The Great Places to Visit in Early Summer 初夏旅游好去处

2018-08-03 09:09胡杨
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2018年7期


As things heat up in the United States and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere1, so do the travel opportunities.


Julie Hall says that within the US most people will be driving to the resorts2. She also says AAA (American Automobile Association) expects family trips abroad to be a hot trend in 2018.


“Of families who will take a trip this year, 35% plan to visit an inter-national destination—a 9% increase from just two years ago,” she says.


With that in mind, here are some great places to visit in early summer:


1. Memphis, Tennessee

1. 田纳西州的孟菲斯

A trip to Memphis is a trip to the musical and cultural soul of America. And early summer is a great time to come to Tennessees second-largest city. It will likely be quite warm.


This city goes all out for its Memphis in May celebration, a month-long fete of music, food, athleticism3 and culture. Folks probably know something about some of the most famed attractions in Memphis already: Graceland, home of Elvis Presley; Beale Street, boulevard of the blues; The Peabody Hotel and its daily parade of ducks.


2. Bali, Indonesia

2. 印度尼西亚的巴厘岛

The great thing about Bali in early summer: Its the dry season and also the shoulder season. So youre less likely to have downpours during your trip, and May can offer up some bargain4 rates.


When you think “Bali”, you usually think beaches. A few of Balis best beaches include:


—Amed Beach: On the islands eastern shore, divers are drawn to its coral reefs.


—Karma Beach: You can enjoy doing yoga or a massage right on the beach.


—Sanur Beach: Sanur has plenty of beachfront resorts, but you can still feel its small fishing village charm.


3. Lisbon, Portugal

3. 葡萄牙的里斯本

Once the seat of the worlds most impressive global empire in the 1500s, Libson started a slow fade and became a bit forgotten in modern times in Europe. Thats been changing in the past decade as visitors are catching on to what is now sometimes called “the coolest city in Europe”.


Dont miss the citys incredible5 pastry6 shops. And early summer is a perfect time of year for a ride on Lisbons famous Tram7.


4. Malawi

4. 马拉维

Inside Africa explores Lake Malawi. Its the third-largest lake in Africa and holds the most kinds of fish of any lake in the world. This is a paradise if you like freshwater snorkeling8 and diving in clean water. And its not just the colorful and unusual fish but many types of birds you can enjoy.


You might not have even heard of Malawi. In case you havent, its a small, narrow country surrounded9 by larger southern African neighbors. But the destination is big on beauty—both natural scenery and its friendly people.



1. hemisphere n. 半球;地球的半球

2. resort n. 度假胜地

3. athleticism n. 运动竞赛,崇尚运动,竞技热

4. bargain n. 交易;便宜货

5. incredible adj. 极好的;难以置信的

6. pastry n. 糕点

7. tram n. 電车轨道;有轨电车

8. snorkeling n. 浮潜;潜水;浅滩潜水

9. surround vt. 围绕;包围

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