
2018-11-06 04:02:42杜岳峰毛恩荣温浩军
农业工程学报 2018年21期

薛 涛,李 伟,杜岳峰,毛恩荣※,温浩军


薛 涛1,李 伟1,杜岳峰1,毛恩荣1※,温浩军2

(1. 中国农业大学工学院现代农业装备优化设计北京市重点实验室,北京 100083;2. 新疆农垦科学研究院,石河子 832000)

针对喷杆被动悬架在低频下隔离干扰性车身摆动性能不足的问题,该文在双连杆梯形喷杆被动悬架的基础上加装作动液压缸而获得喷杆主动悬架,并提出了基于自适应模糊滑模控制算法的喷杆主动悬架控制方法;在建立了喷杆主动悬架动力学模型和液压系统模型的基础上,应用Matlab/Simulink对主动悬架系统进行整体仿真分析,验证了该文控制方法的有效性;基于课题组开发的大型高地隙喷雾机搭建了实车试验平台,分别进行了实车静态跟随试验和田间试验。试验结果表明:采用基于自适应模糊滑模控制算法的喷杆主动悬架控制方法,喷杆倾角实车静态跟随响应时间和误差分别为2 s和0.002 rad,相较于PID控制的4 s和0.002 rad响应时间减小;同时,喷杆倾角田间试验摆动范围保持在–0.005~0.005 rad内。结论表明,该文提出的喷杆主动悬架控制方法具有良好的响应性、稳定性和准确性,可有效隔离干扰性车身摆动并保持喷杆稳定。该研究有利于提高中国大型高地隙喷雾机喷雾均匀性和喷杆作业稳定性。


0 引 言




1 主动悬架动力学建模与仿真

1.1 主动悬架动力学建模



1. 内提升架 2. 连杆 3. 外提升架 4. 主动悬架液压缸 5. 喷杆

1. Inner lift frame 2. Connecting rod 3. Outer lift frame 4. Active suspension hydraulic cylinder. 5. Sprayer boom

a. 喷杆主动悬架结构图

a. Structure diagram of spray boom active suspension


Note:is origin of coordinate system;is the ground angle, rad;is sprayer bodyangle, rad;is the angle between the spray boom and the horizontal plane, rad;1,2are the angle between connecting rod,and the vertical direction respectively, rad;3and4are the angles between 2 sides active suspension hydraulic cylinders and the vertical direction respectively, rad;Lis the distance from the connecting rodto the ground, m;Gis the distance from connecting rodto the center of gravity of whole boom, m;O1is the distance from the connecting rodto the ground, m;G1is the distance from connecting rodto the center of gravity of whole boom, m;B,Care the angles between the connecting rod,and the spray boom respectively, rad;M,Nis the angle between the two sides hydraulic cylinders and the connecting rod, rad;Bis the weight of the whole spray boom, kg;Bis the moment of inertia around the center of mass for the whole spray boom, kg×mm2;Lis the load force of the hydraulic cylinder for the active suspension, N;1is the force of the connecting rod, N;2is the force of the connecting rod, N.is the acceleration of gravity, m×s-2;is the center of gravity of spray boom;,,,,andare connecting rod joints.

b. 喷杆主动悬架受力图

b. Schematic of force analysis on spray boom active suspension

图1 喷杆主动悬架结构与受力图

Fig.1 Structure and force analysis of spray boom active suspension















1.2 主动悬架动力学特性仿真


表1 喷杆主动悬架参数



根据课题组喷雾机底盘悬架设计参数[26],喷雾机左右悬架之间的宽度为4 m,其减振行程范围为±100 mm,考虑极限工况时,通过式(16)计算得到此时车身侧倾角度达到最大值约为0.05 rad,以此为依据,设计喷杆主动悬架最大摆动角度为0.06 rad左右。

结合上述建立的主动悬架动力学模型,在Matlab/ Simulink中构建喷杆主动悬架动力学仿真模型,为使喷杆倾角能在仿真时间内达到最大值0.06 rad,以斜率0.032 rad/s的液压缸伸出长度斜坡信号为输入仿真分析主动悬架的运动学与动力学特性,结果如图2所示。

从图2a可知,喷杆倾角随着主动悬架液压缸活塞杆伸出长度的增加而线性变化,当主动悬架液压缸活塞杆伸出长度为0.16 m时,此时喷杆倾角达到设计角度0.06 rad;从图2b可知,随着主动悬架液压缸活塞杆伸出长度的增加,油缸受力增大,最大受力为1.7×104N。根据以上仿真分析结果并结合文献[27]确定喷杆主动悬架液压缸主要参数为:缸径0.063 m,杆径0.035 m,行程0.32 m[27]。

图2 喷杆主动悬架动力学仿真曲线

2 喷杆主动悬架液压系统

2.1 液压系统原理


2.2 喷杆主动悬架比例阀模型




Note:PVSis the inlet pressure of the spray boom active suspension proportional valve, Pa;PV1andPV2are pressure of the spray boom active suspension proportional valve port 4 and 2, Pa;PV1andPV2are flow rate of the spray boom active suspension proportional valve port 4 and 2, L·min–1;HC1andHC2are flow rates of left and right active suspension hydraulic cylinder of rodless cavity respectively, L·min–1;HC1,HC2are rod pressure of left and right active suspension hydraulic cylinder respectively, Pa.Tis return oil pressure, Pa;sis pressure of system, Pa;FSis feedback pressure of system load, Pa.

