The Life of Mary Magdalene 抹大拉的马利亚

2018-05-03 08:49:23克里斯琴乔治任东升马月兰
英语世界 2018年4期

文/克里斯琴·乔治 译/任东升 析/马月兰

By Christian George

WithoutMary Magdalene1 《圣经》中共有七位以“马利亚”命名的女性,相关知识可通过《圣经》文本或百度查得。, how far would the ministry of Jesus have spread? All four of the Gospels describe her as a character of no small importance.She accompanied Jesus in his travels and supported him financially.Mary stood at the foot of the cross during Christ’s crucifixion, was the first to see the stone rolled away from the tomb and, according to Mark, encountered the risen Jesus before anyone else.


[2]Despite her importance in the Gospels, 1,400 years of literature, art,and religious teachings have handed down a less-than-biblical portrayal of Mary’s character.Was she, as many have insisted throughout the centuries,a prostitute? Did Mary entice Jesus into having his child, as suggested by Dan Brown in the novelThe Da Vinci Code?What does the historical record reveal about this shadowy heroine who is mentioned 12 times in the Gospels, more than any woman other than the mother of Jesus?


[3]According to Luke, Mary first appears on the scene after Jesus liberates her from the possession ofdemons2 demons一词(见《路加福音》第8章2—3节),在中文译本中有以下翻译:“恶鬼”(如1919年“和合本”)、“恶魔”(如1968年“思高本”)、“恶灵”(如2003年“恢复本”)。and physical ailments.Luke then mentions Mary and two other women as supporting Jesus financially.In first-century Judaism, wealthy women often made contributions toward the provisions of popularrabbis3 rabbi,音译“拉比”,原义为教师,即口传律法的教师,是犹太人中的一个特别阶层。.However, Mary went beyond this practice by joining Jesus’entourage and accompanying him—when all the disciples had fled—during the final moments of his execution.


[4]Mary of Magdala was first conflated with the penitent prostitute Mary of Bethany (Luke 7: 36—38) by Pope Gregory in the sixth century.According to one theory, this was not merely naïve papal exegesis but character assassination on account of Mary having acquired a great deal of influence among early Christians, with prominence rivaling that of Peter, the Roman Church’s first and foremost vicar of Christ.


[5]While we will never know the reason Mary Magdalene was labeled a prostitute, we do know that in many instances scripture is far more flattering to Mary than it is to Peter.In the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter fell asleep; Mary watched and wept.Peter fled from Jesus and denied him; Mary stayed with Jesus and proclaimed him.Peter abandoned the empty tomb; Mary remained.The comparisons point to the likely reality that Mary played a significant, if not central, role in the early development of the Christian church.She was, after all, the“apostle to the apostles,”as Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas—two of the leading theologian of the Latin tradition—identified her on account of her sharing the news of the risen Christ with the other apostles.


[6]Although history has been slow in granting her preeminent status, recent scholarship is rehabilitating her beleaguered reputation.Mary is getting a 21th century makeover that gives new meaning to the ancient words of a poem that Peter the Venerable penned in her honor:

Life is yours forever, Mary,

for your light is come once more

and the strength of death is broken;

now your songs of joy outpour.

Ended now the night of sorrow

Love has brought the blessed morrow.








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