Advice to Young Girls致少女

2018-03-07 07:56:39ByBuzzFeed
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年3期

⊙By BuzzFeed



美式发音 适合泛听语速:190词/分钟


Let your work speak for yourself.

Do not live someone else’s life and someone’s…someone else’s idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you. Womanhood is everything that’s inside of you.

Be absolutely who you are, and be stick to your1)instinctand your2)guts, and don’t try to be like other people.

Be happy with who you are and love your3)insecurities, because when you grow up, I think that’s what’s gonna make you YOU. It’s gonna4)differentiateyou from the group, so…that’s what my mom’s always told me. I followed it.

It’s so easy to spread the message of “being yourself,” but actually sort of5)implementingit in your life is incredibly difficult. I think it takes a long time to find what makes you happy and what your goals are.

Do not think in color. Don’t think in color. You can feel in color, ’cause obviously it’s beautiful and it’s the best, but not think it. That shouldn’t be the first thing you think about when you wake up, and the first thing you think about when you walk out your door. Think about yourself.

I think we have to do things to keep a balance in our lives, and not let any institution,such as Hollywood,6)definewho we are. You’ve gotta know who you are and present that.

All women—anyone—don’t ask for permission. What are you waiting for? What are you asking for?

Yes, it’s gonna be a struggle. And yes, you’re gonna hear a lot of “no”s before you hear a “yes.” But learn to enjoy the process, and7)embraceit, and have fun with it.You know, work hard—be so good they can’t ignore you, you know. Keep to your morals, keep to your8)integrity, and don’t stop fighting. Because,9)ultimately, for any dream, for any goal, it takes a lifetime. And why wouldn’t you wanna give it that? It’s not a race—it’s a journey, and enjoy the journey.


1) instinct [΄ɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能,直觉

2) guts [ɡʌts] n. <口>勇气,胆量

3) insecurity [ˌɪnsɪ΄kjʊərətɪ] n. 不安全,不安全感

4) differentiate [ˌdɪfə΄renʃɪeɪt] v. 区分,区别

5) implement [΄ɪmplɪment] v. 实现,履行

6) define [dɪ΄faɪn] v. 下定义

7) embrace [ɪm΄breɪs] v. 采纳,接受

8) integrity [ɪn΄teɡrɪtɪ] n. 正直,诚实

9) ultimately [΄ʌltɪmətlɪ] adv. 最后,最终



● His new book really exposed the guts of society. (他这本新书确实揭露了社会的本质。)

● She had the guts to admit she was wrong. (她敢于承认自己的错误。)

◆ 用你的工作成果为自己发声。

◆ 过自己的生活,不要盲目认同……他人对女性的定义。做女人就是做自己,你的内在就是构成女性身份的一切。

◆ 全心做你自己,遵循直觉,鼓足勇气,不要仿效他人。

◆ 善待自己,珍惜自己的不安感,因为当你长大后,这些才是真正塑造你这个人的特质,能让你与众不同……这是我妈妈一直以来对我的告诫,我从善如流。

◆ 要传达“做你自己”的理念非常简单,但要把这个理念真正运用到生活中,其实是极其困难的。你需要花很长时间才能找到让你快乐的源泉,以及你的目标所在。

◆ 不要老想着肤色,别老想着肤色。你可以尽情感受肤色的魅力,因为它确实很美,是最棒的,但你不能让它局限了自己的思维。肤色不该是你醒来时想到的第一件事,也不该是你走出家门时考虑的第一件事。多想想你自己吧。

◆ 在我看来,我们必须做些什么来保持生活的平衡,不要让任何体系(比如好莱坞)来定义我们是谁。你必须了解自己,并将自我表现出来。

◆ 任何女性——任何人——行事做人,大可不必寻求别人的准许。你还在等什么?你想要什么样的认同?

◆ 没错,这确实会很难熬。没错,在得到一句肯定之前,你会被人否定无数次。但你得学着去享受这个过程,接受挫折,从中找到乐趣。

◆ 瞧,你得非常努力——表现特别好,让他们无法忽视你。坚守道德准则,正直做人,不断奋斗。因为归根到底,无论你有什么梦想,有什么目标,都要为之花上一生的时间。那么,何不穷尽一生,放手一搏呢?人生不是一场比赛,而是一趟旅程,好好享受旅途吧!

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