
2018-05-15 06:11
中国学术期刊文摘 2018年9期

数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2016-01—2018-03 检索时间:2018-04-16

74 Synthesis of magnetic gamma-Fe2O3-based nanomaterial for ultrasonic assisted dyes adsorption: Modeling and optimization Asfaram, Arash;Ghaedi, Mehrorang;Hajati, Shaaker; et al.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2016, 32: 418-431 66 Adaptive fuzzy optimal control using direct heuristic dynamic programming for chaotic discrete-time system Gao, Ying;Liu, Yanjun Journal of Vibration and Control 2016, 22(2): 595-603 59 Ultrasonic enhancement of the simultaneous removal of quaternary toxic organic dyes by CuO nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon: Central composite design, kinetic and isotherm study Dashamiri, Somayeh;Ghaedi, Mehrorang;Dashtian, Kheibar; et al.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2016, 31: 546 48 Sonochemical assisted hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO: Cr nanoparticles loaded activated carbon for simultaneous ultrasound-assisted adsorption of ternary toxic organic dye:Derivative spectrophotometric, optimization,kinetic and isotherm study Jamshidi, M.;Ghaedi, M.;Dashtian, K.; et al.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2016, 32: 119-131

Agricultural Engineering 农业工程

106 Biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass: An overview Sindhu, Raveendran;Binod, Parameswaran;Pandey, Ashok Bioresource Technology 2016, 199: 76-82 84 Organic solvent pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels and biochemicals: A review Zhang, Ke;Pei, Zhijian;Wang, Donghai Bioresource Technology 2016, 199: 21-33 73 A comprehensive review on pre-treatment strategy for lignocellulosic food industry waste: Challenges and opportunities Ravindran, Rajeev;Jaiswal, Amit Kumar Bioresource Technology 2016, 199: 92-102 67 Review of feedstock pretreatment strategies for improved anaerobic digestion: From lab-scale research to full-scale application Carrere, Helene;Antonopoulou, Georgia;Affes, Rim; et al.Bioresource Technology 2016, 199: 386-397

Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science 农业,乳品和动物科学

36 Seaweeds for livestock diets: A review Makkar, Harinder P. S.;Tran, Gilles; Heuze,Valerie; et al.Animal Feed Science and Technology 2016, 212: 1-17 28 Carryover effect of postpartum inflammatory diseases on developmental biology and fertility in lactating dairy cows Ribeiro, E. S.;Gomes, G.;Greco, L. F.; et al.Journal of Dairy Science 2016, 99(3): 2201-2220 26 Variation in chemical composition and physical characteristics of cereal grains from different genotypes Rodehutscord, Markus;Rueckert, Christine;Maurer, Hans Peter;et al.Archives of Animal Nutrition 2016, 70(2): 87-107 23 Genomic prediction of host resistance to sea lice in farmed Atlantic salmon populations Tsai, Hsin-Yuan;Hamilton, Alastair;Tinch, Alan E.; et al.Genetics Selection Evolution 2016, 48: 47

Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 综合农业

40 Agricultural landscape simplification reduces natural pest control: A quantitative synthesis Rusch, Adrien;Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca;Gardiner, Mary M.; et al.Agriculture Ecosystems &Environment 2016, 221: 198-204 31 Development of emission factors and efficiency of two nitrification inhibitors, DCD and DMPP Gilsanz, Claudia;Baez, Dolores;Misselbrook, Tom H.;et al.Agriculture Ecosystems &Environment 2016, 216: 1-8 29 Promising health benefits of the strawberry:A focus on clinical studies Afrin, Sadia; Gasparrini,Massimiliano;Forbes-Hernandez,Tamara Y.; et al.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64(22): 4435-4449 27“Switch-on” fluorescent sensing of ascorbic acid in food samples based on carbon quantum dots-MnO2 probe Liu, Juanjuan;Chen, Yonglei;Wang, Weifeng; et al.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64(1): 371-380

Agronomy 农学

71 Production of cellulose nanofibrils: A review of recent advances Nechyporchuk,Oleksandr; Belgacem,Mohamed Naceur;Bras, Julien Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 93(SI): 2-25 37 Phytohormones and their metabolic engineering for abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants Wani, Shabir H.;Kumar, Vinay;Shriram, Varsha; et al.Crop Journal 2016, 4(3): 162-176 33 History, presence and perspective of using plant extracts as commercial botanical insecticides and farm products for protection against insects : A review Pavela, Roman Plant Protection Science 2016, 52(4): 229-241 31 Assesment of technical lignins for uses in biofuels and biomaterials: Structure-related properties, proximate analysis and chemical modification Gordobil, Oihana;Moriana, Rosana;Zhang, Liming; et al.Industrial Crops and Products 2016, 83: 155-165

