
2018-08-01 08:27曾睿唐安冰
重庆与世界 2018年7期

□ 文/本刊记者 曾睿 图/本刊记者 唐安冰



5月中旬,《重庆自贸试验区中英对话论坛 第一次论坛:多元化、专业化的铁路口岸》在西部物流园区举行,10余家中英企业代表出席了本次活动,涉及国际贸易、医药研发配送、跨境电商、供应链管理,以及教育、法律、设计等配套服务,共商如何通过中欧班列(重庆)促进重庆与英国商贸往来。重庆西部物流园的入园企业代表重庆医药和海娜峰景分别针对药品进口和化妆品跨境电商的具体痛点向与会各方征求建议。中国西南英国商会总经理Ben表示,“重庆这座城市拥有巨大的潜力,我们十分希望搭建重庆与英国企业的合作桥梁,将英国发展经济的经验带到重庆自贸试验区,带到西部物流园。”










Exciting progresses have been made in Chongqing’s foreign access road from May to June, which is embracing its upgradation quietly.

Dialogues between Sino-UK Enterprises Through “China-EU Railway (Chongqing)”

中新项目管理局在“西洽会”上展出的“南向通道”沙盘。 摄影/曾睿

In mid-May, the first forum of the China-UK Dialogue Forum in Chongqing Free Trade Zone:Diversified and Specialized Railway Ports was held in the Western Logistics Park. More than 10 representatives of Chinese and British companies attended the event, involving international trade,pharmaceutical R&D and distribution, crossborder e-commerce, supply chain management,and education, law, design and other supporting services. How to promote the business trade between Chongqing and the UK through the China-EU Railway (Chongqing) has been a hot issue on the table. Chongqing Medical and Chongqing Henna Top View Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd, representatives of the enterprises in the Western Logistics Park, invited suggestions from the participants in dealing with problems lingering drug imports and cosmetics cross-border e-commerce. Ben, the general manager of the British Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China, said, “The city of Chongqing boasts great potential. We are very keen to build a bridge of cooperation between Chongqing and British companies. We will bring our experience of booming the UK economy to the Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Western Logistics Park.”


As early as January this year, the China-EU Forum in China (Chongqing)Free Trade Pilot Zone, organized by the Shapingba District Free Trade Office, was officially launched in the Western Logistics Park. More than 70 representatives from foreign companies gathered to discuss how to create a business environment that facilitates trade and investment, and to promotes international trade in the environment of the Pilot Free Trade Zone.

He Shuaishuai, deputy director of the Comprehensive Administrative Center of the Western Modern Logistics Industrial Park Development and Construction Co., Ltd., said that the dialogue included academic discussions and policymaking decisions. The construction of inland open highland infrastructure is very important, and a sound environment and open mind also have an irreplaceable role to play. There is a lot of experience in the UK for us to learn.This dialogue will promote further changes in our thinking. She also said that a closer communication with relevant parties in the UK would be maintained, so that more British companies can understand China-EU Railway (Chongqing) and more Chinese and British companies can expand their market shares through the Railway in the future.


Qinghai Joined the Construction of “South Transport Corridor”

Since the beginning of this year, the construction of “South Transport Corridor” has been moving forward continuously and has become one of the hot spots in the construction of Chongqing’s foreign access road. According to the materials provided by the China-Singapore Demonstration Project Management Bureau, the Bureau, the Business Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Guizhou Department of Commerce, the Gansu Development and Reform Commission and the Qinghai Department of Commerce have cosigned the Memorandum on the Working Mechanism of Qinghai’s Joining into the South Transport Corridor of Sino-Singapore Interconnection Project in the International Exhibition of Qinghai, China. It marked the joint construction of South Transport Corridor at the working level by Qinghai, Chongqing, Guangxi,Guizhou and Gansu and the circle covered by the South Transport Corridor has once again expanded.

Han Baochang, director of the China-Singapore Strategic Interconnection Demonstration Project Management Bureau, said in an interview at the 21st Western China International Investment and Trade Fair that the “Friends Circle”of the South Transport Corridor of the Sino-Singapore Interconnection Project will continue to expand and will achieve organic integration in the four major areas of finance, aviation, logistics and information communication. The next step is try to allow more western provinces and regions to participate in it.Chongqing today has formed a pattern of opening up to the outside world, the Yangtze River Golden Waterway in the east, the China-EU Railway (Chongqing)International Passage in the west and the “South Transport Corridor” that is being promoted. The three major passages meet in Chongqing, for Chongqing Inland International.The construction of logistics hubs has played a positive role in promoting. These three major channels and passages meet in Chongqing and play a positive role in promoting the construction of Chongqing’s inland international logistics hub. The channel must allow Chongqing to accumulate more international trade goods,technology, resources, and prevent this channel from becoming a mere aisle. Only after the accumulation of commodities and goods can Chongqing form an industrial agglomeration and value-added processing, and Chongqing can truly form an international distribution center or logistics center.

“Ningbo-Chongqing-Singapore-Europe”Logistics Cooperation Strengthened the Eastward Passage

Besides, the eastward expansion of Chongqing’s logistics channel has also made signi fi cant progress recently.

Ningbo, Zhejiang Province has become an important shipping port in the world. In 2013 and 2014, Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (formerly Ningbo-Zhoushan Combined Port) ranked first in the world in terms of cargo throughput. At the end of May, Ningbo Logistics Office announced that Chongqing and Ningbo will jointly build the “Ningbo-Chongqing-Singapore-Europe”logistics cooperation program, which will connect the China-EU Railway (Chongqing) with the Chongqing-Ningbo trains, and build a grand international logistics channel running through the west and the east through rail transportation.It is expected that in the second half of this year, the Chongqing-Ningbo trains will achieve“daily communication” so as to bring about a seamless link between the “Belt and Road” and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Before that,through the “Chongqing-Manzhouli-Russia” rails,the Chongqing-Ningbo trains and the China-EU Railway (Chongqing) have initially opened up the northbound and eastward logistics fast track.

Yiwu, Zhejiang province, the starting point that firstly opened the Yiwu-London freight train (Yiwu-London) (formerly “Yiwu-Singapore-EU”), sent an investigation group of multiple departments to the Western Logistics Park and Lianglucuntan Bonded Zone in Chongqing during the mid-June. One of the delegation members told reporters that if we felt that “Yiwu-Singapore-EU”was closely dependent on its own foreign trade resources before, today it has totally changed.The multiple external channels in the construction are the advantages of Chongqing and its own sustainable logistics resources, which are “very aggressive and very promising” in the future.

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