展览“营造Contemplating Basics” 展示了来自中国北京由张轲于2001年创立的建筑事务所标准营造的建筑作品和工作方式。标准营造的建筑代表了中国一种既现代又深植传统的建筑语言。项目范围不仅涵盖在城市背景下的小尺度建筑介入及大尺度的文化项目,也包括一系列微妙的在自然景观中嵌入的建筑创作。针对每个项目,事务所发展出与场所背景密切结合的工作方式,将传统及传统的建筑原则和当代手段结合,追求一种将对现代的追求和对当地遗产的重视两者统一起来的建筑。□
The exhibition "营造Contemplating Basics" shows the working method and the works of architecture office ZAO/standardarchitecture from Beijing, China which was founded by ZHANG Ke in 2001. The architecture offce create stands for a modern, but also tradition committed architecture language in China.The range of projects includes not only small-scale interventions and big-scale museums in city context,but also buildings embedded sensibly in landscape scenes. For each architecture commission the office develops context related working approaches which connect the tradition and traditional architectural principles with contemporary means, a kind of architecture which brings the modernism pursuit and the value for local heritage together.□
1.2 “营造 Contemplating Basics”个展/"营造Contemplating Basics" Solo Exhibition