Allergy 过敏

71 Inflammatory endotypes of chronic rhinosinusitis based on cluster analysis of biomarkers Tomassen, Peter;Vandeplas, Griet;Van Zele, Thibaut; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016, 137(5): 1449 64 Precision medicine in patients with allergic diseases: Airway diseases and atopic dermatitis-PRACTALL document of the european academy of allergy and clinical immunology and the american academy of allergy, asthma & immunology Muraro, Antonella;Lemanske, Robert F., Jr.;Hellings, Peter W.; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016, 137(5): 1347-1358 62 Cellular and molecular immunologic mechanisms in patients with atopic dermatitis Werfel, Thomas;Allam, Jean-Pierre;Biedermann, Tilo; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016, 138(2): 336-349 56 Effective treatment of house dust miteinduced allergic rhinitis with 2 doses of the SQ HDM SLIT-tablet: Results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial Demoly, Pascal;Emminger, Waltraud;Rehm, Dorte; et al.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016, 137(2): 444

Anatomy & Morphology 解剖学和形态学

35 Development of a companion diagnostic PD-L1 immunohistochemistry assay for pembrolizumab therapy in non-small-cell lung cancer Roach, Charlotte;Zhang, Nancy;Corigliano, Ellie; et al.Applied Immunohistochemistry& Molecular Morphology 2016, 24(6): 392-397 31 Conditional anterograde tracing reveals distinct targeting of individual serotonin cell groups(B5-B9) to the forebrain and brainstem Muzerelle, Aude;Scotto-Lomassese,Sophie; Bernard, Jean Francois; et al.Brain Structure & Function 2016, 221(1): 535-561 26 Structural and functional connectivity mapping of the vestibular circuitry from human brainstem to cortex Kirsch, V.; Keeser, D.;Hergenroeder, T.; et al.Brain Structure & Function 2016, 221(3): 1291-1308 25 Impaired functional integration in multiple sclerosis: A graph theory study Rocca, Maria A.;Valsasina, Paola;Meani, Alessandro; et al.Brain Structure & Function 2016, 221(1): 115-131

Andrology 男科


27 Intervention improves assisted conception intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes for patients with high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation: A retrospective analysis Bradley, C. K.;McArthur, S. J.;Gee, A. J.; et al.Andrology 2016, 4(5): 903-910 25 The Sertoli cell: One hundred fifty years of beauty and plasticity Franca, L. R.;Hess, R. A.;Dufour, J. M.; et al.Andrology 2016, 4(2): 189-212 20 Outcome of varicocele repair in men with nonobstructive azoospermia: Systematic review and meta-analysis Esteves, Sandro C.;Miyaoka, Ricardo;Roque, Matheus;et al.Asian Journal of Andrology 2016, 18(2): 246-253 18 Outcome of assisted reproductive technology in men with treated and untreated varicocele:Systematic review and meta-analysis Esteves, Sandro C.;Roque, Matheus;Agarwal, Ashok Asian Journal of Andrology 2016, 18(2): 254-258

Anesthesiology 麻醉学

46 Dexmedetomidine versus propofol sedation reduces delirium after cardiac surgery a randomized controlled trial Djaiani, George;Silverton, Natalie;Fedorko, Ludwik;et al.Anesthesiology 2016, 124(2): 362-368 44 Updating the definition of pain Williams, Amanda C. de C.; Craig, Kenneth D.Pain 2016, 157(11): 2420-2423 43 A rational approach to fluid therapy in sepsis Marik, P.; Bellomo, R.British Journal of Anaesthesia 2016, 116(3): 339-349 40 The erector spinae plane block a novel analgesic technique in thoracic neuropathic pain Forero, Mauricio;Adhikary, Sanjib D.;Lopez, Hector; et al.Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2016, 41(5): 621-627

