⊙ By John Downer
翻译:T Boy
其实,宽吻海豚只不过发明了一种独有的捕食方法罢了,而在南非,卷尾鸟与狐獴这对“合作伙伴”却要彼此斗智斗勇,才能填饱肚子。它们一而再的较量让人忍俊不禁。英式发音 适合泛听语速:115词/分钟
Perhaps the cleverest scam in the animal world can be found in South Africa’s Kalahari Desert.
At the heart of this2)deceptionis the3)drongo,a bird that likes to hang out with4)meerkats. The meerkats5)foragefor insects. While they eat, a meerkat is on6)sentryduty looking for danger.Drongos have7)keen eyesight, and as they can8)perchhigher, they often spot the danger first.9)Martial eaglesare a serious threat. The drongo’s alarm10)alerts the meerkats. They, in turn, call and run for cover.
Having their own11)lookout bird helps the meerkats spend more time feeding. But there is a price to pay. The drongo isn’t quite as selfless as he seems, and has learned to turn this alarm to his advantage. He becomes an expert on their habits, learning that when an adult finds food, it calls out to the youngsters to share. As the food is about to be exchanged, the drongo calls the alarm,but this time, it’s a trick. As the meerkats abandon their food and flee, the drongo steals their meal.
1) scam [skæm] n. 诡计,阴谋
2) deception [dɪ΄sepʃ(ə)n] n. 骗局,诡计
3) drongo [΄drɒŋɡəʊ] n. 卷尾鸟
4) meerkat [΄mɪəkæt] n. (南非)狐獴,猫鼬,蒙哥
5) forage [΄fɒrɪdʒ] v. 搜寻食物
6) sentry [΄sentrɪ] n. 警卫,看守
7) keen [kiːn] adj. 锐利的
8) perch [pзːtʃ] v. (鸟)栖息,停歇
9) martial eagle 猛雕
10) alert [ə΄lзːt] v. 警告
11) lookout [΄lʊkaʊt] n. 瞭望
Onto a good thing, the drongo tries again. But the meerkats know when they’ve been12)duped.And this time, no one reacts at all.
So the drongo takes it to the next level. But even screaming the alarm in their face doesn’t work. The meerkats are smart enough to know a cheat when they hear one.
Or are they? The drongo has another trick to pull. This time, the drongo13)mimicsthe meerkats’ own alarm call. It’s so accurate, the meerkats are duped again.
Drongos get over a fifth of their daily meals by making false alarms and stealing. When he’s exhausted all his tricks, he tries a more14)brazen approach. But he’s pushed his luck too far. He must try his scams elsewhere.
The intelligence of animals is sometimes so extraordinary, it can truly amaze.
12) dupe [djuːp] v. 欺骗
13) mimic [΄mɪmɪk] v. 模仿
14) brazen [΄breɪz(ə)n] adj. 厚颜无耻的
① At the heart of this deception is the drongo, a bird that likes to hang out with meerkats.
② They, in turn, call and run for cover.
③ Onto a good thing, the drongo tries again.
① 这是一个倒装句,介词短语at the heart of this deception在句子中充当表语,与系动词is一起被提到主语the drongo前,用以强调介词短语要表达的内容。
② 介词短语in turn在句中作状语,说明动词call的方式。
③ 介词短语onto a good thing作状语,说明主句发生的原因。