⊙ By Ephrat Livni
你知道圆周率日(Pi Day)吗?每年的3月14日,不少人会在15点9分举行庆祝活动——有时甚至精确到26秒!在普通人眼中,π也许只是一个数学符号;但是在有心人看来,这个无穷无尽的数列当中其实蕴含着丰富的哲理……
You probably first met pi—the number used to calculate the circumference[圆周]of a circle—when you were in school. If you aren’t really a math fan, you probably haven’t thought about it since then. But pi has practical applications for everyone as a real tool to better understand the universe and life itself.
Numerically[数字上], pi is 3.14159, plus some. That added bit—the plus some—continuesinfinitely[无限地], a series of digits that never stop in a numbersequence[序列]that doesn’t repeat, ever. In that infinite repetition lies pi’s greatest lesson.
Computers have calculated pi to thetrillions[万亿]of digits. But pi isn’t really solved and doesn’t appear to be solvable.Pi is wonderful precisely[正好]because it can only ever be understood theoretically, never actually grasped in itsentirety[全部]. The lack of solution can be ademonstration[证明]of a classicaxiom[格言]: The wisest among us know only how little we know.
The more we know, the more apparent it is that there is much more to know. For each individual, and for humanity as a whole,there is always that added bit that simply can’t be figured out, no matter how much information or education we possess.
Mysteries remain, always, and that can be a good thing. Like the digits of pi that have yet to be calculated andstretch[延伸]on
阅读难度endlessly, it is proof that calculations could be imperfect. Things we can’t imagine could still happen, for better and for worse.
Life and the universe, like pi, don’t make perfect sense. We may have a very good idea of what is likely to occur under a certain set of circumstances, applying all the information we have at a given time, and we may attempt toinsure against[使免于]all unknowns.But mystery is aconstant[恒量], something containing infinite possibilities in our lives.That is what pi demonstrates so certainly.Math is our guide, but not our master. It cannot provide all the answers.
Life and the universe, like pi, don’t make perfect sense.
无论是口语还是书面语,我们在各种不同的语境中经常会碰到make sense这个词组,它可以表示“讲得通,有意义”,也可以表示“合情合理,明智”,还可以搭配of表示“理解,弄懂”。要理解这个词组的准确意思,我们需要根据具体的上下文进行判断,如:
● A sentence must make sense.(句子必须有意义。)
● It makes sense to take care of your health.(注重健康实乃明智之举。)
● Can you make sense of what he says?(你能听懂他在说什么吗?)