
2018-10-18 08:23:24郑周敏罗瑞敏程积民
中国农业气象 2018年10期

郑周敏,罗瑞敏,程积民,,郭 梁


郑周敏1,罗瑞敏1,程积民1,2,3**,郭 梁2,3**

(1.西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,杨凌 712100;2.西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所,杨凌 712100;3.中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,杨凌 712100)

基于1992−­2011年黄土高原典型草原长期生产力观测数据及相应气候资料,分析了近20a来宁夏云雾山地区休眠期(11月−翌年3月)温度及降水变化趋势,利用简单线性回归及偏最小二乘回归法(Partial Least Squares regression-PLS)探究了休眠期月和日不同尺度温度和降水变化对草地生产力的影响特征,以揭示黄土高原典型草原生产力对休眠期气候变化的响应规律。结果表明:(1)近20a来研究区休眠期平均气温以0.09℃·a−1的速率极显著升高(P<0.01),其中1月和3月升温最为显著(P<0.01);(2)休眠期降水量较少,且年际间变异较大,各月降水变化趋势亦不显著;(3)休眠期内不同阶段温度变化对草地生产力具有不同影响,但整体呈现抑制效应,降水变化对生产力影响不显著;(4)休眠期温度升高抑制草地生产力发展,其作用机制可能与温度升高引起的地表积雪减少、冻融交替频繁及土壤微环境变化有关。休眠期降雨较少,降雨与草地生产力并不存在显著作用关系。降雪作为降水的固态形式,其对生产力的影响特点及作用机制尚待深入探究。


草地是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,约占全球陆地面积的30%,主要分布于干旱半干旱地区[1]。地上净初级生产力(aboveground net primary production-ANPP)是草地生态系统最为重要的生态指标之一,决定着草地生态系统的基本功能[2]。与其它生态系统相比,草地生产力具有较高的时间变异性及气候变化敏感性[3−4]。气候驱动的草地生产力的变化对全球碳平衡、生态系统物质循环与能量流动、畜牧业发展以及草地资源的持续性利用均具有重要影响[4−6]。因此,生产力年际变化规律及其与全球气候变化的相关性已成为生态学研究的热点。





1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况


1.2 数据采集


1.3 统计分析方法


利用偏最小二乘回归法(Partial Least Squares regression-PLS)分析草地生产力对1992−2011年休眠期内每日温度及降水变化的响应规律。偏最小二乘回归法集多元线性回归、典型相关分析及主成分分析功能于一体,适用于单因素变量对多自变量的回归建模,这与本研究数据类型吻合,此方法在日尺度气候变化效应分析中具有较高的应用价值[29]。PLS分析主要产生两个输出指标,分别是变量重要性值(Variable Importance in the Projection -VIP)及标准化模型系数(Standardized Model Coefficients)。前者反映了自变量在解释因变量变化时的重要性,通常设定0.8为衡量自变量重要性与否的标准;标准化模型系数则反映自变量与因变量相关性的强弱与方向。正的模型系数表示温度升高或降水增多对草地生产力有促进作用;负的模型系数则表示气候因子与草地生产力存在负相关。


2 结果与分析

2.1 休眠期平均气温和降水变化趋势及其对草地生产力的影响


2.2 休眠期内每月平均气温和降水量变化趋势及其对草地生产力的影响


图1 1992−2011年云雾山休眠期内(11月−翌年3月)平均气温、降水量及草地生产力的年际变化


Note: ANPP refers to dry matter maximum mass per unit area. The short lines in Fig. 1c indicate the standard deviation of productivity data across different sampling areas for each year. The same as below.

图2 1992−2011年云雾山休眠期(11月−翌年3月)内平均气温、降水量与草地生产力的相关关系


2.3 休眠期每日气温和降水量变化对草地生产力的影响


图3 1992−2011年云雾山草地休眠期各月气温和降水均值(a-b)及其变化趋势(c-d)


Note:*and**indicate significance test at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. The same as below.

图4 1992−2011年云雾山休眠期每月气温、降水量与草地生产力的相关分析


Note: The solid lines indicate significant relationships exist, while the dashed lines imply weak correlations.

图5 1992−2011年草地生产力与休眠期每日气温及降水量的PLS分析结果


Note: Blue bars in the Fig. 5a&b indicate that VIP values are greater than 0.8, the threshold for variable importance, and important relationships between grassland productivity and climate variation during these periods. Red color in the Fig. 5c&d mean that model coefficients are negative and important, while green color indicates important positive relationships between grassland productivity and climate variables. The black lines in the Fig. 5e&f stand for daily mean temperature and precipitation, while grey area represents the standard deviation of daily climate variables.

3 结论与讨论




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Effects of Climate Variability during the Dormancy Period on Productivity in Typical Grassland at Yunwushan in Ningxia

ZHENG Zhou-min1, LUO Rui-min1, CHENG Ji-min1,2,3, GUO Liang2,3

(1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China; 2. Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100; 3. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resource, Yangling 712100)

Based on long-term records of grassland productivity and the corresponding climatic data on the Loess Plateau during 1992−2011, the change trends of temperature and precipitation during the dormancy period (November to next March) in Yunwushan area were analyzed. To reveal the response patterns of grassland productivity to dormancy climate change on the Loess Plateau, the effects of variation in climatic factors at monthly and daily scale on grassland productivity were investigated by using simple linear regression and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, respectively. The results indicated that: (1) in the past 20 years, mean temperature during the dormancy period in the study area has increased significantly (P<0.01), with a rate of 0.09℃·y−1, while the strongest increasing trend occurred in January and March. (2) The precipitation during the dormancy period was few, but its inter-annual variation was large. The change trend of monthly precipitation was also not significant. (3) Different impacts of temperature during different periods on productivity were found. However, overall, increased temperature during the dormancy period was negatively correlated with grassland productivity. Impacts of precipitation were negligible. (4) The negative correlations between increased dormancy temperature and grassland productivity could be properly explained by decreased snow depth, increased freezing and thawing processes, and variations in soil micro-environment caused by winter warming. The rare precipitation during the dormancy period did not exert significant effects on productivity. However, snow, as a solid form of winter precipitation, its impacts on grassland productivity need further investigations.

Loess Plateau; Grassland productivity; Dormancy period; Climate change; Hydrothermal condition







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