
2018-06-01 00:42吴星铎,米沙,春海
国际人才交流 2018年4期


What is a stereotyped impression? Roughly it means that people have a general and fi xed view about a thing or object and extend it to such an extent as thinking that such a thing or all others like it should have this feature.For example, in the eyes of Chinese, impressions of Russians relate to: "Is Russia is a nation that likes fighting?","Do Russian girls become fat as soon as they get married?" "Are all Russians heavy drinkers?" et cetera. While in the eyes of Russians, impressions of Chinese people relate to: "Can all Chinese people do Kung Fu?" "Do all Chinese people live in buildings like the Forbidden City?" "Is China still very poor?" "Do Chinese people only eat rice? " "Are ‘Made in China’ products bound to be bad quality? "We talk about the stereotyped impressions mutually existing between the two cultures with the China-Russia Bridge,(founded in 2015 at the Beijing Language and Culture University, a platform for cultural communication between Russian students and Chinese students).

主持人 (Host): 吴星铎,海龙国际教育创新研究院研究员,中国(Wu Xingduo,Researcher of Seadragon Innovation Institute of International Education,China)

中俄桥嘉宾 (Guests from the China-Russia Bridge):

米沙,北京语言大学国际政治专业留学生,“中俄桥”创办人 (Chursin Mikhail: International Student,International Politics, Beijing Language and Culture University, Founder of the China-Russia Bridge)

春海,北京师范大学国际汉语教育专业留学生 (Marina Uzbekova: International Student, Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL), Beijing Normal University)

克丽丝,北京语言大学新闻系留学生 (Grigoryan: International Student, Journalism, Beijing Language and Culture University)

优丽雅,中国人民大学世界经济专业留学生 (Yuliya Korkaleva: International Student, World Economics,Renmin University of China)

张婷婷,“中俄桥”中国成员,曾留学俄罗斯,目前就读于吉林大学东北亚研究院 (Zhang Tingting:one of Chinese members of the China-Russia Bridge; studied in Russia and currently study at Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University)






Chinese Food vs. Russian Liquor

Marina Uzbekova: My family has a stereotyped impression that most Chinese people eat rice and some weird food, such as insects or some weird animals or plants, so my mother was very worried that I would not have a good meal in China. But after I came to China, I found that this was a stereotype. There is a great variety of Chinese cuisine, so you can choose as you like because there is always one which is just your type. Take myself for example, I particularly like eating kung pao chicken,double cooked pork slices, and kebabs– which are cheap yet yummy.Another highlight of Chinese food is that there are so many snack booths, which is very convenient.

Yuliya Korkaleva: I held a stereotype at first, thinking that Chinese food is relatively plain. Now, I love Chinese food. You probably cannot imagine what my favorite food is - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and now I can even make it myself. Sometimes I show my culinary skills to my parents when I return to Russia,and they think it amazing. In addition, I like all kinds of donburi,such as donburi with Kung Pao chicken, donburi with fried potato,green pepper and eggplant, and curry chicken, as well as dumplings and noodles. I love all of them very much.

Host: I also have a stereotyped impression about Russian food:I think Russians are heavy drinkers, especially Russian mencannot go without vodka for every meal, isn’t that right?



Grigoryan: That’s a typical stereotyped impression. Absolutely not all of Russians are heavy drinkers. People around me don’t all drink, and some even don’t drink for their whole lives. Of course, not everyone drinks vodka as some people only drink those with low alcoholic strength, such as wine. To put it this way, in fact, Chinese liquor is also very strong, and there are also many heavy drinkers among Chinese. Just like Russians who drink vodka, you will also swig Moutai, isn’t that right?

Chursin Mikhail: I’m a light drinker on my own, but I occasionally drink red wine– and not even white wine. However,the real reason why some people drink liquor, such as Siberians,is that the weather is too cold. They drink not for fun but for warmth. From this perspective, therefore, they are indeed heavy drinkers, which gives an impression that all Russians are heavy drinkers.








Kung Fu Master VS Fighting Nation

Yuliya Korkaleva: Some stereotyped impressions have disappeared naturally since I came to China, but there is one idea I still hold up to now, that is: All Chinese people can do Kung Fu. I originally came to China as an exchange student to learn Chinese, and I learned Tai Chi almost every afternoon. At that time, I believed all Chinese people must practice Tai Chi from a young age during physical education, and that they must be amazingly adept at Kung Fu.

Zhang Tingting: Yes. As a Chinese girl, when I studied in Russia, I was also often asked, "Can you do Chinese Kung Fu?"I think that may be due to the international inf l uence of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen and others, who have given an impression to many people that all Chinese can do Kung Fu.

Marina Uzbekova: The idea that all Chinese people can do Kung Fu is indeed closely related to Chinese Kung Fu stars.Take myself for example, I’m particularly fond of Jackie Chan’s movies, and have watched almost all his creations – of course,the Russian versions. My favorite, translated in Russian, is Drunken Master (the moderator explained that it was Drunken Monkey in the Tiger's Eyes), and I also like Who Am I?, Rush Hour,and so on. There was a time that I had a crush on Jackie Chen and even wanted to marry him when I was a kid.

Host: Russians think Chinese people are good fighters and Kung Fu masters. Yet,when speaking of Russia, Chinese people always mention an expression: “Fighting Nation”, which is a joke in good faith. Let’s talk about this: is Russian really a “Fighting Nation”?

