School life课堂实录

2018-10-24 02:20■吕
初中生世界 2018年40期

■吕 渊


T:It’s Oct.16 today.You’ve been here in this school for more than a month.Do you like your new school?


T:Why do you like your school?

S:Our school is beautiful and teachers are very friendly.

S:And my classmates are nice,too.

S:Sometimes I don’t like our school.

T(pretend to be surprised):Why not?Why don’t you like your school?

S:I have a lot of homework to do every day.

T(laugh):That’s what middle school life is like.

(Students may mention their classmates/teachers/...Ask follow-up questions for more details,especially when there is a“NO”.)

T:Do your best friends in primary school go to the same middle school as you?Which middle school are they in?

S:We’re in the same class.

S:He’s in your school,NFLS.

T:Wow,really?Do I know him?Which class is he in?Do you talk with each other very often?

S:Yes,we do.

T:How do you talk/chat with each other?

S:We sometimes meet each other at the weekend and we often make phone calls.

T:And you can also chat through social media,like QQ and WeChat,right?There’re so many ways to communicate with friends.


T:Do you remember Millie?She uses another way to talk with her friend.What is it?

S:She writes an E-mail.

T:See,what can you get from it?

S:The E-mail is from Millie to Tommy.

S:Her friend is Tommy.

S:Millie writes about her new school,and her school life.

T:Good idea!Will Millie write about her classmates?


T:What else do you think she will write about?

S:She will write about her teachers.

T:Emmm,maybe.In fact,we can get some information from the pictures in the E-mail.Look,what do you think they are about?

S:Millie chats with her friend.

T:How do you know that is her friend?

S:They are laughing happily.


T:Yes,Millie writes about the happy time she has with her friends.


T:These two pictures just show part of Millie’s school life and there’s something more.Now let’s open our books and turn to Page 44.Read and find out the main idea of Millie’s E-mail.

How many paragraphs are there?Can you count?(Dear Tommy and Best wishes Millie are not paragraphs.)


T:To tell you the truth,for most of the time,we can easily get the main idea from the first and the last paragraphs.Have you got it?

S:I love my school.We always have a good time at school.

T:Brilliant!Millie loves her school.They always have a good time at school.And she needs to write something more to support her main idea,right?So here comes the main body of her E-mail.That’s from paragraph 2 to paragraph 4.What is each paragraph about?Read and try to find some key words,especially nouns.If you’re ready,please let me know.


T:What does“timetable”mean?What can it tell us?

S:Timetable tells us when it’s time to do something.

S:Para 3 is about friends.

S:Para 4 is about clubs and sports.

T:Good job!And things to do can be called“activities”.

T:Now let’s read paragraphs 2-4 even more carefully and finish some exercises.

S:Millie’s school life is from Monday to Friday.She does morning exercises at 8:00.At 8:15,her lessons begin.English is her favorite subject.

T:Why does Millie like English best?

S:Because she is good at English.

T:Why being good at one subeject can make you love your school life?I don’t understand...

S:If I’m good at one subject.I can get high scores.Then I’ll be happy every day.

S:And I’ll be praised by the teacher.Then I’ll be happy at school.

T:I know you’re all good at English.And for Para 3,here are some questions.Does Millie have only one friend at her school?What do they often do after class?

S:She has a lot of friends.They often chat with each other or play in the playground.

T:Good!And these are T/F statements about Para 4.

S:No.1 is false.They go to the Reading Club on Tuesday and Thursday.

S:No.2 is false.They read books in the library.

S:No.3 is false.They practise volleyball after school on Wednesday afternoon.

T:Why do they practise playing volleyball?

S:Because they want to play volleyball better.

T:Then how do you practise your English?

S:We do more exercises.

S:We read after the tape to make our English better.

T:To improve your English skills,you need to be careful while learning.And pay attention to these two phrases,on Monday and Friday afternoon/in the afternoon on Wednesday,usually we say“in the afternoon”,just like this one,it can be“in the afternoon on Monday and Friday”.And what if we put the days Monday front of afternoon?Do we still use“in”?

S:No,we use“on”.

T:So how can we say“in the afternoon on Wednesday”in another way?

S:On Wednesday afternoon.

T:You’ve got it!


T:After reading this E-mail,we know that Millie enjoys her school life,because...

(Students retell the main idea according to the key words given.)

T:And what about you?Do you enjoy your school life?You told me something at the beginning of our class.If you’re going to write an E-mail to Millie,what are you going to write about?Are you going to choose these topics?Or what else do you prefer?

S:We can also talk about our teachers,food and so on.

T:And of course,if there’s something you don’t like about your school life,you can also share with Millie.Now please get into groups of 4 or 5,you’re going to work together to write an E-mail to Millie.Each of you can choose one topic and write one paragraph.First,please get into your group and have a discussion about what you’re going to write about.(invite one group to talk about their plan)

T:Now please get started.Don’t forget that you’re going to introduce yourselves at the beginning.And since that’s an E-mail,there should be closing like“Best wishes”/“All the best”/or“Lots of love”.(Presentation:Students put their paragraphs together and read out the E-mail.)

T:You’ve done a good job today!Today’s homework is to make an E-mail poster and show it to the whole class.


吕渊老师的这一堂课是借班上课。面对不熟悉的环境与学生,她首先设置了真实的情境导入,让学生有话可说;针对学生的回答,她用“Why do/don’t you like your new school?”展开追问,激发学生进一步思考。在读前环节,吕老师用“What else do you think she will write about?”“How do you know that is her friend?”等问题来追问,并引导学生查找理由,锻炼学生思维的逻辑性。读中环节,她又用“Why does Millie like English best?”“Why being good at one subeject can make you love your school life?”等问题层层追问,促使学生辩证地思考问题。最后,吕老师又用“And what about you? Do you enjoy your school life?”这样的追问把学生从文本拉回现实,让学生通过学习课文知识来解决自己的问题。吕老师的这堂课,很好地体现了工作室通过追问打造“思情话意”的英语课堂的教学主张。
