchards and a Southern Terrace. Each space is framed by a dramatic natural urban forest that strengthens the sites existing Garrigue formation.
Integrated within the buildings are a series of laneway intrusions, historical extrusions and atrium patio’s that promote a fine grain, permeable and enclosed spatial experience whilst landmark buildings such as the ‘Beacon’ tower and Design Institute strengthen the sites city presence.
Client:Balikesir Metropolitan Municipality
Project Date:2017
Project Location:Balikesir, Turkey
Discipline:Urban Planning; Landscape Design
Total Site Area:26hm2
Sector :Culture and Art; Education; Public Green Space and Open Space; Urban Center
Scope :Brownfield Planning and Design; Spatial and Land Use Analysis; Open Space; Public Space Strategy; Public Space Design; Public Space Planning and Design; Regional Regeneration Plan; Urban Mass Research; Urban Design Framework; Design Competition
Project Team :Michael Cowdy; Francesca Visione; Philip Coxall; Tom Rivard; Julia Manrique; Don Do; Ann Deng; Min Kwon; Miguel Serrao
Collaborators :Vernica; Nura Arquitectes
Translator:SUN Xuerong
Proofreader:ZHANG Shiyang
(Editor / ZU Xiaoyan)