图3 喷杆主动悬架液压系统原理图

Fig.3 Schematic of hydraulic system for spray boom active suspension

表2 喷杆主动悬架液压系统参数














3 喷杆主动悬架控制算法

3.1 喷杆主动悬架控制特点分析


3.2 喷杆主动悬架控制器设计







图5 喷杆主动悬架自适应模糊滑模控制原理图

Fig.5 Self-adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control principle diagram for spray boom active suspension

表3 喷杆主动悬架模糊控制器控制规则


图6 隶属函数图









4 喷杆主动悬架控制仿真及分析


表4 控制算法仿真参数

通过主动悬架控制特点分析可知,喷杆主动悬架控制主要针对2种激励,即变化较缓的地面坡度和突发的地面凸起或者凹坑。以幅值0.05 rad的阶跃信号模拟主动悬架控制中的第二种激励,即喷雾机遇到突发的地面凸起或者凹坑时引起突发的、短时间的车身摇摆;以幅值为0.05 rad,频率为0.5 rad/s的正弦信号来模拟车身连续摆动工况,仿真分析结果如图7所示。

从图7a阶跃响应仿真结果可知,PID控制存在着明显的超调量和系统振荡,最大超调量为0.005 rad,响应时间较长,为3 s左右,而本文设计的自适应模糊滑模控制器则不存在明显的超调量和系统振荡,响应时间进一步减少到1.5 s,调整到位后的误差几乎为0;从图7b中可以看出,PID控制存在着明显的滞后,且最大跟随误差达0.025 rad;自适应模糊滑模控制跟随性能良好且平稳,跟随误差几乎为0。

图7 喷杆主动悬架仿真响应曲线

5 实车试验

5.1 实车平台搭建

为了验证分析所设计的喷杆主动悬架控制系统的性能,以课题组开发的大型高地隙自走式喷雾机为平台[30],搭建喷杆主动悬架性能实车测试平台,实车平台主要由大型高地隙自走式喷雾机平台、超声波传感器(Banner,T30UXIA)、控制器(Hydac,HY-TTC 60)、采集卡(NI USB-6351)、信号发生器(DG1022U)、倾角传感器(Rion,SCA118T)和位移传感器(MIRAN,KTC-400)等组成,如图8所示。

1. 大型高地隙自走式喷雾机平台 2. 超声波传感器 3. 测控系统(包括控制器、采集卡、PC、电源和信号发生器)4. 倾角传感器 5.喷杆主动悬架比例阀 6. 喷杆悬架阻尼控制阀 7. 喷杆主动悬架液压缸

5.2 主动悬架动力学试验


图9 喷杆主动悬架动力学实车试验曲线

由图9a分析可知,在液压系统推动下,一侧主动悬架液压缸活塞杆位移成线性增加,4.8 s时增加到最大值160 mm,伴随着一侧主动悬架液压缸活塞杆位移的增加,另一侧液压缸位移线性减小160 mm,同时喷杆倾角基本成线性增加到0.56 rad左右;由图9b可知,在喷杆主动倾斜过程中,主动悬架液压缸负载压力从1.5 MPa左右增加到6.8 MPa,此时液压缸负载力最大为1.87×104N。以上试验结果和图2仿真结果中的喷杆最大倾角0.06 rad和最大负载1.7×104N有着较好的一致性,证明了所建立的喷杆主动悬架动力学模型的正确性。

5.3 实车跟随试验



1和D分别通过作业车速和植物高度进行确定,经过多次田间试验确定两者的取值分别为0.02 s和5 cm。


图10 喷杆主动悬架实车跟随试验曲线

由图10分析可知,输入阶跃信号时,主动悬架PID控制存在比较明显的振动过程,响应时间为4 s,超调量0.01 rad,静态误差0.002 rad,而自适应模糊滑模控制的响应时间在2 s左右,且曲线基本不存在振动,但存在静态误差0.002 rad左右;输入信号为正弦信号时,PID控制滞后和振动都较明显,而自适应模糊滑模控制的响应曲线仅滞后2 s,基本不存在振动,但存在0.002 rad的跟随误差。通过喷杆主动悬架的PID控制和自适应模糊滑模控制效果对比,可以看出本文设计的自适应模糊滑模控制相较于普通的PID控制响应速度更快、稳定性更好、精确度更高,可以满足喷杆主动悬架的控制要求。

