每座城市都会形成自己的独特环境,我们需要根据建筑所在环境去进行设计。比如位于Beer Sheva市工业郊区的“Beit Halochem”康复中心,就设计为一个内向型建筑,进而形成自己的空间。而Tel Aviv市的Gallery Forum则设计为外向型建筑,以更好地融入周边的城市环境。
此次与荷兰城市规划专家Hans Davidson(已故)的合作很成功,项目耗费的时间也很长。我们在以色列3个重要的城市竞赛中胜出,其中一个获奖作品是耶路撒冷政府宿舍。Hans专注于研究城市规模,对我们的设计给予了很大帮助。
1986年我们大学毕业(海法理工学院)的时候,正是以色列经济萧条最严重的时期。建筑师几乎接不到任何项目,我们只能自己找出路。Neve Tzedek是Tel Aviv市一个破旧的老街区,住在那里的居民能搬走的都搬走了。但我们认为老街区有着独特的魅力和巨大的潜力。因此,我们找到留在那里的五户人家,跟他们说了自己的计划,然后说服他们和我们一起把这块地买下来,由我们进行设计。这一项目标志着这一老街区高档化的开始。
事实证明这是一个明智的决定。Neve Tzedek越来越多的人找到我们。随着业务的扩展,我们有了资金,成立了自己的公司。几年后,我们负责设计了当地的社区中心。Neve Tzedek变成了Tel Aviv市的时尚区,很受欢迎。我们也留在那里生活和工作。
毫无疑问,最具挑战性的项目肯定是Har Herzl Memorial纪念馆,因为当时在政府事务方面遇到了很大的阻力。那是一个漫长的过程,我们要与很多委员会沟通,以征得各方的理解和同意。对我们来说,进行一个各层面都成功的项目非常重要,从个人到社会,从普通到深刻。
参数化设计将成为主导。无论是建筑设计还是城市规划,计算机都将成为关键。随着高度复杂的三维“绘图表”技术的发展,计算机无疑成了不可或缺的设计工具。 关于这一领域未来的发展方向,我认为是寻找能够优化建筑方案的算法,或者寻找可以帮助我们应对城市设计复杂性的算法。
Since we both teach architecture in various universities - we always can refiect to our own learning experience many years ago.Those years were a period of discovery. Luckily, we had some infiuential tutors that inspired us and helped us to steer our passion for architecture.
Being an architecture student in the early eighties – we were very busy exploring how to reach beyond the modernistic paradigm that ruled the profession and it’s sober functionality.However, we were eager to explore the profession in real life so immediately after graduating we have started our ownfirm just tofind out that we have so much more to learn.
The office gradually grew with projects starting from a design of a very small restaurant and slowly getting bigger and bigger commissions, we enjoyed the process of receiving more complex and interesting projects with the time.We always kept the variety of projects, never confining ourselves to specificfields, this way we can enjoy the different scales and types of projects in the full spectrum of architecture from interior design to urban planning.We believe that by doing so we also keep a certain sensitivity that enriches the projects, as knowledge and informationfioat between the scales.
There are many possible generators for good architecture. The way that can lead to the design could start from the site – the WHERE
Discovering what are the hints coming from the site (following the well-known paraphrase that the project is already there and the architect only has tofind it..) carefully analyzing the site, the landscape, the topography, the climate,the urban and physical context and understanding the possible connections to and from the project- this will generate the design.
But one can choose a route that derives from understanding the need for this project, its functions – the WHY
A deep understanding of what is the reason for this project - whether it’s a physical need or a spiritual or symbolic one, it’s to understand who this project is for, what is the relationship between the functions…
But we alwaysfind another interesting route in our design process and that is- the HOW
How should we build this project, what is the tectonic of the building, its technology, how can wefind a building method that is a part of the architectural idea, a technology that comes not only to serve the idea but to be part of it .
We strongly believe in connecting the project to its context whether it is the site, the climate, the physical or urban context and the cultural context.We see all our projects as compounds or assemblies of interior and exterior spaces– functioning together.On the other hand we search for the universal qualities of architecture, Such as the human scale, the motion in space and quality of light, etc.
Urban context varies - There are projects such as the rehabilitation center "Beit Halochem" in Beer Sheva which is situated in an industrial suburb of the city – thus generating a more introverted project- so as to create its own surrounding were on the other hand our Gallery Forum in Tel Aviv is a very extrovert building celebrating the urban life around it.
With the years we tend to better understand the importance of thefield of urban planning and design. It is effecting our lives in so many ways, and in the end it is the urban quality that will define the city’s quality, much more than the architectural qualities of the buildings that create the urban setting. This is the reason that wefind the scale of urban design so interesting and important, to work with.
In our work, we research how to create different urban intensities, and how to overlap all the layers of a city including the layers of time into our urban projects.
Our collaboration with the (late) Dutch urbanist Hans Davidson was a successful collaboration taking place for a long period of time. We have won together 3 important urban competitions in Israel including the design of the government quarters in Jerusalem. Specializing in the urban scale Hans certainly contributed depth to our urban solutions.
1986 the year we came out of the university (the Technion in Haifa) was the peak of a financial recession in Israel with absolutely no work for architects, so we had to invent our own path, Neve Tzedek was a rundown old neighborhood of Tel Aviv abandoned by whoever could leave this area, but we found it charming and full of potential, this is why we have gathered a group of 5 families, made some sketches for a vacant site and convinced them to buy the land together with us, and let us be the architects, It was thefirst project that marked the gentrification of this neighborhood.
It turned out to be a fantastic decision – and we started to get more and more small commissions in Neve Tzedek that helped us to establish ourfirm and after a few years to design the community center of the area. Neve Tzedek became a very fashionable desired area in Tel Aviv and we live and work there ever since.
Undoubtedly the Har Herzl Memorial, being a project that deals with painful issues on the national level. It was a long process, where we had to meet many committees and build up a broad understanding and consent. It was important for us to have a project that’s interpretable on many different levels, from the personal to the social, and from the prosaic to the abstract.
We are fascinated with contemporary architecture in China when it brings out something new and fresh, with local infiuence of the great Chinese culture and spirit. We would love to design projects of culture and education programs, as well as urban planning.
Parametric design is the future– both in architecture and in urban planning, the computers arefinely becoming this amazing tool from the stage of being a highly sophisticated 3 dimensional "drawing table" they become a true tool of the design work. Finding algorithms to optimize an architectural solution or even morefinding the algorithms that could help us to master the complexity of urban design is what we see as the future of our wonderful profession.