Astronomy & Astrophysics 天文学与天体物理学

333 A 2.4% determination of the local value of the hubble constant Riess, Adam G.;Macri, Lucas M.;Hoffmann, Samantha L.;et al.Astrophysical Journal 2016, 826(1): 56 220 Planck intermediate results XXX. The angular power spectrum of polarized dust emission at intermediate and high Galactic latitudes Adam, R.;Ade, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.; et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics 2016, 586: A133 218 Astrophysical implications of the binary black hole merger GW150914 Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.; et al.Astrophysical Journal Letters 2016, 818(2): L22 181 Planck 2015 results XI. CMB power spectra,likelihoods, and robustness of parameters Aghanim, N.;Arnaud, M.;Ashdown, M.; et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics 2016, 594: A11

Automation & Control Systems 自动化与控制系统

169 Observer-based adaptive sliding mode control for nonlinear Markovian jump systems Li, Hongyi;Shi, Peng;Yao, Deyin; et al.Automatica 2016, 64: 133-142 151 Fault detection filtering for nonlinear switched stochastic systems Su, Xiaojie;Shi, Peng;Wu, Ligang; et al.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2016, 61(5): 1310-1315 131 Observer-based fault detection for nonlinear systems with sensor fault and limited communication capacity Li, Hongyi;Gao, Yabin;Shi, Peng; et al.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2016, 61(9): 2745-2751 116 Observed-based adaptive fuzzy decentralized tracking control for switched uncertain nonlinear large-scale systems with dead zones Tong, Shaocheng;Zhang, Lili;Li, Yongming IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 2016, 46(1): 37-47

Biochemical Research Methods 生化研究方法

121 iEnhancer-2L: A two-layer predictor for identifying enhancers and their strength by pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition Liu, Bin;Fang, Longyun;Long, Ren; et al.Bioinformatics 2016, 32(3): 362-369 108 The upcoming 3D-printing revolution in microfluidics Bhattacharjee,Nirveek; Urrios,Arturo; Kanga, Shawn;et al.Lab on A Chip 2016, 16(10): 1720-1742 98 Contrast agents for molecular photoacoustic imaging Weber, Judith;Beard, Paul C.;Bohndiek, Sarah E.Nature Methods 2016, 13(8): 639-650 93 Integrative approaches for predicting microRNA function and prioritizing disease-related microRNA using biological interaction networks Zeng, Xiangxiang;Zhang, Xuan;Zou, Quan Briefings in Bioinformatics 2016, 17(2): 193-203

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 生物化学与分子生物学

778 The IUPHAR/BPS guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: Towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands Southan, Christopher;Sharman, Joanna L.;Benson, Helen E.; et al.Nucleic Acids Research 2016, 44(D1): D1054-D1068 616 The family based association test method:Strategies for studying general genotype-phenotype associations Horvath, Steve;Xu, Xin;Laird, Nan M.European Journal of Human Genetics 2017, 25(1): S59-S62 440 Ensembl 2016 Yates, Andrew;Akanni, Wasiu;Amode, M. Ridwan;et al.Nucleic Acids Research 2016, 44(D1): D710-D716 337 PubChem substance and compound databases Kim, Sunghwan;Thiessen, Paul A.;Bolton, Evan E.; et al.Nucleic Acids Research 2016, 44(D1): D1202-D1213

Biodiversity Conservation 生物多样性保护

66 An integrated pan-tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets Avitabile, Valerio;Herold, Martin;Heuvelink, Gerard B.M.; et al.Global Change Biology 2016, 22(4): 1406-1420 62 The ecology of environmental DNA and implications for conservation genetics Barnes, Matthew A.;Turner, Cameron R.Conservation Genetics 2016, 17(1): 1-17 60 Global ecological impacts of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems Gallardo, Belinda;Clavero, Miguel;Sanchez, Marta I.;et al.Global Change Biology 2016, 22(1): 151-163 52 Soil carbon sequestration and biochar as negative emission technologies Smith, Pete Global Change Biology 2016, 22(3): 1315-1324

Biology 生物学

94 Accelerated cryo-EM structure determination with parallelisation using GPUs in RELION-2 Kimanius, Dari;Forsberg, Bjorn O.;Scheres, Sjors H. W.;et al.Elife 2016, 5: e18722 74 Tumor microenvironment derived exosomes pleiotropically modulate cancer cell metabolism Zhao, Hongyun;Yang, Lifeng;Baddour, Joelle;et al.Elife 2016, 5: e10250 70 Compact and highly active next-generation libraries for CRISPR-mediated gene repression and activation Horlbeck, Max A.;Gilbert, Luke A.;Villalta, Jacqueline E.;et al.Elife 2016, 5: e19760 68 Mapping global environmental suitability for Zika virus Messina, Jane P.;Kraemer, Moritz U. G.;Brady, Oliver J.;Elife 2016, 5: e15272

