
2018-09-18 20:01ByNelsonPressley
英语学习 2018年9期

By Nelson Pressley

Philip Roth, whose comic novel Portnoys Complaint brought him literary celebrity after its publication in 1969 and who was eventually hailed1 as one of Americas greatest living authors for the blunt force and controlled fury of his dozens of later works, died May 22 at a hospital in Manhattan. He was 85.

His literary agent, Andrew Wylie, said the cause was congestive heart failure in confirming the death to the Associated Press.

Mr. Roths 1959 debut story collection, Goodbye, Columbus, earned him the first of two National Book Awards.2 He would publish 27 novels, two memoirs and several more story collections by the time he publicly retired from writing in 2012. His lifelong themes included sex and desire, health and mortality, and Jewishness and its obligations—arguably his most definitive subject, given the controversy surrounding his earliest works.

In later years, his focus shifted more frankly to the nation and its discontents, from the rise of Richard Nixon as a political figure in the early Cold War era to the sideshow of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in what became known as Mr. Roths “American Trilogy”: American Pastoral (1997), I Married a Communist (1998) and The Human Stain (2000).

“He at once talked about America and American-ness but filtered it through the history of the 20th century at large,” said Aimee Pozorski, an associate professor of English at Central Connecticut State University who had written extensively about Mr. Roth.

“He wrote about the American response to the Holocaust, but also about its effects in Israel and Central and Eastern Europe,” Pozorski said. “He could write about these international issues because he was truly cosmopolitan, a global citizen who was grounded by American culture.”

She called Mr. Roth “the voice of his generation.”

A 2006 survey by the New York Times Book Review of the best books since 1981 found an astonishing six of Mr. Roths novels among the top 22. Well into his senior years, he continued to win the highest laurels of his profession with new, evocative3 works. In 1993, his Operation Shylock: A Confession won the PEN/Faulkner prize; in 1995, Sabbaths Theater won the National Book Award; in 1997, American Pastoral won the Pulitzer Prize.4

His appeal was not limited to elite critical circles, drawing enthusiastic fans such as Bruce Springsteen, the rock musician. Speaking of Mr. Roths “American Trilogy,” Springsteen once observed, “To be in his 60s making work that is so strong, so full of revelations about love and emotional pain, thats the way to live your artistic life. Sustain, sustain, sustain.”

Philip Roth was born on March 19, 1933, to firstgeneration Americans—Herman Roth, an insurance salesman for Metropolitan Life, and his wife, the former Bess Finkel. They were Jews who “were and were not religious,” and they “didnt talk about the past. There was no remembering elsewhere,” he recalled in The Facts.

He winced5 when referred to as an American Jewish writer. “Growing up Jewish as I did and growing up American seemed to me indistinguishable,” he wrote, also in The Facts. “Id come from a small, safe, relatively happy provincial background—my Newark neighborhood in the thirties and forties was just a Jewish Terre Haute.”

Mr. Roth left Newark for Bucknell University in Pennsylvania mainly out of restlessness, to escape his familiar home town and his father.

“I wanted something difficult and dangerous to happen to me. I wanted a hard time. Well, I got it,”Mr. Roth said in 1984. (Explaining the notoriety6 of Portnoys Complaint and his own in an essay titled“Imagining Jews” for the New York Review of Books in 1974, Mr. Roth wrote, “Going wild in public is the last thing in the world that a Jew is expected to do.”)

At Bucknell, he edited the literary magazine, was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society and conscientiously began to find his writers voice,7 ruthlessly critiquing a colleague in print and discovering “a flash of talent for comic destruction.”

After graduating from Bucknell in 1954, he received a masters degree in English the next year from the University of Chicago and served in the Army for a year (largely behind a desk in Washington). He then returned to Chicago and taught English at his alma mater while writing fiction. An early admirer was novelist and future Nobel laureate Saul Bellow8, who told an interviewer that Mr. Roths stories “showed a wonderful wit and great pace.”

When Goodbye, Columbus was accepted for publication in 1958, Mr. Roth resigned his teaching post and moved to Manhattan, but the friction with his antagonists9 wasnt over.

In 1962, Mr. Roth shared a panel with Invisible Man author Ralph Ellison and Italian novelist Pietro di Donato during a symposium at Yeshiva University. Again he was denounced10 by questioners who thought he was undermining Jews. Mr. Roth later recycled the incident in The Ghost Writer, and he frequently said the standoff was formative.11

In 1973, Mr. Roth explained the double-edged sword of those early attacks:

“I might turn out to be a bad artist, or no artist at all, but having declared myself for art—the art of Tolstoy, James, Flaubert, and Mann,12 whose appeal was as much in their heroic literary integrity as in their work—I imagined I had sealed myself off from being a morally unacceptable person, in others eyes as well as my own.

“I think now—I didnt then—that this conflict with my Jewish critics was as valuable a struggle as I could have had at the outset of my career… I resented how they read me, but I was never able to complain afterward that they didnt read me; I never felt neglected.”

