Journal of Social Worrkk

2018-03-31 16:28:39
社会工作 2018年3期

A bimonthly

( 11)FFrroomm WWiilllliinngg HHeellppeerr ttoo MMaarrggiinnaall MMaann::OOccccuuppaattiioonnaall DDiilleemmmmaa ooff CChhiinneessee SSoocciiaall WWoorrkkeerrss

Xu Xiaojun Sun Quan· 3·

The present state gap formed by the obvious dislocation of high political status and low economic status has left Chinese social workers unable to pull themselves out of the marginalized situations.This structural situation of marginality has not only gradually reduced our social workers from people who“help others to self-help"to"marginalized people"but also spawned a vicious cycle of social workers'formation of marginal personality and career development.Therefore,the fundamental solution to the current occupational difficulties in social work in China is to free social workers from the marginal situation.By narrowing the distance between their political status and economic status and repairing the inconsistent condition caused by the gap of the hierarchical status is paramount.

( 22)TThhee CCuurrrreenntt SSiittuuaattiioonn aanndd TTrreenndd ooff SSoocciiaall WWoorrkk PPrrooffeessssiioonnaalliizzaattiioonn iinn FFrroonnttiieerr EEtthhnniicc AArreeaass ffrroomm tthhee Perspective of Recognitiioonn ——Taking Kashi as an Examplee

ZHANG Hai· 11·

The professional development of social work is of great significance to the regional governance in frontier ethnic areas.In recent years,it also faces some specific difficulties,while making important breakthroughs.Recognition of deficiency is a typical problem.The recognition structure of social work professional development includes professional recognition and service recognition in the field of private services,political recognition and institutional recognition in the field of social policy,recognition of welfare contributions and recognition of governance innovation contributions in the field of public value,based on Honneth’s recognition theory.Taking the professional development of social work in Kashi as an example,the support Xinjiang project of social work talents,the exploration of local government procurement services,and the brand building of professional service have become the key ways to gain various recognition in frontier ethnic areas.The professional development of social work in frontier ethnic areas should focus on getting governance recognition to deal with the existing recognition lacks.The development should form the identity recognition by adhering to respond to the needs of the local social governance;enhance the recognition in governance capacity by providing professional services with obvious regional characters;strengthen the recognition in governance contribution by improving the evaluation of social work professional development with the view of regional governance in frontier ethnic areas.

( 33)FFrroomm CCoommmmuunniittyy NNeeeedd MMaapp ttoo CCoommmmuunniittyy AAsssseett MMaapp::tthhee AAsssseett--bbaasseedd SSttrraatteeggyy ffoorr tthhee CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn of Urban Village Communittyy

LIAO Wenwei LI Mengdi WANG Miaomiao· 23·

For a long time,there are many hardware and software community problems in urban village,but the effect of governance has not been obvious for many years.The multi-center compound mode puts forward the idea of establishing the pluralistic governance subject and makes the residents become the real governance subject through strengthening the autonomy ability of the community.The acquisition and improvement of community autonomy can use the increasing resident social capital as an important practical path.The asset-oriented community development strategy,on the one hand,makes up for the shortcomings of the need-oriented social service model,and on the other hand,can make full use of community assets and achieve the goal of improving community autonomy.The first task of the asset-based community-building strategy is to draw community assets map.Therefore,taking C Urban Village in Shantou as the case,the community needs map and community assets map are drawn,and on the basis of this,an interventive action scheme is put forward to illustrate the process of community strategy development.

( 44)RReesseeaarrcchh oonn tthhee EEmmbbeeddddeeddnneessss MMeecchhaanniissmm ooff SSoocciiaall WWoorrkk iinn WWeellffaarree IInnssttiittuuttiioonnss——Taking the Firrsstt Welfare Home in Changsha as an Example

YANG Juan LONG Huan· 40·

This paper attempts to study the relationship between social work and welfare institutions'traditional welfare services as the main line of research,taking the social work in the horizontal integration and vertical development of welfare institutions as the research logic,and based on the theoretical perspective of"embedded"to explore the embeddedness of social work in the development of welfare institutions.The research finds that the embeddedness mechanism of social work in welfare institutions is examined by structural,instrumental and relational correction:structural characterization reflects the depth of structural nesting,the instrumental representation embodies the embedded action logic,the relational index embodies the depth of the relationship,and the social work is worked in the welfare of the three indicators.The development of institutions can be divided into incremental embedding stage,joint development stage and synergistic integration stage.On the basis of the analysis of the embedded mechanism,the author explores the optimization path of the embedded mechanism.In the structure network level,we should pay attention to the seamless connection,the tool action level should improve the service professionalism,and the relationship evolution level should be paid attention to the cultivation of the trust relationship.

