(重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆 400044)
个用户MIMO IC可看成是多小区蜂窝链路间干扰的抽象。例如,个用户MISO IC是个邻近小区下行链路用户间干扰的抽象。如图1所示,个用户MIMO IC由对发射—接收节点组成。发射端配置根天线,接收端配置根天线,。每个发射端仅向相应的接收端发送单一信息。其信号模型为
图1 K个用户MIMO IC模型
假设接收端(用户)执行预定的周期性反馈协议将CSI反馈给发射端。周期性反馈协议可以通过控制信号实现,适用于当前主流的蜂窝移动通信标准,如3GPP LTE[22]。分别考虑2个导致CSIT时延的因素——反馈时延和反馈频率[1]。
相应地,个用户MIMO IC在本地CSIT下的总自由度定义为
3.2.1 反馈时延受限自由度折中域
图5 K个用户MISO()IC关于反馈时延的自由度折中域
3.2.2 反馈频率受限自由度折中域
图6 个用户MISO()IC关于反馈频率的自由度折中域
图7 最大(小)归一化CSI反馈时延(频率)随接收端天线数N的变化
表1 K个用户M×1(M≥1) MISO IC不同方案下的总自由度
图8 用户平均可达自由度随总体用户数K的变化情况
2) 信道和速率
图9 3个用户MIMO IC天线数与平均吞吐率的关系
3) CSI有限反馈条件
图10 3个用户MIMO IC可达自由度折中域
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Degrees of freedom of MIMO interference channel with distributed space-time interference alignment
YING Tengda, FENG Wenjiang, JIANG Weiheng, LIU Guoling, YAO Chunan, BAO Taotao
College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
In the context of-user MIMO interference channel (IC), achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) were investigated with distributed space-time interference alignment (DSTIA). By precoding with distributed current and outdated channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT), new tradeoff regions between achievable DoF and CSI feedback delay/frequency were achieved for MISO system. The impact of the number of transmit antennas on achievable DoF in the MISO system was analyzed, revealing that DoF results approach to the outer bound as the number of transmit antennas increases. Further, the impact of the number of receive antennas on achievable DoF was characterized, deriving the range of CSI feedback delay that preserves achievable DoF in the MIMO system. Theoretical and numerical analyses show that, the proposed DSTIA scheme can achieve better sum-DoFs by eliminating inter-user interference perfectly, tighten the gap between achievable DoF and outer bound, as well as improve the achievable rate of the system.
degree of freedom, distributed space-time interference alignment, MIMO interference channel, limited CSI feedback
中央高校基本科研业务费基金资助项目(No.106112016CDJXY500002);重庆市基础科学与前沿技术研究重点基金资助项目(No.cstc2017jcyjBX0047, No.cstc2015jcyjA40021)
: The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.106112016CDJXY500002), The Key Project of Chongqing Basic Science and Advanced Technology Research (No.cstc2017jcyjBX0047, No.cstc2015jcyjA40021)