(西南交通大学,交通运输与物流学院,成都 610031)
传统的运送问题是在运送品种单一、运送条件理想情况下的最小代价流分配, 但在实际的交通网络应用中, 往往会出现多品种流的运送问题。同时,由于设备的限制, 在同一个阶段的不同品种流的容量限制也可能不尽相同, 不同品种在转运点的接发能力也不尽相同。本文主要考虑解决各品种的容量约束以及转运点的最大接发能力问题, 分情况讨论复合指标修改规则, 通过增流链调整规则修改复合参数, 并根据汇的调整量修改复合指标, 构造不需要改变网络拓扑结构的最小代价流算法。此算法不需要构造增流网络, 也避免了二次求解问题。最后通过示例给出了具体的算法步骤, 为以后在此基础上的优化研究提供基础。
步骤六 回到步骤二反复进行,直到找不到可增流的最短路为止。
图1 多品种流交通网络图
图2 某一过程流量调整后的状态图
第二步 根据图2继续求解。
表1 复合指标结果表
Tab.1 The results of composite indicators
表2 复合指标结果表
Tab.2 The results of composite indicators
表3 复合指标结果表
Tab.3 The results of composite indicators
表4 复合指标结果表
Tab.4 The results of composite indicators
表5 复合指标结果表
Tab.5 The results of composite indicators
表6 复合指标结果表
Tab.6 The results of composite indicators
图3 流量调整后的状态图
图4 多品种流的最小代价流最终分布状态图
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An Minimum Cost Flow Algorithm for the Transmission-site Limited and Capacity Restriction Multicommodity Flow Traffic Network
KOU Wei-hua,WANG Xue
(School of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
The multicommodity flow distribution usually refers to a single species and simple ideal in aspect of the traffic and network, but the issue about the flow distribution of many varieties transportation has been concerned because of its frequent appearance in the practical application. In addition, due to the device capabilities, the capacity restriction of different varieties of the same stage flow may vary, and the delivery capacity of different varieties of transmission-site is also different. This paper considers the limited transmission-site and the capacity restriction of different varieties, and discusses the adjustment rules of composite indicators, which we can search for the edge to modify the composite parameters, and then modify composite indicators according to the amount of adjustment .We can build a minimum cost flow algorithm which does not need to change the network topology structure through this way. Our research shows that the proposed algorithm does not need to build growing flow network and avoid solving quadratic problems compared with the traditional single species. Finally, a case study is designed to illustrate how the algorithm solves the problem of the multicommodity flow traffic network, and the algorithm provides the basis to solve the related issues in actual traffic network.
the multicommodity flow; traffic network; capacity restriction; the receiving and sending ability of transmission-site; minimum-cost flow
寇玮华(1967—),男,蒙古族,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为交通网络控制及应用、交通信息工程及 控制。
寇玮华,王雪. 容量及转运点限制的多品种交通网最小代价流[J]. 交通运输工程与信息学报, 2018, 16(3): 59-65.