By Mi Meng
In 1937, my grandpa, aged 20, went out rambling from Hefei to Wuhu without a stitch of extra clothing or a creature comfort to his name. It was just him and the road. Luckily, a girl named Cao Guangrong took him in and found him a job at Zhang Hengchun Pharmaceutical Factory in Wuhu.Cao Guangrong was a senior worker at the factory, and her colleagues usually called her Madam Cao. She and my grandpa started getting along very well with each other.
My grandpa was a thrifty man who would save every penny of his income. Madam Cao was a heavy smoker. Whenever she saw my grandpa, she would say to him, “Li Shouming, please buy me a pack of cigarettes.”
“You mean to give to you for nothing in return?” Grandpa asked.
“I don’t have any money to give you, but are you going to buy them or what?” was Madam Cao’s curt reply.
Sometimes, Grandpa would spend nearly half a month of his salary buying cigarettes for her.
Once, when Grandpa advised Madam Cao to cut down on smoking, she told him her story.She used to live in Peking (today’s Beijing) until she was 16, and her family was relatively affluent.Later, a rebellion broke out, and all of her family’s possessions were confiscated. Her father took her away from Peking, but he died on the journey. Her father left nothing to her except for the cigarettes in his pocket, which was how she learned to smoke, and later, she made the trek to Wuhu all alone.
It suddenly dawned on my grandpa that Madam Cao must have realized that they were both alone in the world so she kindly took him under her wing.
Soon, Grandpa won the recognition of the factory owner, and was promoted to be his attendant. On the day of Grandpa’s promotion, Madam Cao bought a new coat for him.
That night, emboldened by alcohol,Grandpa went to find Madam Cao.“Why did you buy me that coat?Do your feelings for me go beyond friendship?” Grandpa inquired.
Madam Cao was a little taken aback. “Because I always ask you to buy cigarettes for me, and I feel bad about it, so I thought that I should give you something in return. Have you been drinking?” She queried.
“Uh, maybe I have had a little.What did I say just now? Well anyway, I hear that you have many suitors, but you turned down all of them. Why?” Grandpa said.
“Because I won’t be here for long.” Madam Cao said with a cigarette dangling from her lips.
At that time, lots of people took refuge in Wuhu but they were just passing through, hoping to return to their own hometown one day.“When the war is over, I’ll return to Peking, find a man and build a house.” Madam Cao said.
On a sunny day, the Japanese army bombarded Wuhu, and the pharmaceutical factory was not spared. The explosion razed the factory to the ground.People scattered in all directions,including those who had been hoping to woo Madam Cao.Grandpa didn’t see Madam Cao coming out, so he went through the crowd, yelling her name. And when he couldn’t locate her, he ventured into the collapsed factory. It turned out that a stone had crushed
Madam Cao’s foot so she couldn’t move. Grandpa picked her up on his back and carried her out.
Everyone was planning to flee Wuhu and migrate to another city.
At midnight, Madam Cao came to find Grandpa, and they roamed along the edge of the tranquil Yangtze River. “Please take me away with you. I like you.” She said.
She also said that the thing she hated most was to wander alone all the time. She had even dreamed once that she died with her father on the road to Wuhu.She thought it was a nice dream,as she could have been with her family if the dream was true. She told Grandpa, “If we are together,I won’t be scared anymore.” And Grandpa nodded.
The next morning, Grandpa appeared on Riverside Road on time. But Madam Cao was astonished to find that Grandpa came without any luggage.
Grandpa said, “I’ve got something else to deal with, so I can’t go with you today.”
Staring at him Madam Cao replied, “Well, have you changed your mind?” “Yes, I have,” was Grandpa’s solemn reply.
The fact of the matter was that late the previous night, the factory owner had visited Grandpa and told him that he was fleeing but he had a tremendous load of valuable possessions in Wuhu that he couldn’t take with him.The Japanese would definitely seize them when they arrived,so he hoped that Grandpa could help him stow them away in a safe place. And in return he promised to give Grandpa a large sum of money. After pondering for a whole sleepless night,Grandpa reluctantly agreed. In the beginning of 1938, Madam Cao fled from Wuhu, but Grandpa stayed behind.
Six years later, someone located Madam Cao and broke the news that he had been Grandpa’s cellmate for five years.
It turned out that Grandpa had packed up the factory owner’s possessions in a trunk and sunk it in the Yangtze River by Zhongjiang Tower. But when he planned to escape Wuhu, he was arrested by the Japanese puppet army and sent to jail. The Japanese asked Grandpa the whereabouts of the items, but he refused to say a word, so he was given life imprisonment as punishment. Later, the Japanese got impatient and it was decided he would die by firing squad.
After hearing about the news,Grandpa requested a cellmate who was about to be released from prison to find a lady named Cao Guangrong.
The cellmate pulled out a covenant agreement from his pocket and handed it over to Madam Cao. It turned out that Grandpa agreed to protect the factory owner’s possessions because the owner had promised to give part of the possessions to him to buy a real estate. Grandpa asked him to sign a contract and he had had it ever since.
The cellmate said, “He wanted to hand it to you in person, and tell you to stay alive, return to Peking, find a man and build a house when the war is over.”
The execution day arrived. A gunshot rang out breaking the stillness of the chilly morning air. Grandpa looked down on his chest, but there wasn’t any blood.It was a blank shell. The Japanese puppet army had decided to delay the execution for a month.Grandpa was going to be executed with the next group of prisoners who had received the death sentence.
“Damn it! All I’m doing is sitting around waiting to die. I’m going to die in a month anyway.”He cursed with shaking fists and gnashing teeth.
A month later, the Japanese army was defeated. Wuhu was recovered. And Grandpa was released.
Grand pasaid to the executioner, “It’s a good thing that it was a blank. I shouldn’t have cursed you out.” The executioner laughed, “There are no coincidences in life. Someone is waiting for you at Jing’er Xiang Alley.”
So Grandpa went straight to Riverside Road of Wuhu, and turned left into the Alley. Madam Cao was standing there waiting for him.
Grandpa asked Madam Cao,“Where is the agreement I gave you?” Madam Cao said, “It’s been used as a bribery to save your life.”Grandpa asked, “What would you do if Wuhu hadn’t been recovered a month later?” Madam Cao said,“Then I would have spent all my money to bribe them again and again so that you would have lived and could come back to me safe and sound.”
After the owner of Zhang Hengchun Pharmaceutical Factoryrecove redhis possessions, he still built a house for Grandpa and Madam Cao.Later, Grandpa and Madam Cao got married, and Madam Cao became my grandmother.
Their home was a small twostory apartment by the Yangtze River, located at No.2 Jing’er Xiang Alley, Riverside Road of Wuhu City.
(From The Moment I See You, Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House. Translation:Zhu Yaguang)