Biophysics 生物物理学

107 Enzymatic biofuel cells: 30 years of critical advancements Rasmussen, Michelle;Abdellaoui, Sofiene;Minteer, Shelley D.Biosensors &Bioelectronics 2016, 76(SI): 91-102 97 Recent advances in electrochemical biosensors based on graphene two-dimensional nanomaterials Song, Yang;Luo, Yanan;Zhu, Chengzhou;et al.Biosensors &Bioelectronics 2016, 76(SI): 195-212 75 Fabrication techniques for microfluidic paperbased analytical devices and their applications for biological testing: A review Xia, Yanyan;Si, Jin;Li, Zhiyang Biosensors &Bioelectronics 2016, 77: 774-789 72 iMiRNA-PseDPC: MicroRNA precursor identification with a pseudo distance-pair composition approach Liu, Bin;Fang, Longyun;Liu, Fule; et al.Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 2016, 34(1): 223-235

Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 生物技术和应用微生物学

203 Optimized sgRNA design to maximize activity and minimize off-target effects of CRISPR-Cas9 Doench, John G.;Fusi, Nicolo;Sullender, Meagan;et al.Nature Biotechnology 2016, 34(2): 184 168 The ensembl variant effect predictor McLaren, William;Gil, Laurent;Hunt, Sarah E.; et al.Genome Biology 2016, 17: 122 145 A survey of best practices for RNA-seq data analysis Conesa, Ana;Madrigal, Pedro;Tarazona, Sonia; et al.Genome Biology 2016, 17: 13 143 Enhancing homology-directed genome editing by catalytically active and inactive CRISPR-Cas9 using asymmetric donor DNA Richardson, Christopher D.; Ray, Graham J.;DeWitt, Mark A.; et al.Nature Biotechnology 2016, 34(3): 339

Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems 心脏及心血管系统

1041 2015 ESC guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation task force for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)Roffi, Marco;Patrono, Carlo;Collet, Jean-Philippe;et al.European Heart Journal 2016, 37(3): 267 583 Heart disease and stroke statistics-2017 update a report from the american heart association Benjamin, Emelia J.;Blaha, Michael J.;Chiuve, Stephanie E.;et al.Circulation 2017, 135(10): E146-E603 510 2016 European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice Piepoli, Massimo F.;Hoes, Arno W.;Agewall, Stefan; et al.European Heart Journal 2016, 37(29): 2315 343 Recommendations for the evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function by echocardiography: An update from the American society of echocardiography and the european association of cardiovascular imaging Nagueh, Sherif F.;Smiseth, Otto A.;Appleton, Christopher P.; et al.Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2016, 29(4): 277-314

Cell & Tissue Engineering 细胞与组织工程学

144 Expression analysis highlights AXL as a candidate Zika virus entry receptor in neural stem cells Nowakowski,Tomasz J.; Pollen,Alex A.; Di Lullo,Elizabeth; et al.Cell Stem Cell 2016, 18(5): 591-596 110 Clinical trials with mesenchymal stem cells:An update Squillaro, Tiziana;Peluso, Gianfranco;Galderisi, Umberto Cell Transplantation 2016, 25(5): 829-848 83 Replacement of lost lgr5-positive stem cells through plasticity of their enterocyte-lineage daughters Tetteh, Paul W.;Basak, Onur;Farin, Henner F.;et al.Cell Stem Cell 2016, 18(2): 203-213 80 TGF-beta and BMP signaling in osteoblast,skeletal development, and bone formation,homeostasis and disease Wu, Mengrui;Chen, Guiqian;Li, Yiping Bone Research 2016, 4: 16009

Cell Biology 细胞生物学

299 Zika virus infects human cortical neural progenitors and attenuates their growth Tang, Hengli;Hammack, Christy;Ogden, Sarah C.;et al.Cell Stem Cell 2016, 18(5): 587-590 212 Zika virus infection during pregnancy in mice causes placental damage and fetal demise Miner, Jonathan J.;Cao, Bin;Govero, Jennifer;et al.Cell 2016, 165(5): 1080-1090 193 Biology and applications of CRISPR systems:Harnessing nature’s toolbox for genome engineering Wright, Addison V.;Nunez, James K.;Doudna, Jennifer A.Cell 2016, 164(1-2): 29-44 184 Brain-region-specific organoids using minibioreactors for modeling ZIKV exposure Qian, Xuyu;Ha Nam Nguyen;Song, Mingxi M.;et al.Cell 2016, 165(5): 1238-1254

