她叫包珍妮,是浙江省温州市文成县一名 SMA 患者,因为运动神经元受损退化,全身肌肉萎缩无力,最瘦的时候,她只有36斤,如今,她仅有一根手指可以动。凭借唯一能动的右手大拇指,她点击手机屏幕拼命學习日语、法语、英语,同时创作歌词。她的作品被毛不易、廖俊涛、钟易轩等明星争先传唱。
3年前,珍妮第四次被送进 ICU,那时候的病情最为危急,她躺在病房里,骨瘦如柴,只有36斤,连睁开眼睛的力气都没有。她的气管被切开,戴着呼吸机,还插着进食管,在医院待了两个月。死神没有带走她,但几乎夺走她所剩无几的全部活动能力,全身只剩右手大拇指能动。
数次 ICU 九死一生的经历告诉她及家人,每一次与外界接触,都潜在足以令她致命的感染风险。小学毕业后,她只能躲在房间,缩在床上,瞪大眼睛看花白的墙壁,在滴答响个不停的闹钟声中,她开始想到自己热爱的文字。
于是,有了《予生》:我庆幸着 又度过一个昨天/我追逐着明天追逐每个明天/我爱这世界 千变万化的世界/我有许多心愿 来不及实现/我想偷走时间每一刻时间/恨不得每分每秒 再慢一点点。予生,给予新生,“我希望能够给自己一个新的生命。”
《予生》打开局面后,她已经创作了40多首高质量歌词。在实名注册的微博上,她极少提及自己的病情,从不怨天尤人,字词间充满乐观,她同时与10多位 SMA 病友保持联络,不断用自己的乐观情绪感染患同样病症的病友。
在 SMA 病友間,她是一个活跃分子。为了让更多人知道 SMA,呼吁国内相关药品尽快进入临床使用,她和龚琳娜、胡彦斌、邓飞等明星一起玩起了“含水唱歌”,用歌声点燃生命之火!新浪微博的活动点击量超过了一亿人次。
For 16-year-old Bao Zhenni, every second of her waking hours is a life-and-death struggle, and waking up still breathing is a bonus. The girl received the death penalty from the hospital when she had just learned how to walk. Bao is a victim of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a rare neuromuscular disorder characterized by loss of motor neurons and progressive muscle wasting. The doctors predicted that she would not live past the age of four, but she proved the doctors wrong and is now 16 years old, though she has been living on a breathing machine since three years ago. She uses her right thumb – the only functioning part of her body, to fight against her destiny. She taught herself essentials of Japanese, French and English, and wrote songs for famous singers.
Bao Zhenni can barely recall how it felt to be able to stand up and walk when she was a baby. The disorder caused by a genetic defect struck when the girl turned one. Spinal muscular atrophy manifests in various degrees of severity, which all have in common progressive muscle wasting and mobility impairment. At first she was able to sit in a wheelchair. Then she became bedridden day and night, and has been sentenced to death again and again by lung infections.
She still managed to go to primary school for a few years. That is the only school education she has had. What she has learned since she dropped out of school are all from the books she reads. While in school, she managed to read at least two books a week and wrote beautiful compositions that won her a stack of certificates of merit from the school. When she was put into the ICU room for the fourth time about three years ago, she was too weak to open her eyes. She was reduced to only 18 kilograms. She came out of the room still alive, but on intensive respiratory support for the rest of her life.
“There will be new medicine for me to use someday, and I will be ok,” she encourages herself every day, looking forward to a happy ending at the end of all the sufferings.
How can I live just like this for the rest of my life? How can a life be wasted like this? There must be something better to do than staring at the white walls, she thought. Encouraged by her SMA friends, she lit up her writing dreams. The nightmare ended when she received 800 yuan for her first published essay titled . With the cell phone fastened to the head of her bed, she ‘wrote the characters into the phone with her thumb. For her, the process was a physical exertion and a spiritual baptism that turns the girl into a warrior.
She began to write songs. She wrote and the lyrics were set to music by a composer named He Maozhong. The moment the melody of streamed into the ICU room in which her life was vanishing was the most beautiful moment in her life. The melody brought tears into her eyes and a weak smile on her face, bringing her back to all the beauty of being alive.
I hope I can be reborn, she wrote in . The song has been downloaded more than 7,000 times, bringing hope and financial support to the battered family. “It is not that we are saving her life. She saved my life,” the girls father Bao Zongfeng recalled how his 10-year-old daughter encouraged him in the darkest days. “We must cherish what we have now, instead of pursuing what we dont have. Like father, like son. You are the dad of a brave girl, and you should be my hero,” Zhenni wrote in a letter that healed the broken heart of the man.
Over the years, Bao Zhenni has written more than 40 songs and has been working closely with other SMA patients to call on the clinical application of new SMA medicine. A singing campaign she took part in with a group of famous singers including Gong Linna, Hu Yanbin and Deng Fei drew more than 100 million hits from netizens and a new army of fans. In her weibo postings, Bao Zhenni never feels the need to mention her sufferings. She tells the world that she was born to give and to feel happy.