Of situational teaching high school English teaching

2018-10-21 10:46YuHong
当代人(下半月) 2018年7期


Abstract: Using situational teaching in English classroom teaching can make up for the shortcomings of traditional teaching methods and make students learn in a pleasant atmosphere, helping to stimulate the enthusiasm of students in learning English and promote the upgrading of teaching. The significance of language in the context of English language, teaching starting point is to grasp the language through a variety of situations contained in the meaning, and finally achieve the purpose of the use of language in communication.

Keywords: English language teaching, situational teaching application, the creation of scenarios

The so-called situational approach refers to the process of teaching teachers purposefully introduced or create some emotional color, vivid image of a specific scene, and to arouse the students attitude of experience to help students understand and acquire knowledge or skills and students ‘mental skills development.

In the traditional English teaching, teachers are generally accustomed to holding books the book to read, speak, students had dead eyes staring at the textbook reading, writing, classroom atmosphere is dull and boring, uninteresting teaching often learning becomes a continuous. The process of accumulation of knowledge and practice of memory, it is to mobilize and utilize brain function, but with the machinery of emotion that part of the contact, which not only fails to arouse the interest of student learning, but also hinder their development.

Introduction or creation of situations in the process of English teaching, mainly by teachers teaching content, based on the students level of development, which aims not only to inspire students to learn English hobby, to mobilize their enthusiasm for study, but also to enable students learn in a relaxed, excited, cheerful atmosphere, understanding, knowledge, correct and firmly grasp the knowledge and the formation of language skills. In general, the creation of language situations through the following ways:

One, An English class, to create a good English-speaking environment

Usually listen to the students said, read, written mostly in Chinese, only English classroom is the students exposure to English place teachers in English classes in Chinese and speak about the special lectures, learning English is extremely detrimental to the United States well-known scholar Robert has pointed out that learning a foreign language is immersed in a rich, enhanced, continuous foreign language environment. , and to understand the language, and to accept these languages, it will achieve the most effective foreign language learning. Therefore, teachers should first lesson in English, the creation of language situations, and cant accommodate the students. Over time, students will gradually develop the habit of “With the situation to understand English.

Two, the use of visual aids and physical, situational teaching

Using real objects and pictures, stick to teaching can help to teach the word, phrase or sentence, and its conceptual clearly establish the most direct contact, so that is conducive to the students to practice thinking “in English, to avoid unnecessary translation. lively and high school students eager to learn, analog and strong, easier to accept the contents of the specific image, but their attention is easily dispersed, weak self-control, if this teaching method, can lead to strong learning hobby, attracting their attention so that they combine vivid visual image of abstract thinking, so as to deepen the understanding and memory.

Three, poured real emotion, to eliminate the psychological tension

The charm of the art of teaching is emotional, positive emotional exchanges to promote the teaching atmosphere of harmony, the more fully mobilize the initiative of students, enthusiasm, stimulate students learning hobby. If a teacher is concerned about, love, respect for students, student teachers will love, respect teachers, but also the love of the teachers transferred to the subjects he taught, the class will be able to actively cooperate with the teachers teaching, took the floor, change from passive learning to active learning, teachers should love each student for all students equally.

Four, Teachers can use situational teaching method to introduce diversified activities into the classroom.

Teachers can use situational teaching method to introduce diversified activities into the classroom. For example, teachers can organize guessing contests, English speech contests, English tongue twister contests, word-to-word games and so on. Most senior high school students have strong competitiveness. During the activities, they actively prepare and perform, and their learning efficiency is also great. Amplitude increased. In order to improve students language ability, teachers can also introduce role-playing into classroom teaching, let students choose their favorite characters in textbooks to play, and boldly deduce and innovate the characters. For example, when learning the “Life in the future” module, teachers can guide students to themselves. In the role-playing process, students generally have a more accurate grasp of the expression of will + verb prototype in the future tense.

Five, concluding remarks

In short, situational teaching method can not only create a good language learning atmosphere, eliminate the obstacles of Students Second Language Learning, but also improve the language learning ability of high school students. Teachers should constantly explore new methods in teaching practice, flexibly use various forms of situational teaching, construct efficient senior high school English classes, and further improve students English literacy.


Li Yi. The Application Path of Situational Strategies in English Writing Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges [J]. Journal of Qiqihar Normal College, 2018 (05): 134-135.