Gardner and Lambert believed that motivation played an important role in the success of English learning and at the same time, the two types of motivation are put forward, namely, “integrative motivation” and “instrumental motivation”.Gardner and Lambert presumed that both integrative motivation and instrumental motivation play a role in language learning.But the former has more positive effects on language learning than the latter does.Afterwards, Gardner & MacIntyr put forward a “social education model”, which is based on the framework of the integrative motivation, with the motivation orientation at its core.Based on this model, they designed the Attitude / Motivation Test Battery (AMTS).It has become a widely applied standardized L2 learning motivation self-report instrument.
Dornyei claimed that L2 learning motivation should be studied and evaluated from three aspects: classroom environment assessment, integrativeness and language confidence.Dornyei depicted the whole motivation of the learner from three dimensions of the individual, the society and the teaching situation.In 1998, Dornyei and Otto put forward another learning mode which focused on motivation process.
In the new millennium, Dornyei further amended and developed his theory and proposed a new conceptual framework that linked itself with the theory of self and identity.In order to operationalize the process-oriented conception of L2 motivation, Dornyei (1998) drew up a process model describing the temporal evolution of L2 motivation and later further developed the process model (Dornyei, 2000; 2001 ).Cohen and Dornyeii stated the focus on the dynamic characteristics and temporal variation of motivation, that is, on how motivate to change over time, and emphasized that motivation was not static but dynamic.The process-oriented approach is significant in that it integrates the manifold motivational factors that affect the students’ learning behaviour in classroom setting (Dornyei, 2000).
Dornyei established the second language motivational self system, including three levels: (1)“Ideal L2 self” refers to the L2-specific facet of one’s “ideal self”, because L2 learners want to speak L2 as well as native speakers and to narrow the gap between the ideal self and the actual self.(2)“Ought-to L2 self” refers to the attributes that one believes one ought to possess to meet expectations and to avoid possible negative outcomes.(3)“L2 learning experience”, which concerns situated “executive” motives related to the immediate learning environment and experience.
Csizer & Kormos (2009) made an empirical study on the L2 ideal self, ought-to self and L2 learning experience, which verified the reliability of Dornyei’s L2MSS, and obtained the conclusion that L2 ideal self, ought-to self and L2 learning experience are independent motive factors.
The study of learning motivation of second language learners will undoubtedly deepen their understanding of themselves and improve the L2 motivation effectively.Dornyei has borrowed the concept of “possible self” and integrated it into the study of the second language motivation.Additionally, he creatively transforms the research perspective into the learner’s inner self, and emphasizes the individual’s subjective initiative.This theory undoubtedly plays an important role in the future motivation research.
[3]Dornyei Z.Motivation in second and foreign language learning[J].Language Teaching,1998(31):117~135.
[5]Dornyei Z.The Psychology of the Language Learner: Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition[M].Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum,2005.