魔幻之城 网红重庆

2018-07-04 10:36贺煜唐安冰
重庆与世界 2018年6期

□ 文/本刊记者 贺煜 图/本刊记者 唐安冰




Buildings are built on the mountains, cableways crossing the river and the light rail piercing through the buildings... Here is Chongqing. The unique geographical environment has created a unique 8D magical scenery. Since 2018, the tourism of Chongqing has risen to fame on the Internet. Various architectural images such as bridges, light rails, cableways, cable cars, and night views have been disseminated on the Internet and continue to attract the attention of the outside world. Chongqing is a well-deserved “online star” city.

In May, the "Chongqing: Travelling Thousands of Miles; Reaching to the Masses" city image promotion film went viral on the major media, websites,and Wechat friends circles, once again eliciting hot debate and concern. The video, from the fascinating magic of daytime to the magnificent views of night,all-round highlights the unique charisma of Chongqing as a state-level central city with international style. As of now, everyone knows that “Vastness and inclusiveness; Chongqing--travelling thousands of miles to reach the mass”,and tourists from other places come to explore, which fills the locals with sense of pride.

Chongqing--a city of mountain and water. The town is tucked away among mountains and rivers, while the mountains and rivers are lying within the city.Not only does Chongqing have magical city architecture, three-dimensional traffic, but also delicious spicy food, a beautiful natural scenery, and a profound history and culture. How many online-star sites could be explored by wandering in the streets and lanes of Chongqing? Let’s take a closer look—






The Liberation Monument, the only national monument to commemorate the victory of the Resistance War against Japanese Aggression, is one of the landmark buildings in Chongqing. Jiefangbei Square, throughout the year, day and night, is a must for visitors to Chongqing.

Hongyadong Stilted House Complex is highly sought after for its similar image with the animation Spirited Away. The hillside stilted houses was built along the mountains; with the cozy riverside bars,and the eye-catching night view of the lamp tower, it has always been an attraction.

"Queued for 3 hours for 4-minute experience." The netizen described the popularity of the Yangtze River cableway. It is the means of transport for the old Chongqing locals and is the "city name card"that witnessed the changes in Chongqing. When the cableway passes over the river, the beauty of the mountain city can be seen in this way.





Featuring wide range of connections, roller-coaster-like vertical plummeting and “passing through the buildings”,Chongqing Light Rails has been an eye-catcher, among which the most famous is the Liziba light rail station on the 2nd line, where a viewing platform is being planned and constructed here to facilitate visitors to “check in.”

In addition, the Sky Bridge at the East of Liberation Road, the Jiefangbei Kuixing Building, Cathay Pacific Art Center, Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge, Linjiangmen Light Rail Station Piano Ladder, E’ling No. 2 Factory, and Lianglukou Crown Escalators are all on the list. The on-line star attractions are springing up like bamboo shoots.



彭水蚩尤九黎城 图片/彭水县旅发委提供





In addition to the mind-blowing buildings and traffic design, Chongqing is renown for the uncanny workmanship of natural scenery.

In Chongqing, the world-famous Yangtze River Three Gorges; the Fengjie Xiaozhai Tiankeng hailed as "the world's largest naturally-formed pit", the world's tallest and largest Wulong Karst Natural Arch Complex; the Wushan red leaves, the Wujiang River Gallery, to cite but a few, wherever you go, you would be fascinated.

Today, Chongqing is abundant in the “on-line star” attractions. In order to provide visitors with a high-quality travel experience, Chongqing is speeding up the upgrading of infrastructure and building an escalated version of Chongqing tourism, reverberating with the theme of “The City of Mountains and Rivers?A Land of Charm and Vitality” to allow all visitors to Chongqing to enjoy themselves by “Traveling a thousand miles to reaching for the vastness. ”