“Theres always something behind a book to which it has no seeming connection, something invisible to the reader which has helped unleash the writers impulse,” Mr. Roth said of Portnoys Complaint in the 1984 collection Writers at Work. “Im thinking about the rage and rebelliousness that were in the air, the vivid examples I saw around me of angry defiance and hysterical opposition. This gave me a few ideas for my act.”

Portnoys Complaint drew criticism from Jewish groups for its perceived ethnic stereotyping and from others for its sexual explicitness. But it also won praise from prominent reviewers for being playful and moving, a masterpiece on guilt. Writing in the New York Times, author and screenwriter Josh Greenfeld called it a “deliciously funny book, absurd and exuberant, wild and uproarious.”13

The acclaim for the Ghost Writer trilogy—with the writer Zuckerman viewed as a very close stand-in for his creator through Zuckerman Unbound (1981) and The Anatomy Lesson (1983)—rescued Mr. Roth once and for all from the “Portnoys” reputation as a clown prince of sexual provocation14.

“When all of those books were taken together, you had my story,” he said in the 2013 PBS documentary Philip Roth: Unmasked.

Yet earlier he had said: “Nathan Zuckerman is an act. Making fake biography, false history, concocting15 a half-imaginary existence out of the actual drama of my life is my life. There has to be some pleasure in this job, and thats it. To go around in disguise. To act a character. To pass oneself off16 as what one is not. To pretend. The sly and cunning masquerade17.”

“Am I Lonoff18? Am I Zuckerman? Am I Portnoy?” Mr. Roth asked in a 1981 interview. “I could be, I suppose. I may be yet. But as of now I am nothing like so sharply delineated19 as a character in a book. I am still amorphous20 Roth.”



























1. hail: 称赞,赞扬。

2. debut: 初次表演,初次露面;National Book Awards: 美国国家图书奖,美国文学界的最高荣誉之一,它与普利策小说奖被视为美国最重要的两个文学奖项。该奖始于1950年,每年举行一次,颁发给前一年出版作品的美国作家。

3. evocative: 引起记忆的,唤起感情的。

4. PEN/Faulkner prize: 福克纳文学奖,又称为国际笔会/福克纳文学奖,由美国国家图书奖得主玛利·李·司徒(Mary Lee Settle)于1980年创立;the Pulitzer Prize: 普利策文学奖。该奖不是一个独立的奖项,而是美国普利策奖众多分支中的一个。约瑟夫·普利策在去世前第七年(1904年)立下遗嘱,将自己的财产捐献给美国哥伦比亚大学,由他们建立一个新闻学院。这笔高达200万美元的款项中,有四分之一被用来设立奖项,后成为普利策奖的基金。

5. wince: (因疼痛或因看到、听到或记起不快之事而)皱起脸,皱眉蹙额。

6. notoriety: 恶名,臭名昭著。

7. Phi Beta Kappa honor society: 美国大学优等生荣誉学会,是美国历史最悠久的学术荣誉机构,该名称来源于希腊文,意为“智慧、学习和知识引领生活”,该学会旨在倡导卓越文理教育,会员为美国大学中最优秀的学生;consicentiously: 认真地,尽责地。

8. Saul Bellow: 索尔·贝娄(1915—2005),美国作家,被称为美国当代文学发言人,于1976年获得诺贝尔文学奖。

9. antagonist: 敌手,反对者。

10. denounce: 公开指责,正式指控。

11. standoff: 僵局,对峙;formative: (对某事物或性格的发展)有持续重大影响的。

12. Tolstoy: 列夫·托尔斯泰(1828—1910),19世纪中期俄国批判现实主义作家、思想家,哲学家,代表作有《战争与和平》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《复活》等;James:亨利·詹姆斯(1843—1916),19世纪美国继霍桑、麦尔维尔之后最伟大的小说家,也是美国乃至世界文学史上的大文豪,被一致认为是心理分析小说的开创者之一,他对人的行为的认识有独到之处,是20世纪小说的意识流写作技巧的先驱;Flaubert: 居斯塔夫·福楼拜(1821—1880),法国著名作家,其成就主要表现在对19世纪法国社会风俗人情进行真实细致描写记录的同时,超时代、超意识地对现代小说审美趋向进行探索;Mann: 托马斯·曼(1875—1955),德国小说家和散文家,是德国20世纪最著名的现实主义作家和人道主义者,受叔本华、尼采哲学思想影响。

13. exuberant: 充满生气的;uproarious: 引人捧腹大笑的,非常可笑的。

14. provocation: 挑衅,挑拨。

15. concoct: 虚构,杜撰。

16. pass off: 冒充。

17. masquerade: // 掩藏,掩饰。

18. Lonoff: 罗斯《鬼作家》中的人物。

19. delineate:(详细地)描述,描画。

20. amorphous: // 無固定形状(或结构)的,不规则的。
