“教科书”,英语译为textbook。例如:1.据报道,今年这个南方城市在其城区和农村,中小学学生都可以得到免费的教科书。It is reported that in this southern city, free textbooks are available for primary and secondary school students in both urban and ru⁃ral areas this year.
“教科书式”的意思是“像教科书描述的一样标准和正规”。英语译为just as described by the textbook。例如:2.这名交警因其教科书式执法而受到广泛赞扬。The traffic policeman was widely praised for his having en⁃forced the law strictly just as de⁃scribed by the textbook.
“教科书式老赖”,指“懂得法律而逃避债务的被执行人”。英语译为deadbeat debtor who is just as de⁃scribed by the law textbook。例如:3.这名教科书式老赖甚至在打输官司时,仍故意忽视法院命令,拒绝还债。The deadbeat debtor who was just as de⁃scribed by the law textbook, deliberate⁃ly ignored the court orders and re⁃fused to pay his debts, even when helost the lawsuit.▲