【Abstract】Communicative Approach is learner-centered and empties to promote the communicative competence. This paper is discussion of using the communicative language teaching to make a course plan of English book Unit 8 for Junior-one students.
【Key words】the Communicative Approach; communicative competence; syllabus
Background and Definition of Communicative Approach
The full name of the Communicative Approach (CA) is “The Communicative-Adaptive approach” which is an approach to foreign or second language teaching with the aim of fostering or upgrading learners communication competence and procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependent of language and communication. From the light of the findings, it is conception of communicative competence, rather than linguistic competence alone, as the primary goal of language teaching and learning (Brown, 2001).
The Characteristics of The Communicative Approach
“One of the most characteristic features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language”( Littlewood, 1981:1). For another words, The CA emphasizes the processes of language for using it appropriately in different tasks, such as using it to solve problems, to get information or make interaction communication with others and etc.
The underlying theories of The Communicative Approach
2.1 The theory of language
The goal of language teaching in The CA is to develop the “communicative competence” what is presented by Hymes. In order identify and distinguish the difference between what he said about the competence and Chomskys theory of competence, he held that “linguistic theory needed to be seen as a part of a more general theory incorporating communication and culture”.
2.2 The theory of learning
Brumfit, Johnson and Littlewood offers discussion of learning theory and there three communication principles:1) task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning (Johnson 1982); 2) communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning (Johnson 1982); 3) meaningfulness principle: the meaningful language for learners will support the process of learning. Communicative Approach emphasizes the natural acquisition process.
A syllabus based on Communicative approach
Course objectives
This course aims to help students not only learn and master the simple present tense, a set phrases and vocabularies, but also enhance their communicative competence. Then, Teacher as a facilitator and manager will provide context for students to encourage them to express ideas in order to make more output and practice oral skills. Besides, the most important part is that let students enjoy the communicative process it self. In detail, students are expected to make process in the following aspects:
1)Students can use the simple present tense accurately express the sentences by practising the dialogues and making role play with substitutions.
2)According to this lesson plan and the effectiveness of class, it is important to identify the students needs, for example, which parts they have shortcomings. Then, it can provide information and line for teachers to prepare the next course.
Lesson plan:
Teaching contents: the simple present tense, a set phrase, vocabularies
Description of students: Junior 1 (44 students)
Text book: Grade-seven English book, Unit 8
Learning strategies: Listening to key words; Group cooperation in the role play; Giving presentation by oneself
Teaching aids: Tape recorder, worksheet, flashcard, projector
Teaching procedure:
Warm-up (3mins): Lets see some fruits and vegetables drawn on the pictures! Ill bring one, and this is what?......
Stage1, presentation (10mins, group work, four students consisting one group)
Stage2, explaining grammar and practice (30mins)
Homework Assignments: Making up two or three dialogues and practicing with partners in the team group. Then, two representative will show the assignments in next class.
The application of the Communicative Approach is beneficial to students. Learners no longer pay much attention to grammatical forms and structures, and put what they have learned into practice. Moreover, the CA provides an effective approach not a method for teachers and learners, and in terms of dialogues, games, rolepalys and authentic materials and etc can give learners an authentic environment to practice and use language appropriately.
[1]Brumfit, C.J., and K. Johnson (eds.). 1979. The Communicative Approach to language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.