Jim Thorpewasaheroafterthe1912's Stockholm Olympic and a sad,bewildered man not too much later.Someone discovered that two years before the Olympics he had been paid a few dollars to play semiprofessional baseball.Though many amateur athletes had played for pay under false names,Thorpe had used his own name.As a result,he was not technically an amateur when he competed at Stockholm as all Olympic athletes must be.His Olympic medals and trophies were taken away from him and given to the runners-up.Both men refused to take them,saying they really belonged to Thorpe.The medals and prizes were then placed in a museum in Lucerne,Swltzer land.The records of Thorpe's victories were removed from the history of the Olympic Games.“I was not very wise in the ways of the world.” said Thorpe,and he then decided to give up amateur athletics for good.
Several times,there was an attempt by Thorpe's admirers to have Congress to return to him the trophies he had won in the 1912 Olympic Games.This project was never successful.But when sports reporters told newspaper readers that Jim Thorpe did not have enough money to buy a ticket to the 1932 Olympics,held in Los Angeles,thousands of people offered their own tickets to the man who had been the hero of Stockholm,and Thorpe was invited to sit in the Presidential Box with the Vice-President of the United States.When he had to have an operation in and it became known that he needed money for hospital expenses,gifts of money from all over the country brought him a fund of several thousand dollars.
The Associated Press took a vote in 1950 among the sportswriters and sports radio broadcasters all over the country,and 170 of them voted for Jim as the greatest football starofthe twentieth century.In anotherelection,the Associated Press found that 393 sports writers and broadcasters voted for him as the greatest athlete of the first fifty years of the twentieth century.His total was almost as great as the combined score of the next three men in the pool.
About seventy years later,in October 1982,the International Olympic Committee decided to restore the amateur status and the two gold medals to this great American Indian athlete.And itwasMr.Samaranch,President of the IOC,who personally presented the two medals to Thorpe's daughter and his grandson William Thorpe in Los Angeles in January 1983.Thus,Jim Thorpe,the greatest athlete of the modern times,is finally back where he well deserves to be.