
2018-06-01 00:42弗特纳多阿莱西奥FortunatoAlessio
国际人才交流 2018年4期

文/弗特纳多·阿莱西奥(Fortunato Alessio)




Ningxia Grape Has Its Own Flavour

The first time that I visited Ningxia region was in 2013,in order to visit several Chinese wineries and meet one of my Chinese students that opened a winery there with his wife. Before 2013, I had some pieces of information about Ningxia region but I didn’t have a clear idea of what I should really expect. I have acquired international wine consulting experience from the top wine growing areas of the world, but it is hard to have more data information about Ningxia region in Europe, or at least in Italy. So I started my adventure analyzing Ningxia from the exogenous conditions such a weather, soil and climate. Those are the first things for me to consider evaluating if a place is suitable to grow wine grapes.

I spent almost 2 months in Ningxia during the harvest time, and after my experience, I can definitely say that Ningxia is an excellent production area to make higher quality wines that could compete with the most famous wine area of the world like Bordeaux, Barolo, etc. The weather conditions are different from other places of Europe, where conditions are more extreme during the winter and summer time. The winter is cold and the temperature drops down to -25°C for more than a month. The vine will die in this condition, so it must to be buried before the winter is coming. Summertime is hot and dry. The temperature goes up to +35°C during the day but during the night (depending on the area,but especially close to the hills), the temperature goes down to 15-18°C. This creates a big variance between day and nigh temperatures. The soil types are quite different depending on the region. In some areas the soil is more like clay, and in other areas the soil is sandier.The vine for Cabernet Sauvignon is presently grown in the widest variety of soil and region. In winter the vine must be buried underneath the soil, and it will be dug out in the spring. So I notice that the vegetative evolution and maturation of the vine is not ideal. I am fi rst a scientist and a wine consultant, so I saw that a variety of cabernet sauvignon in some areas have not had enough time to mature because the vine must be buried earlier before the winter. For this reason, in some areas of the Ningxia region, Cabernet Sauvignon is not the ideal variety to present as the best “Terroir” of Ningxia. Nowadays, with improvements in winemaking practices, you can def i nitely use some products in order to increase the quality level of the wine coming from the vineyard, but my personal ideal style and winemaking practices are to use as few as possible oenology products. The wine should talk for itself to us. I tasted and judged for the international wine guide Gilbert & Gaillard around 142 different Chinese wines a year, the majority from this region. Ningxia has everything to become one of the leader wine regions of the world, but future winemakers should consider starting to grow vine varieties more suitable for type of terroir that Ningxia offers, perhaps it will be interesting to research and plant wine grapes coming from south of Italy.

弗特纳多·阿莱西奥,意大利人,中国西北农林科技大学客座教授、西安葡萄酒商会联合顾问、《吉尔伯特&盖拉德国际葡萄酒指南》中国区总监 ( Fortunato Alessio is from Italy. In 2014, he was employed as a visiting professor by Northwest A&F University of China. In 2015, he became a collaboration consultant for Xi’an Wine Chamber of Commerce and China Director for Gilbert & Gaillard)



Being One Family Member of Helan Qing Xue Winery

I had the chance to vinify my wine in Helan Qing Xue Winery, one of the most famous Chinese wineries and the first Chinese winery to receive an award from Decanter. So my expectation of this winery before starting work was high. In fact, it was a great experience to work with the wine maker Mrs. Zhang Jing and her staff. I spent 2 months with them during harvest time. In the first days of working the owners of the winery bought me new working shoes and a lovely jacket with the logo of Jia Bei Lan. I felt like a member of the family and it was a very emotional moment. The beginning of this experience started very well. During the harvest time, we went to check the status of the maturation many times in the vineyard, because I wanted to make sure to get the grape 100% ripe for my vinification style and to use less products in the cellar. The availability of the team was great to spend time in the vineyard with me, checking the maturity level using the analytical method. The Jiabeilan’s team is used to working hard to produce higher quality wines so it was not difficult to manage all situations during the vinification and ageing time.I don’t use a protocol for the vinification because every vintage is different. I taste the grape, and with the analysis, I will determine the best vinification for the type of grape that I got from the vineyard. Sometimes I saw the team of Jiabeilan quite surprised to see me present early in the morning until late night working in the cellar to check my wine status, but most of the time if I had the choice I would perform many operations by myself because I have a great experience by doing it alone. The Jiabeilan’s team was available every time to cooperate and work together, it was a professional exchange between different winemaking styles. When the grapes come to the winery, the team was already trained to destem and select only the best grapes for the vinification. It was an amazing experience be a wine maker in Ningxia. So from both sides, we have learnt from each other: The local people showed me the delicious food coming from the region and the amazing variety of food that you could get there is gorgeous, fresh and delicious.


I enjoyed my time very much in the winery. The owners treated me like a son and member of their family. So that I would not feel homesick they also brought me some international food like pasta, marmalade and cheese.Everyone had in common the passion for wine and it was amazing to share my experience with all of them.






Come to Enjoy The Amazing of Ningxia Winery

There are many factors that influence a wine region becoming an icon, such as the “Terroir”, environment, soil,variety and people. The climate and soil type are potentially suitable for higher quality wines. At the same time, Chinese wine makers are able to assimilate rapidly and in an incredibly short time, the advice coming from expert abroad.

Wine quality in Ningxia increases year after year. This has been demonstrated during my wine tasting in Ningxia where I had the chance to taste wines from all area of Ningxia surrounding, judging for Gilbert&Gaillard international wine guide with the highest score coming from this region in China. No other wine region in the world got incredible support in term of development from the home state country. I lived in all wine regions in the world and what I saw in Ningxia is something not duplicable in another country. My congratulations to the Chinese Government and Ningxia wine bureau to perfectly work together to develop the Ningxia wine region. The first time that I visited Ningxia in 2013, they didn’t finish building the road to access to the wineries. Today in 2017,it is wonderful going around by car or bicycle from one vineyard to another. The amazing views of the vineyard surrounded by the mountain give you an amazing feeling of comfort and peace.

The majority of wineries have created an amazing Chinese-style accommodation, comfortable, clean and well preserved in the healthy environment. That is all you need. You can travel in the region for more than 3 weeks and you will never feel bored, sleeping in a comfortable accommodation, surrounded by the vineyard and eating delicious local foods. The local people are very gentle and simple, even if some of them do not speak English, you will receive their warm welcome. I kindly suggest to all foreigners that love wine and wineries to visit this amazing region. There is a lot to discover and to fall in love with.


My expectation for Ningxia is very high and I am confident that in the near future we will see more Chinese quality wines from Ningxia present in the most important wine tasting of the world. It is just a matter of time. The potential is already setup in Ningxia. I won’t be surprised if in the future more and more foreigners who are passionate about wine will visit this amazing region, and that Ningxia’s wine will be famous like Barolo.
