体 性
Style and Temperament
This is an important term about literary style that stresses the unity and integration of the styles of writings with the temperaments of their authors. The term originated from Liu Xies The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. One chapter of the book discusses how the styles of writings are related to the temperaments of the writers, and argues that the writings truly reflect the temperaments of their authors. This has encouraged later generations to analyze different styles of literary works based on the authors temperaments and became a basic line of thought on ancient Chinese literary style.
引例 Citations:
◎ 夫情动而言形,理发而文见。盖沿隐以至显,因内而符外者也。然才有庸俊,气有刚柔,学有浅深,习有雅郑;并情性所铄,陶染所凝,是以笔区云谲,文苑波诡者矣。(刘勰《文心雕龙·体性》)
When emotions stir, they take the form of language. When ideas emerge, they are expressed in writings. Thus the obscure becomes manifest and the internal feelings pour into the open. However, talent may be mediocre(普通的)or outstanding, temperament masculine or feminine, learning deep or shallow, upbringing refined or vulgar. All this results from differences in nature and nurture. Hence the unusual cloud-like variations in the realm of writing and the mysterious wave-like undulations(波动)in the garden of literature. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)
◎ 故性格清彻者音调自然宣畅,性格舒徐者音调自然疏缓,旷达者自然浩荡,雄迈者自然壮烈,沉郁者自然悲酸,古怪者自然奇绝。有是格,便有是调,皆情性自然之谓也。莫不有情,莫不有性,而可以一律求之哉?(李贽《读律肤说》)
So it is natural that those with an open and easy-going temperament create poems with tonal rhythms that are direct, smooth, and easy to understand; those with a slow temperament write in relaxed tonal rhythms; those with a broad mind, magnificent and uninhibited(无拘无束的); those with a heroic character, powerful and gallant(壮丽的); those with a depressed personality, sad and miserable; those with a weird temperament, out of the ordinary. Temperament decides the tonal rhythms of an authors writings. People have their own emotions and personalities. How can all the poems be judged by the same standard for tonal rhythms? (Li Zhi: My Understanding of Poetic Genre)
体 用
Ti and Yong
Ti(体)and yong(用)can be understood in three different ways: 1) a physical thing and its functions or roles; 2) the ontological(本体论的)existence of a thing and its expression and application; and 3) the fundamental code of conduct, and its observance. In any ti-yong relationship, ti provides the basis on which yong depends.
引例 Citations:
Tian(天)means heaven in the physical sense, while qian(乾)means its functions and significance. (Kong Yingda: Correct Meaning of The Book of Changes)
◎ 至微者理也,至著者象也。体用一源,显微无间。(程颐《程氏易传》)
What is most subtle is li(理), while what is most conspicuous is xiang(象). Li as the ontological existence and xiang as its manifestation are of the same origin; there is no difference between them. (Cheng Yi: Cheng Yis Commentary on The Book of Changes)