Chemistry, Analytical 化学分析

108 The upcoming 3D-printing revolution in microfluidics Bhattacharjee, Nirveek;Urrios, Arturo;Kanga, Shawn; et al.Lab on A Chip 2016, 16(10): 1720-1742 105 Fundamentals and applications of inertial microfluidics: A review Zhang, Jun;Yan, Sheng;Yuan, Dan; et al.Lab on A Chip 2016, 16(1): 10-34 97 Recent advances in electrochemical biosensors based on graphene two-dimensional nanomaterials Song, Yang;Luo, Yanan;Zhu, Chengzhou;et al.Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2016, 76(SI): 195-212 91 Functionalization of metal nanoclusters for biomedical applications Song, Xiaorong;Goswami, Nirmal;Yang, Huanghao; et al.Analyst 2016, 141(11): 3126-3140

Chemistry, Applied 化学应用

74 Large-scale applications of amide coupling reagents for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals Dunetz, Joshua R.;Magano, Javier;Weisenburger, Gerald A.Organic Process Research& Development 2016, 20(2): 140-177 69 The use of gases in flow synthesis Mallia, Carl J.;Baxendale, Ian R.Organic Process Research& Development 2016, 20(2): 327-360 67 Why does industry not use immobilized transition metal complexes as catalysts?Huebner, Sandra;de Vries, Johannes G.;Farina, Vittorio Advanced Synthesis &Catalysis 2016, 358(1): 3-25 62 The applications of dimethyl sulfoxide as reagent in organic synthesis Wu, Xiaofeng;Natte, Kishore Advanced Synthesis &Catalysis 2016, 358(3): 336-352

Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear 无机化学与核化学

110 A robust luminescent Tb(III)-MOF with lewis basic pyridyl sites for the highly sensitive detection of metal ions and small molecules Zhao, Jun;Wang, Yenan;Dong, Wenwen; et al.Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55(7): 3265-3271 106 Enhanced photocatalytic activity of nanostructured titanium dioxide/polyaniline hybrid photocatalysts Reddy, Kakarla Raghava; Karthik, K. V.;Prasad, S. B. Benaka;et al.Polyhedron 2016, 120: 169-174 99 Magnetic anisotropy in two- to eight-coordinated transition-metal complexes: Recent developments in molecular magnetism Bar, Arun Kumar;Pichon, Celine;Sutter, Jean-Pascal Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2016, 308(SI): 346-380 91 Nanozymes in bionanotechnology: From sensing to therapeutics and beyond Wang, Xiaoyu;Hu, Yihui;Wei, Hui Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2016, 3(1): 41-60

Chemistry, Medicinal 医药化学

136 How many carbonic anhydrase inhibition mechanisms exist? Supuran, Claudiu T.Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 2016, 31(3): 345-360 82 Analysis of past and present synthetic methodologies on medicinal chemistry:Where have all the new reactions gone?Brow, Dean G.;Bostrom, Jonas Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016, 59(10): 4443-4458 75 Feeling nature’s PAINS: Natural products,natural product drugs, and Pan Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS)Baell, Jonathan B.Journal of Natural Products 2016, 79(3): 616-628 71 Quadruplex nucleic acids as novel therapeutic targets Neidle, Stephen Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2016, 59(13): 5987-6011

Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 综合化学

565 Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)-based photocatalysts for artificial photosynthesis and environmental remediation: Are we a step closer to achieving sustainability?Ong, Wee-Jun;Tan, Lling-Lling;Ng, Yun Hau; et al.Chemical Reviews 2016, 116(12): 7159-7329 475 The halogen bond Cavallo, Gabriella;Metrangolo, Pierangelo;Milani, Roberto; et al.Chemical Reviews 2016, 116(4): 2478-2601 409 Energy-level modulation of small-molecule electron acceptors to achieve over 12%efficiency in polymer solar cells Li, Sunsun;Ye, Long;Zhao, Wenchao; et al.Advanced Materials 2016, 28(42): 9423 388 Organic photoredox catalysis Romero, Nathan A.;Nicewicz, David A.Chemical Reviews 2016, 116(17): 10075-10166

