Lu Liyin, also known as Lu Lin, is a national class-A artist, poet, painter and educator engaging in the education career for more than five decades. Mr. Lu is a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association and Dean of Mountain Tai Poem, Calligraphy and Painting Academy. He is good at poem, writing, calligraphy, painting and seal cutting, and his works have been displayed at a variety of national art exhibitions and collected by individuals and institutions such as the National Cultural Heritage Administration and Chinese Calligraphers Association.
盧立印,又名卢林,字佛年,山东新泰人。从事教育工作近50年,曾任中专校长,高级职称。中国书协会员,一级美术师,诗人,泰山诗书画院院长。其诗、文、书、画、印兼修,篆、隶、楷、行、草俱能。作品多次入展全国各类艺术大展,事略及作品被载入多部典籍。作品被国家文物局、中国书协等有关单位及个人收藏。多种作品集由正规出版单位出版。几十年来,始终在艺术领域漫游不倦,可谓“上穷碧落下黄泉”“为伊消得人憔悴”,焚膏继晷、兀兀穷年、孜孜求之,为的是“独上高楼,望尽天涯路”。其诗、文、书、画、印诸方面的学习和创作,均提高到了一定水平。著名学者文怀沙先生看了其作品后评价说“诗书画俱能,文章歌赋皆通”。(责编 宁文英)