5.4 田间试验

为了验证喷杆主动悬架隔离干扰性车身摆动的性能,在冬季时选择五征一处凹凸不平的沙土地为试验地点,进行喷杆主动悬架田间试验。喷杆主动悬架性能实车测试平台以3 km/h车速行驶,如图11所示,利用超声波传感器实时采集喷杆两侧距离地面的高度以获得喷杆倾角,利用车身倾角传感器采集车身的倾角变化,以试验时间为横坐标,以车身倾角和喷杆倾角作为纵坐标,得到主动悬架过程田间喷杆倾角试验曲线如图12所示。

由图12可知,喷雾机在田间行驶的过程中,相对于车身摆动倾角–0.015~0.015 rad,喷杆悬架主动悬架控制使喷杆倾角始终保持在–0.005~0.005 rad范围内。通过田间试验可以证明本文设计的喷杆主动悬架控制算法能够保证喷杆不受车身摆动的影响保持在平衡位置,可以满足喷雾机作业需求。

图11 喷杆主动悬架田间试验

图12 喷杆主动悬架田间试验曲线

6 结 论


2)在系统输入为车身模拟摆动时,采用基于自适应模糊滑模控制算法的喷杆主动悬架控制方法,喷杆倾角实车跟随响应时间为2 s,跟随误差0.002 rad,相较于PID控制都有所减小;进行田间试验时,喷杆主动悬架可以使喷杆倾角保持在–0.005~0.005 rad范围内,验证了喷杆主动悬架控制的响应性、稳定性和准确性。


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Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of spray boom active suspension for large high clearance sprayer

Xue Tao1, Li Wei1, Du Yuefeng1, Mao Enrong1※, Wen Haojun2

(1.100083,; 2.832000,)

The large high clearance self-propelled sprayers with the advantages of high efficiency, environmental protection and intelligentization have been widely used worldwide. The spray boom suspension system is an important part of the large high clearance self-propelled sprayer, whose structure and performance have an important influence on the stability and life of the spray boom as well as the uniformity of spray. In order to solve the problems that the spray boom is easily affected by the body swing of the sprayer to generate harmful motions such as rotation, deflection, shaking and the like, the structure and function of the existing spray boom suspension systems were comprehensively analyzed, and a two-link trapezoidal spray boom suspension system was designed. In view of the problems of poor performance of isolated interference body swing of spray boom passive suspension, a hydraulic cylinder is added on the spray boom passive suspension to obtain an active suspension, which can not only take advantage of the input of external energy to actively adjust the spray boom posture, but also retain the high-frequency isolation performance of the spray boom passive suspension to avoid the high frequency response of the active suspension that consumes a lot of energy. In the light of the dynamics and the hydraulic system characteristics of spray boom active suspension, the control method based on adaptive fuzzy sliding model control algorithm of boom active suspension were developed with the spray boom inclination angle as the control object and the control objectives of fast response, stability and accuracy. On the basis of the established dynamic model of the spray boom active suspension, the dynamic characteristics of the active suspension were simulated and analyzed by Matlab/Simulink, which provides the basis for the effectiveness of the control method. A real vehicle test platform of the spray boom suspension system based on high clearance self-propelled sprayers developed by the research group were built. The dynamic characteristics of the active and passive suspensions of spray boom were tested by the actual vehicle following test and field test, and the results were compared and analyzed with the simulation results of the model. The test result shows that: when adopting the active boom suspension control method based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control algorithm, the step response time and the following error of the boom dip angle is 2 s and 0.002 rad, which are decreased compared to PID control. In the field test, the spray boom active suspension can keep the inclination angle of the boom in the range of –0.005-0.005 rad. The results show that the active suspension control method proposed in this paper has good responsiveness, stability and accuracy, and can effectively isolate the disturbing body swing and keep the spray rod stable. The study promote the development of theory for the spray boom active suspension in China, and it is conducive to the development of the large high clearance sprayer in China.

agricultural machinery; spraying; control; large high clearance sprayer; spray boom active suspension; adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control








薛 涛,山东淄博人,博士生,主要从事车辆智能控制研究。Email:xuexintao@126.com


薛 涛,李 伟,杜岳峰,毛恩荣,温浩军.大型高地隙喷雾机喷杆主动悬架自适应模糊滑模控制[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(21):47-56. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.21.006 http: //www.tcsae.org

Xue Tao, Li Wei, Du Yuefeng, Mao Enrong, Wen Haojun.Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of spray boom active suspension for large high clearance sprayer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(21): 47-56. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.21.006 http: //www.tcsae.org

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