( 55)TThhee FFiieelldd DDiilleemmmmaa aanndd PPrraaccttiiccaall SSttrraatteeggyy ooff SSoocciiaall SSeerrvviiccee:Action Research based on T city Left-be--hind Children Service Projecctt

SONG Yanyan ZHANG Chao· 52·

This article takes the T City care for the social worker service for the left behind children as an example,taking Bourdieu's field theory as the analysis framework and using the action research method to explore the three stages of the project service in the entrance,the presence and the departure.The analysis found that the difficulties of service admission are mainly administrative service selection and passive service undertaking,long line foreign service and inefficient projects,marginal role and dilemma,multi demand and aiming deviation,and the present dilemma is the elimination of specialization and management of bureaucracy.The constraints of source integration and the conflict between active service and passive participation;the difficulty of leaving the field is manifested as the contradiction between the limited departure time and the long-term mechanism.The causes of the dilemma mainly come from the time and space of the field,the capital game and the fracture of the relationship network.Therefore,we can try to build practical strategies from demand segmentation and precise docking,professional adjustment and collaborative services,and building local support networks.

( 66)The Characteristics of Social Work in Germany

Zhang Wei· 62·

Because of the historical development and the different development of profession branches,the concept of"social pedagogy"and"social work"coexist in German social work,and social work has distinctive characteristics of pedagogy.The diverse scientific epistemological traditions such as hermeneutics,phenomenology,critical theory and positivism have made the social work of Germany have a unique theoretical system in the world.Under the framework of conservative welfare state and social welfare market economy,German social work profession has the following characteristics:The social policy is developed,the degree of social legislation is high,the core leadership of the state is stronger,the cooperation relationship between the state and the social organization is more mature,the dual functions of"helping people and supervision"are emphasized,and the dual perspectives of"prevention"and"intervention"and"individual"and"environment"are taken into consideration.

( 77)LLooggiicc aanndd pprraaccttiiccee ppaatthh ooff pprroommoottiinngg ssoocciiaall ggoovveerrnnaannccee bbyy sscciieennttiiffiicc aanndd tteecchhnnoollooggiiccaall ssoocciiaall organizattiioonnss

PAN Jianhong YANG Shanshan· 81·

In recent years,the party and the state attach great importance to the problem of social governance.As an important part of China's non-governmental organizations,the scientific and technological social organizations are responsible for scientific and technological innovation,decision-making consultation,scientific and technological evaluation and the popularization of science and technology in the promotion of social governance.This article starts with the theoretical and realistic basis of the social organization of sci-ence and technology society,and takes the college science and Technology Association as an example to analyze its practical functions in promoting social governance,and then find out the existing shortcomings,so as to improve the internal governance system,optimize the external governance environment,and promote the high quality and high efficiency of the scientific and technological social organizations.Participation in social governance.

( 88)The Study on Urban Residentss’WWoorrkk—family Balance and its Influencing Factors

GONG Ziyu· 87·

Work—family conflict is viewed as a kind of new social risk in this paper from the perspective of new social policy.Based on the survey data collected in Xiamen,we find that about a quarter of all the samples is suffering from heavy work—family conflict,and there doesn’t exist significant difference between men and women in the degree and types of conflict.A negative correlation between work—life conflict and life satisfaction and mental health is also discovered.As for the predictive factors,negative life events will aggravate work—family conflict,while convenient public service and equal gender attitude have opposite effect.Then some intervention policies including improving employees’welfare,expanding public service and cultivating modern gender concept are proposed.

( 99)EEnnddooggeennoouuss SSuuppppllyy MMeecchhaanniissmm aanndd VVaalliiddiittyy ooff PPuubblliicc CCuullttuurraall SSeerrvviicceess iinn UUrrbbaann CCoommmmuunniittiieess::Based on the Practice Analysis of“Le Lingg JJuu”in S Community of Wuhann

YANG Gang HUAXue-ting · 98·

Under the background of promoting the innovation of social governance,the social organization,as one of the multiple subjects of social governance,plays an increasingly important role in the community governance and the diversity of public cultural services for the residents.The survey found that the endogenous social organizations produced in the community incubated more effectively to meet the needs of the residents,to meet the diversity and diversity of the public service needs,to enhance the sense of gain and happiness of the residents,and to improve the performance level of the community.Taking the endogenetic social organization of S community in Wuhan as an example,this paper analyzes and summarizes the operation mechanism of endogenetic social organization.This paper discusses the operation logic of the endogenous social organizations participating in the supply of public cultural services,and analyzes its utility and development limit for community governance,in order to explore the new mechanism of community public cultural service supply.