Grigoryan: I think that’s true. The characterization of “Fighting Nation” is most reflected in the character of Russians. When some special circumstances and difficulties are encountered in everyday life, some people may give up, but many of my Russian friends hold on and keep working hard no matter what happens.

Chursin Mikhail: The so-called “Fighting Nation” is interesting to me. Russians are particularly adventurous and like to do extreme sports without paying much attention to the price theymay pay. Let me give an example. When the smog in Beijing was severe last year, only the Russian flights landed with superb technology and extraordinary courage. When you see that all flights were delayed other than those of the Aeroflot-Russian Airlines which arrived on time, I believe you will also give a knowing smile.







Ancient City VS Bear City

Marina Uzbekova: Many Russians think that Chinese people pay special attention to traditional things. We watch the introduction of China on television shows and think China is full of buildings like the Forbidden City. Before I came to Beijing,I had really thought so and even imagined the kind of costumes worn by Chinese people in historical TV series. However, when I actually arrived in Beijing, I realized that it is a very advanced metropolis full of modern buildings row upon row and people wearing fashionable clothes. Also, there are other modern cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Yuliya Korkaleva: Before coming to China, perhaps I thought that China was poor and that Chinese universities were shabby,but later it proved that such a stereotyped impression of mine was totally out of date. At first, I came to China for travel,mainly in Northeast China, and when I visited Changchun University of Science and Technology, Jilin University, and Northeast Normal University, it left a deep impression on the advanced level of Chinese universities. Later, I came to Beijing,which has a galaxy of universities led by Tsinghua University and Peking University. Currently, I’m studying at Renmin University of China, and am even more amazed by Chinese universities. It seems to me that a Chinese university is just like a small city that is provided with complete facilities including shops, libraries, gymnasiums, post offices.I realized that Chinese universities are no worse than our Russian ones, and some are even bigger and more advanced, which is not what I originally thought at all.

Zhang Tingting: On my side, there are also Chinese who have a stereotyped impression of Russia, that relates to: “Are bears everywhere in Russia?” I personally went to Russia and of course know the answer. However, I have often watched some videos, such as a Russian driving a car with a bear. Many Chinese people may have this question, are bears really so common in Russia?

Grigoryan: I think not only people from China, but those from the rest of the world, all feel that bears can be seen everywhere in Russia, which is of course a stereotyped impression. It’s impossible that they are so common, but there certainly are bears.

Chursin Mikhail: There was a famous picture of Putin riding a bear, which was of course synthesized, but people found it fun and forwarded it one by one, and even Russians liked it. Though bears are not everywhere in Russia, in fact, they do represent Russia. That's related to the country's history. During the Russo-Russian period, the king loved raising bears and the diplomatic envoys coming to Russia always pay them a visit. So the bear has gradually been considered as a symbol of Russia. Moreover,the bear's character seems to be able to represent the Russian character: it’s powerful, courageous and aggressive, and looks fierce but sometimes clumsy and lovely.







Made in China VS Post-Marriage Fatness

Yuliya Korkaleva: I still have a stereotyped impression. I used to think that "Made in China" meant cheap and inferior. Now I have changed my mind, and I think a better expression should be “cheap and fine.” I live in China now and often buy things on Taobao, like some clothes and bags. There is a saying in China:“You get what you pay for,” which usually means the quality of what you buy is proportional to its price. In my opinion, however,the price of “Made in China” may be lower than that of those made in other countries, but its quality is by no means inferior.

Marina Uzbekova: For example, what I am wearing was made in China, and I think that they have a high quality and nice look. In my opinion, if you decide to buy something particularly cheap, you should be prepared for its short service life; and if you want something better, of course you have to pay more. This truth prevails in all countries.

Host: A stereotyped impression came to my mind, it was told to me by one of my friends. He said that Russian women were particularly beautiful and gorgeous in their youth, but would puff up and become very fat after they got married. Is that the case? Have you ever heard a similar statement?

Chursin Mikhail: I've also heard similar words like that, but it's certainly a stereotyped impression that is actually not the case.In my opinion, in fact, it’s quite natural for all girls to have some changes in their body shape when they reach a certain age. It exists not only in Russia, but also in China and the USA. However,it is not everyone will get fat but there are individual cases.

Grigoryan: Why do so many people think that a Russian girl will get fat once she is married? You know, Russia is a particularly vast country with nearly 200 ethnic groups, each of whom has its own physical differences. For example, people in Siberia often eat greasy meat to store fat because the weather is too cold. It is possible that one would generalize all Russian women with that part.






Host: China and Russia share common mountains and rivers,and the people of the two countries are closely attached to each other. At the very beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the Chinese people needed it most,nearly 30,000 Soviet experts had successively participated in the construction to help China.With the reform and openingup policy, tens of thousands of Russian experts have actively participated in the cause of China's reform, opening up and modernization drive. In today's discussion, I was quite touched by you having a sincere heart to use your own personal experience to slowly melt the inevitable stereotyped impressions in these cross-cultural exchanges and promote exchanges with a very positive and optimistic attitude. May the Sino-Russian friendship last forever.

(Chinese version: Wu Xingduo, Wang Zhaofeng; English version:HeBo.The current cooperating organizations: China-Russia Bridge,Global Loud,Tonight Sanlitun, Seadragon Innovation Institute of International Education.)
