Legend of the Year of the Dog

2018-04-03 01:44ByLiuDongli
Special Focus 2018年1期

By Liu Dongli

The story goes that all the animals wanted to be deified as a zodiac sign when the Jade Emperor decreed that he would select the twelve Chinese zodiac signs. Therefore,all the animals tried hard to show their merits and prove that they were good assistants to human beings.

Both Cat and Dog had close relationships with humans.Cat thought Dog ate too much and slept in front of the door all day without making any contributions, while Dog thought Cat just ate the good food and did nothing but chant scriptures and scare the rat all day. They argued and asked the Jade Emperor to decide which side was right.

So the Jade Emperor asked Dog, “How much do you eat for a meal?” Dog replied honestly,“I watch the door and guard the house every day, and I eat a bowl of food for a meal.” Then, the Jade Emperor asked Cat, “What about you?” On a sudden inspiration,Cat said, “I can chant scriptures and catch rats, and I only eat a handful of food for a meal.”Cat just wanted to tell the Jade Emperor tactfully that it could earn its living by catching rats.

After listening to what Dog and Cat said, the Jade Emperor thought Cat ate less but did more,so its contribution was greater than Dog’s. Dog was very angry because it thought Cat had won it just by a glib tongue. Therefore,Dog abused and chased after Cat trying to bite it. Cat kept running and dared not show its face, even in its home, and hid from place to place.

When Cat was hiding away,Dog seized the opportunity and went with Rooster to the Heavenly Palace. The rooster flew in front of Dog. After hiding in the dark for a long time, Cat went out and learned that Dog had gone to the Heavenly Palace to participate in the race for the Chinese zodiac.Unfortunately, Cat was too late and missed its chance.

As one of the earliest domesticated animals, dogs have always been mankind’s best friends. In fact, dogs were also highly worshipped in ancient China.

According to History of the Later Han Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Ku (ca. 2480-2345 BC), the Xirong tribe

(Western barbarians), headed by General Wu, was powerful and prosperous, and they always launched invasions at Emperor












Wu’s borders. So Emperor Ku decided to recruit warriors from all across the country, promising that whoever brought him the head of General Wu would be rewarded with land, gold, and the hand of one of his daughters. Later, a five-colored dog by the name of Pan Hu (literally“plate and jar,” the place where it was born) appeared outside the royal palace with a head in its mouth.Emperor Ku looked at it carefully and realized it was General Wu’s head.

The Emperor,despite not wanting to marry his daughter to a dog, kept his promise and allowed Pan Hu to take the princess to the South Mountain.

Three years later, the princess gave birth to six boys and six girls. After Pan Hu died, his twelve children got married and formed six couples.They wove with tree bark and dyed with grass seeds. They loved to wearfive-colored clothing that looked like Pan Hu’s fur and their clothes were usually tailored with a tail.

The legend of Pan Hu is widely circulated among many southern ethnic groups in China, such as Yao, Miao,and Li, the ancestors of whom even formed the Totemism of Pan Hu. “In their culture, Pan Hu was regarded as their earliest ancestor and supreme god. To this day, these minority ethnic groups have preserved many traditional rituals, like thefire dog dance and dog worshipping ceremony,”said Professor Sun Zhengguo from Central China Normal University.

In real life, dogs are not only our best friends,but also our good assistants. For example,guide dogs can provide mobility to the blind,police dogs can help the police to track down criminals, and so much more.(Translation: Zhu Yaguang)
