朱文一工作室提交的“二维码建筑”(QR Code Architecture)方案探索了数字时代新建筑类型的可能性,方案有以下特点。
第三是关于建筑创新。勒·柯布西耶是现代建筑大师,他大胆而富有激情的创新所开创的建筑新时代影响至今。如何通过建筑设计纪念这位伟大的建筑大师?方案“二维码建筑”以二维码为介质来设计建筑,创造性地实现了现实和虚拟建筑的连接和互动。建筑表皮的读书小方体是现实的读书空间。其中,建筑屋顶的小方体组成的二维码图案代表昌迪加尔知识博物馆(Chandigarh Museum of Knowledge),也可以设置为其网站的网址。
图1 / Figure 1勒·柯布西耶的首都行政区建筑群中的设计场地The Site in the Capitol Complex Designed by Le Corbusier
Figure Sources
All figures are provided by ZHU Wenyi Atelier
In 2015, Archasm of India hosted the “Chandigarh Unbuilt: Knowledge Museum Design Competition” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of great architect Le Corbusier. The master created a classic city and architecture, Chandigarh City and it's the Capitol complex. Among them, the governor‘s house is the unbuilt building mentioned in the title of the competition. The program takes this unbuilt building area as the site and functions as the public building of the Knowledge Museum.
The “QR Code Architecture” proposal submitted by ZHU Wenyi Atelier explores a new typology of architecture in the digital age.
First, Respecting the existing Capitol complex and continuing its fabric, the main building of the Knowledge Museum is arranged at the original site (Figure 1). In addition, the large-scale pool is arranged on the ground floor and front of the main building to increase the waterscape of the entire Capitol complex. The main entrance is located in the southeast and is connected to Le Corbusier‘s famous “Open Hand” sculpture square, which is integrated into a public space area (Figure 2).
Second, It is not only a place to collect knowledge,but also a place to explore the future. On the second floor of the building, eight flexible, versatile and friendly knowledge units (Figure 3). The in-between units is semi-outdoor space where you can experience the spark of inspiration from different knowledge. The building skin is made up of many reading cubes (Figure 4—6).
Third, The scheme shows a smart way to make the real building connecting the virtual one through QR code as the medium. The QR code pattern consisting of the reading cube on the building roof represents the Chandigarh Museum of Knowledge,and of course it can be set as the website address.
Fourth, On the satellite map, the QR code pattern provides the possibility of virtual and realistic connections. It would be very easily to get the virtual information of the building through scanning the building roof with the QR code reading app on your smart phone (Figure 7).
Nearly 100 years ago, Le Corbusier advocated“Towards a New Architecture”. Today, what is the new architecture in the digital age? This is a challenge for contemporary architects. The scheme “QR Code Architecture” explores a possibility in this regard.
图2 / Figure 2二维码建筑与自由手雕塑QR Code Architecture and Open Hand Sculpture
图3 / Figure 3二维码建筑各层平面图Plans of QR Code Architecture
图4 / Figure 4二维码建筑立面Facade of QR Code Architecture
图5 / Figure 5二维码建筑入口立面Entrance Facade of QR Code Architecture
图6 / Figure 6二维码建筑剖面图Section of QR Code Architecture
图7 / Figure 7二维码建筑总图Master Plan of QR Code Architecture