Chemistry, Organic 有机化学

137 Recent advances in C-H functionalization Davies, Huw M. L.;Morton, Daniel Journal of Organic Chemistry 2016, 81(2): 343-350 85 Rhodium-catalyzed C-H bond functionalizetion with amides by double C-H/C-N bond activation Meng, Guangrong;Szostak, Michal Organic Letters 2016, 18(4): 796-799 74 Redox-neutral couplings between amides and alkynes via cobalt(III)-catalyzed C-H activation Kong, Lingheng;Yu, Songjie;Zhou, Xukai; et al.Organic Letters 2016, 18(3): 588-591 72 Experimental and calculated electrochemical potentials of common organic molecules for applications to single-electron redox chemistry Roth, Hudson G.;Romero, Nathan A.;Nicewicz, David A.Synlett 2016, 27(5): 714-723

Chemistry, Physical 物理化学

393 Recent progress in cobalt-based heterogeneous catalysts for electrochemical water splitting Wang, Jiahai;Cui, Wei;Liu, Qian; et al.Advanced Materials 2016, 28(2): 215-230 305 Activating and optimizing MoS2 basal planes for hydrogen evolution through the formation of strained sulphur vacancies Li, Hong;Tsai, Charlie;Koh, Ai Leen; et al.Nature Materials 2016, 15(1): 48 262 CsPbX3 quantum dots for lighting and displays: Room-temperature synthesis,photoluminescence superiorities, underlying origins and white light-emitting diodes Li, Xiaoming;Wu, Ye;Zhang, Shengli; et al.Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26(15): 2435-2445 230 Full-color light-emitting carbon dots with a surface-state-controlled luminescence mechanism Ding, Hui;Yu, Shangbo;Wei, Jishi;Acs Nano 2016, 10(1): 484-491

Clinical Neurology 临床神经病学

151 Management of postoperative pain: A clinical practice guideline from the american pain society, the american society of regional anesthesia and pain medicine, and the american society of anesthesiologists’committee on regional anesthesia, executive committee, and administrative council Chou, Roger;Gordon, Debra B.;de Leon-Casasola,Oscar A.; et al.Journal of Pain 2016, 17(2): 131-157 146 CSF and blood biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Olsson, Bob;Lautner, Ronald;Andreasson, Ulf; et al.Lancet Neurology 2016, 15(7): 673-684 140 Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease: Definition,natural history, and diagnostic criteria Dubois, Bruno;Hampel, Harald;Feldman, Howard H.;et al.Alzheimers & Dementia 2016, 12(3): 292-323 122 Association of proton pump inhibitors with risk of dementia a pharmacoepidemiological claims data analysis Gomm, Willy;von Holt, Klaus;Thome, Friederike; et al.Jama Neurology 2016, 73(4): 410-416

Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence 计算机科学,人工智能

219 Adaptive neural network control of an uncertain robot with full-state constraints He, Wei;Chen, Yuhao;Yin, Zhao IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016, 46(3): 620-629 169 Fuzzy-model-based reliable static output feedback H-infinity control of nonlinear hyperbolic PDE systems Qiu, Jianbin;Ding, Steven X.;Gao, Huijun; et al.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2016, 24(2): 388-400 135 Control synthesis of discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems via a multi-instant homogenous polynomial approach Xie, Xiangpeng;Yue, Dong;Zhang, Huaguang; et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016, 46(3): 630-640 113 Hybrid fuzzy adaptive output feedback control design for uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with time-varying delays and input saturation Li, Yongming;Tong, Shaocheng;Li, Tieshan IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 2016, 24(4): 841-853

Computer Science, Cybernetics 计算机科学,控制论

135 Control synthesis of discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems via a multi-instant homogenous polynomial approach Xie, Xiangpeng;Yue, Dong;Zhang, Huaguang; et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016, 46(3): 630-640 107 Filtering of interval type-2 fuzzy systems with intermittent measurements Li, Hongyi;Wu, Chengwei;Wu, Ligang; et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016, 46(3): 668-678 74 Adaptive fuzzy control of strict-feedback nonlinear time-delay systems with unmodeled dynamics Yin, Shen;Shi, Peng;Yang, Hongyan IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 2016, 46(8): 1926-1938 73 Robust object tracking via key patch sparse representation He, Zhenyu;Yi, Shuangyan;Cheung, Yiuming; et al.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017, 47(2): 354-364
