Say ‘no’ to Plastic Pollution向塑料垃圾宣战

2018-10-16 10:24棉花糖
学苑创造·C版 2018年9期

How long does it take you to drink a bottle of water? Maybe just five minutes. But the plastic (塑料的) bottle will stay in nature for 500 years! Plastic does not disappear (消失) easily. It is a big problem for Earth.


There are many plastic things in our lives. They are cheap, light and easy to make.


Every year, the world uses 500 billion (十亿) plastic bags.The plastic we throw away in one year can circle (环绕) Earth four times!Every minute, we buy 1 million (百万) plastic bottles.

每年,全世界使用5 000亿个塑料袋。我们一年扔掉的塑料可以绕地球四圈!每分钟,我们就会购买100万个塑料瓶。


For plastics, the trash can (垃圾桶) is not the last place they go in their lives. Every minute, a full truck of plastic goes into the sea. They make the seawater dirty. They are dangerous for sea animals, too.


The plastic we throw away in one year can circle the world ____ times.

A. 2 B. 4 C. 8

We use plastic (塑料) bags and bottles almost every day. Plastics make our life easier, but they also cause problems.


According to a 2017 study by Science Advances, humans have made 8.3 billion (十亿) tons of plastic since the 1950s. Seventy-nine percent of it ends up as waste (垃圾). Plastic waste can take hundreds of years to break down. Much of it ends up in the sea, where it can hurt animals.



Facing the problem, the Earth Day Organization set the theme (主题) for this years Earth Day (April 22) as“end plastic pollution (污染)”.


One of the causes of our plastic pollution problem is our“throwaway culture”, according to the Guardian. Too many people use plastic things only once before throwing them away. Plastic packaging(包装) is a good example of this. In the UK, only one-third of all plastic packaging is recycled (回收), the BBC reported.


Online shopping is getting more popular these days. People are using more plastic packaging for express deliveries (快递). This is especially true in China.


The Chinese government is trying to solve this problem. Last December, it adopted a new policy(政策) for plastic packaging. It is asking express delivery companies to use recycled packing things like paper and cloth.


What can we do to help?为减少塑料污染我们该怎么做?

Use paper or cloth shopping bags.使用纸或布做的购物袋。

Bring our own cup when buying drinks at a coffee shop or elsewhere.在咖啡店或其他地方买饮料时自己带杯子。

Keep leftovers (剩菜) in glass jars.把剩菜放进玻璃罐里。

Dont use plastic straws (吸管).不要用塑料吸管。

Do not litter (丢垃圾).不乱丢垃圾。

Collect plastic and other trash that we find outside.收集我们在外面发现的塑料和其他垃圾。

Oscar Mendez is an architect (建筑師) from Bogota, Colombia. He builds houses using plastic waste.He and his group collect plastic waste and shape it into blocks (砖块). They use the plastic blocks to build houses. This kind of house is much cheaper than a normal one. Mendez plans to build more in order to help poor people and protect the environment.


An Indian company used vegetable oil, natural starch (自然淀粉) and several plants to make the bag. It looks and feels just like plastic. But its better for the environment. It biodegrades (生物分解) naturally in less than 180 days. And if you place it in water, it breaks down within just one day. You can even eat it, if you like!


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